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Sunday 3 March 2019

The Week In Classic Corrie

MONDAY - Episodes originally broadcast 4th and 7th October 1991

Having decided she wasn't strong enough to bend Nicky to her will all on her own, Ivy enlisted God into the battle, dragging him to Mass and tempting him into becoming an altar boy by dangling the church football team in front of him.  Gail was of course furious.  Jim decided that as they had another baby on the way they needed a bigger house, and drew up plans to build an extension on the back yard.  He decided not to bother with planning permission though because it would take too long.  I'm sure the neighbours will be totally happy with that.  Reg invited Rita to his housewarming, but she asked around and found nobody else had been invited, and feared he was trying to con her into being alone with him.  She dragged Bet along and they discovered that definitely was his plan so they drank all his champagne and laughed at his water bed.  Alma decided to settle for an extremely dull relationship with Ken rather than look around for excitement.  (As she was bemoaning her love life, Don appeared, and jokingly said if he was single he'd be straight in there, for which Alma gave him a free breakfast.  She'll regret that).

TUESDAY - Episodes originally broadcast 9th and 11th October 1991

There was a real dearth of neighbourliness today.  Kevin had lost his job, so he started fixing cars in the courtyard opposite the Kabin.  Derek and Mavis objected to him lowering the tone and grassed him up to the police.  The rest of the Street shunned the Wiltons for depriving Kevin of an honest day's work.  Jim's extension was causing headaches too.  He managed to placate Vera by saying it'd bring as much value to her house as her stone cladding brought to his, but Sally was being driven mad by the banging keeping her and Rosie awake and screamed at Steve.  Liz wondered if it was worth annoying the neighbours and begged Jim to get proper planning permission.  Nicky was doing well in the church football team.  Audrey laid into Ivy for interfering, but Gail and Martin were hoping he'd get bored and quit of his own accord.  They were less happy when Nicky told them Ivy was going to leave him all her money if his name was Tilsley.

WEDNESDAY - Episodes originally broadcast 14th and 16th October 1991

Jim got a bloke round to draw up proper plans for his extension.  Vera overheard them and realised his little knock through was actually a two storey behemoth.  She enlisted Kevin and Sally's help, but when Jack mentioned it, Jim flew off the handle because his neighbours wanted silly things like "light" and "property value".  Jack ended up notifying the Council planning department and they promised to send an enforcement man round.  Martin told Ivy to butt out of their lives, but when he tried to stop Nicky from playing on the church football team, he ran off and did it anyway.  Martin ended up dragging him off the pitch in the middle of the game, leaving Nicky not talking to him and spectator Ivy in tears.  Alf enlisted Bet's help in buying Audrey an eternity ring, which she did mainly to get Alec in the jeweller's so he could buy her a ring too.  While Audrey got a lovely rack of diamonds, Bet got... a travelling alarm clock.  (Incidentally, that's the same ring that psychic Rosemary mentioned when she tried to con Audrey last year!)

THURSDAY - Episodes originally broadcast 18th and 21st October 1991

In last week's Corrie, David put some money in a tin at exactly the point Shona needed a load of cash, and I thought "how contrived".  In today's Classic Corrie, Kevin discovered some money Sally had been squirrelling away at exactly the point he needed some cash, and I thought "how contrived".  He put the money on a can't miss bet from Des, though sadly, the horse fell, and he ended up twenty quid down.  After months away, Mike reappeared, smug as ever and moving into the accommodation at the Rovers.  He turned up on Alma's doorstep in landlord mode, promising to fix the hole in her roof, and she sent him away so she could have an incredibly tedious date with Ken Barlow. They slept together despite them having all the chemistry of a bottle of tap water.  Nicky was sulking with Martin, which caused him to worry because the social worker was coming round soon.  Meanwhile the priest talked to Don about the situation and, when he heard the whole story, he counselled Ivy to forgive and forget.  She took that about as well as you'd expect.  Vera got up a petition against Jim's extension, though she could only manage her and Jack's signatures.  It was still enough to anger Bet.  She launched into a magnificent monologue where she banned discussion of the matter from the pub, climaxing with her legendary "Get it?  Got it?  Good."  In the face of such formidable opposition the Duckworths abandoned the petition but promised to object to the planning application.

FRIDAY - Episodes originally broadcast 23rd and 25th October 1991

Mike invited Deirdre out for dinner, but when they went in the pub and saw Alma and Ken in there, she realised he was using her and stormed out.  Meanwhile the residents debated about his financial situation - Jack reckoned he was on hard times, but Liz pointed out that a man with a mobile phone could conduct his business anywhere.  Reg delivered a speech about what a waste of time mobiles are which hasn't aged well.  A social worker arrived to interview the Platts about the adoption just as Gail hurried Human Unlanced Boil Ivy down the front path.  Ivy realised why the social were there and resolved to interfere.  A frustrated Sally took the rest of her savings and chucked it away on a bad bet to show Kevin what a waste of time it was.  He went for a job to try and get some cash, but they rejected him for being too old and experienced.  Sally instead encouraged him to stick to running his own business.

If you've been affected by the thought of Reg Holdsworth on a waterbed, call the ITV Action Line, or send me a message on Twitter @merseytart and I'll do my best to counsel you.

Classic Corrie is on ITV3 every weekday at 14:50.

All original work on Coronation Street Blog is covered by a Creative Commons License

1 comment:

Louby said...

When was Ivy nice enough for Don to think that he'd like to be married to her?! Must have been a whirlwind romance!


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