She swaps her usual red wine for whisky, and even resorts to drinking before breakfast! Perhaps this will tie in with the departure of boyfriend Trevor from Coronation Street.
Looks like another big storyline ahead for Alison King, and I'm delighted to see Carla back at the forefront of the show. Not sure about this storyline though, feels like they've just done this with Peter Barlow. Hopefully it will grow on me!
You're right. we haven't done an addiction story in oh... a few months!
Carla will be great at it though.
Oh No. Groan. Carla is a strong woman and it will diminish her character to see her stumbling round clutching a bottle of vodka. And you just know that, just as suddenly, she'll be over it, and supping ale in the Rovers like it never happened. Bad idea IMHO.
We have seen it done wit Peter BUT Carla isn't Peter, Carla's a proud woman, don't expect to see her making a fool of herself in the street, because that isnt Carla, she will more likely be knocking back the wine once she has got home, it will be interesting to see
On reading this I thought that at some point she will probably get over it - like Peter.
- But it's not like catching a virus! From what I've read alcoholics are never 'cured' - It's always with them FOR LIFE - what they do is learn to address the issues that compelled them to become an alcoholic and control their urges. They never just 'get over it'. (Although to be fair to the Peter character, regular references are made to his 'ailment', but how long will that last?)
Corrie used to be so good at these issues, but along with Corrie, in the majority of soaps these days most of the characters who become an alcoholic or drug addict get over it, same goes for cancer. Yet I have experience of some work acquaintances who were diagnosed with cancer - and unlike Sally & co - they all died. (In one case from diagnosis to death within three months!) Last week a business acquaintance has been diagnosed with throat cancer - but seeing how Sally is proof positive that you can get over it in no time at all, I expect it'll be a breeze for her to overcome.
There was a time when Corrie tackled these issues seriously - when Alma got cancer, there was no Disney like miraculous recovery - she died. Now all soaps appear to concentrate on that percentage of cancer sufferers who survive as if it's the norm. (Mind you with Kylie Minogue 'getting over it' perhaps I'm wrong and maybe it is the norm these days - although breast cancer in paticular does has a high survival success rate).
Alcoholism? Bah! for soap characters a cold is far worse.
I think the Peter story has been handled brilliantly, tbh
And people actually DO get cured from cancer, my dad was when he was diagnosed with it last year, so I don't see why Sally shouldnt be cured of it.
even Sally herself said that she wasn't cured, they were still watching for it. she has to take medicine for months or years? to keep it at bay. my aunt in law had a similar story to sally's (found lump, got it checked, it was cancer, removal, medicine, health) while my mother in law was battling a different cancer and died.
I like the fact Carla admits to herself that she has a problem and goes to AA by herself, she's a strong intelligent person, so it makes sense
I think talking of being cured of cancer is a misnomer. Watching Sally being 'cured' of cancer is very comforting, but that's not how the professionals measure the 'cure'. (Admittedly, Sally does talk of the doctors 'still watching for it', so that's a plus to any watching viewer who thinks catching it early is the be-all-and-end-all to a 'cure').
Instead, the professionals talk of percentages and the number of cancer patients who have survived AFTER first being diagnosed at the later 5 year and 10 year points.
Amongst the common cancers, breast cancer sufferers have quite a high survival rate after 10 years and has improved to roughly 7 out of 10 patients surviving. Which might seem quite pessimistic regarding the 3 out of every 10 who don't survive to the measurable points to some if they've just watched soap characters contract the disease and then get completely 'cured' from it.
On the other hand those with cancer of the pancreas have an extremely low survival rate at 5 and 10 years - down to very low single percentage points.
So it's not about getting 'cured' over-and-done-with per se, but how long the sufferer survives after first being diagnosed, before talking of being 'cured'.
I think the soaps can sometimes give the impression of lucky cancer victims being completely 'cured' after treatment ala Peggy in Eastenders.
Incidentally, the cancer survival rates are far higher in Europe than they are for here in the UK. For some, that's a disgrace.
I also think that telly doesn't like to show cancer patients dying on screen as it's very difficult for viewers to watch. Most of us have know people or relatives struggling with the disease. I think Alma died because the actress wanted to leave. Possibly if Sally Dyvenor was leaving, Sally Webster wouldn't have either but it's better to show the hopeful side of things. We watch Corrie for escape, not a reminder of sad things in our lives though of course that still happens.
I know the Carla storyline will be different from the Peter one but having it come so soon after is a bit of a bore.
I don't really like Carla, I feel that she already gets a lot of screentime and storylines considering she doesn't even live on the Street. But it's actually quite realistic as she always seems to have a glass of wine in her hand when she gets stressed.
a bet Carla will be more of a 'functional' alcoholic rather then with Peter who was just a total mess when boozed up.
It'll probably take longer for people to catch on she has a problem.
Yes, I noticed that Carla always has a big glass in her hand. Am I the only one irritated by her voice? I find it so nasal and screechy. Like the actress, but can't warm to the character..
Rebecca in TO
I agree with Rebecca. Ali King is lovely, but I find Carla a very unlikeable character.
This poor woman! What else can go wrong with her? I don't particularly like her, yet I somewhat respect her. Like that bitchy female boss that you can sometimes have. Well, that's what she is! Poor lonely Carla!
- Yoork (from work - can't sign in!)
If Carla turns to drink because of splitting up with Trevor - then what are the reasons for the split? Anyone know yet?
NOOOOOO! This is terrible :( They are going to ruin my favourite character. I like her because she's so fierce, being all Peter Barlow pathetic will absolutely ruin her coolness.
She is my fave character too!!! I love her!!!!
but don't worry I hear that she will get help from peter andmichelle and in few weeks will be over it and will be back to her normal self!!! :D xxx
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