While Corrie cast and crew were on location to film the scenes for Gail and Joe's honeymoon in the Lake District, they all stayed in The Waterhead Hotel near Ambleside. And we'll be back in The Lakes in February when Joe, er, takes the plunge in his boat and drowns. Poor Gail.
People from north and west Cumbria secured parts as extras in the February Corrie scenes after Phil McKay of Carlisle-based Lakeside Castings was contacted by Granada Television.
Um, why did you have to reveal what happens in Feb..... all I wanted to know was where they were and now you've gone and spoiled the next few weeks viewing. Thanks.
I just wanted to know what the name of the lakeside chalet that gail and joe were filmed in was, on the Monday night programme and where it is,not where they stayed
yes well ruined . where is the lakeside chalet and can it be rented
no, no, no -- this blog has had that spoiler about Joe and the insurance scam for a while now! But spoiler or no...it's not the what's the spoiler but how the spoiler...
I'm actually looking forward to being done with this whole money/loan shark problem...and the more spectacular the ending/resolution of this - lights, bells, whistles, explosion, etc...-- the better!
Doh. Warning - this blog contains spoilers. Always has, always will.
What a short honeymoon that was!
The lakeside chalet where the filming was carried out was Wyke Bay, on the Pullwood Bay Estate. Have a look at their website www.pullwoodbay.com for more information.
The place where Gail stayed is called it is in Ambleside, and can be rented. They have Wyke Bay, which is where the honeymoon was, but there are also Lakeside Apartments and Woodland Cottages to hire.
cheers hopefully i can beat Brett to it!!
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