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Saturday 2 March 2019

Harry Visinoni Interview: Seb falls for Sarah

How long has Seb had a crush on Sarah? Has his feelings intensified because of the kind gestures she keeps doing for him?
Seb has had a crush on Sarah for a while and obviously he has seen her before on the street but recently he has been spending more time with her. He starts thinking that she might actually have feelings for him because she has started to do things for him.

Is he interpreting her kind gestures for reciprocated feelings?
Yes, Seb thinks that he has a chance especially as they are interacting a lot more.

Do you think Seb is using his crush on Sarah as a distraction from what is going on in his family life?
Yes, it is definitely a distraction for him because it is occupying his mind.

How does Seb feel when he thinks that everyone has forgotten about his birthday?
Seb feels like he is being ignored all day. Even Gary says he doesn’t want to go for a drink with him so he feels like everyone has forgotten his birthday and he has got no one to drink with. He just wants to go home and get drunk with Eileen.

What does he think when Sarah says she has a birthday surprise for him?
He is intrigued by what it could be, he thinks it is a bit flirty. He doesn’t want to make any assumptions but he is curious.

It’s a comedy of errors when Eileen innocently thinks on her feet and tells Seb that Sarah is looking for him, tell us what happens next.
This makes Seb think that Sarah wants him to go to her house, he is not making any assumptions but he interested to know what is going on. He walks in to find the note and he immediately thinks it is for him. From his point of view he has just been told to go round to Sarah’s, there’s a note that says something along the lines of, “In the bath, waiting for you,” Sarah has been giving off semi-flirtatious signs, so why wouldn’t he go upstairs?

What is going through his mind when he reads the note?
He thinks, “Wow, this is actually happening and she is so forward about it!”

Does Seb think about Gary at all in this situation or is he using this as a way to get back at Gary?
He does give Gary a second thought because although he there has been bad blood between them in the past, he still does have a connection with Gary and Gary is still his mate. But then again he does think that Gary has ignored him on his birthday so he is annoyed with Gary about that. At this point, he’s read the note and his feelings overpower everything else in young Seb’s mind; in this moment, he doesn’t care about Gary.

Is Seb scared of what Gary will do if he finds out about his visit to Sarah’s?
If you look at Seb’s past, he has had abusive stepdads so he’s seen way worse than Gary and he is not going to be scared of Gary... maybe he should be!

What was it like filming the scenes where Gary and Seb have a scuffle?
I always enjoy working with Mikey, it’s always a pleasure. We had a fight arranger so we had to negotiate how to do it because it is intense. Mikey and I just go for it and we tell each other to be as rough as we want; there’s no play nice because we want it to look as real as possible.

Do you think Seb and Sarah would make a good couple?
He would probably be a bit out of his depth!

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coconno196 said...

Utterly ridiculous. Sarah is in her 30s and has a daughter who is older than Seb. Fair enough that he might fancy her, but not that she'd reciprocate. Plus, Seb is HIV-positive so can't rush into a sexual relationship without precautions.

Anonymous said...

I also agree it's ridiculous!
First Adam admitted he had a crush on Sarah when he was a teenager and now Seb?
Is this the trend now,every bloke [unless he's gay]has to have a crush on Sarah[even Josh was flirting with her before he raped David.]?
What about Emma?I thought Seb fancied her?

coconno196 said...

At least Emma is only a couple of years older than Seb, but he is so horrible at the moment that he doesn't deserve her. He is unnecessarily nasty to Abingdon, and is yet another character who expects someone on the street to give him a job whether they have a vacancy or not.

MartesBC said...

Would like to see the hat passed around for donations.. and have Seb be David's first customer! lol!


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