When she was in the hospital bed, the nurse asked her to confirm her name and date of birth. Sally got her name right but for her date of birth she replied: "Seventh of the eleventh, 1967". I whizzed the Sky+ back a couple of times to be sure I'd heard her right - because that's not Sally's birthday. She was born on July 11, 1967 and I remembered this because I blogged about Sally's 40th birthday back in July 2007 on a different website. So, Sally had meant to say "Eleventh of the seventh, 1967." Mind you, she had just taken her pre-op so her mind could have wandered, but still...
Yours, pedantic of blogland.
Don't worry Glenda, you weren't the only one to pick up on this!
Dozy nurse for not picking up on the slip of the tongue by drugged-up Sal! :)
Or she could have said "Seven-Eleven" as in month-day? Probably that's what she was meant to say and the actress flubbed it a bit. Good catch!
A British person would never say the figures that way round: it's always dd/mm/yy. To put the month first us an Americanism which hasn't transferred here, where it is today 17/01.
So she was trying to sound chic and American...
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