And as Becky struggles to come to terms with her grief, what does feckless husband Steve go and do? He only chats up Kelly Crabtree, that's what, leaving Becky alone. She eventually breaks down and confides in Roy and Hayley.
Could this be the beginning of the end for Becky and Steve?
yes, let's split them up. Steve M. has more chances then to get into mischief. Becky can "grow" from this awful experience...this is a soap after all, they can always re-marry later!
Poor Becks. This seems to be shaping up as her annus horribilus
I am finding the Becky and Steve marraige very tiresome. Why the writers think seeing them constantly arguing and falling out is entertaining I dont know! They never gelled together as a couple, enough already. Let them split up and have stories on their own they are far more interesting that way imo.
I agree with Walzing Matilda. In yesterday's episode, it felt like they were making Steve unlikeable, so that we would feel sorry for Becky, which is silly because Steve is ultimately a fun, loveable character!
steve is a loveable character but he can't half be a prat sometimes.
They need Steve and Becky together for when Tracy Barlow returns, there'll obviously be drama there with her being such a good mum to Amy,
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