The paper says that Fiz is over the moon with the news but she's got problems ahead when she finds out that John Stape murders Colin Fishwick.
The article further states that Corrie writers have another baby twist in store. Natasha also falls pregnant - but secretly has an abortion when boyfriend Nick Tilsley isn't ready to be a dad. When Nick changes his mind and wants to see his baby's scan, Nat begs Fiz to lend her own.
Ah, soap, eh. Doncha just love it?
Oh dear. The writers at Corrie have done it again. As soon as a character enters the show, who has brains, ambition or any moxie at all, thay have to end up making him thorougly unpleasant and, more often than not, turning him/her into a villain. They did this with Bradley, Matt the doctor, Richard, Gail's last hubby....and many more. Why cannot they leave a few smart characters in the show rather than leaving us with the same old troupe of brainless morons.
Oh for goodness sake!
Morons for morons I guess.
Don't you think they are accidentally-on-purpose leaking rather too many plot lines recently?
Ever feel you are being marketed at?
Fishwife - it goes in cycles. Someone I think does leak the storylines (and probably gets paid by the tabloids for doing so, I wonder?) but no, why should we feel marketed at? It's the tabloids who are reporting it. I often get spoilers emailed to me but I don't blog them because I don't want to get into trouble with ITV. I only ever blog things I can point to on the internet and say "that's where it came from". I choose to blog it because I love spoilers and this blog's about spoilers.
I love spoilers too, that's why I'm here :D
I like to read, think about them, form my own thoughts and then see how far off the mark I was.
Funnily, years ago I would absolutely shun spoilers.
Story lines seemed to progress much slower then, now it's all part of the entertainment.
Please keep 'em coming, you all do a fantastic job.
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