GARY RESORTS TO BLACKMAIL A desperate Gary calls Peter, demanding his cash or he’ll report Carla to the police. Peter gives Gary £9k explaining it’s all he could get for the boat. Handing the cash over to Rick, Gary’s hopeful he’s off the hook but Rick tells Gary that from now on the works for him!
CLAUDIA IS CAUGHT OUT Daniel and Sinead throw a welcome home party for Bertie. Beth and Claudia clash and when Claudia’s gift of a baby monitor picks up Beth slagging her off, Ken leaps to Claudia’s defence. However by insisting they’re nothing more than friends he also offends Claudia. Will a heart to heart in the Rovers see them admit there’s more to their friendship?
IT ALL PROVES TOO MUCH FOR TIM Feeling unwell Tim reaches for the indigestion tablets. However when Gina calls in the cab office, as she makes to leave the street, she’s shocked at the state of Tim. Back at home Tim tries to ignore the pains in his chest and arm but Gina can’t leave until she knows Tim’s ok. Calling at No.8 she tells Sally he needs to see a doctor. Realising something is horribly wrong Sally calls an ambulance.
ELSEWHERE Toyah reassures Imran about their relationship. Billy calls in the bistro with Chloe, an ex offender. Michelle’s furious when Robert reveals he’s staying at the bistro and has hired Chloe to replace Ryan. Carla arrives back to face the music. Daniel and Sinead plan a christening for Bertie.

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