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Saturday 2 March 2019

Corrie weekly update - Mothers, Murder and Moral High Ground

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Belle of the Back Streets

There’s a hostage situation going on. We’ve got an escaped convict – Clayton Hibbs, who killed Kylie Platt. We’ve got a mother in peril – Shona – as Clayton takes his own mum hostage and threatens to kill her. We’ve got the Platts out of their mind with worry. We’ve been given all the ingredients for a full-on major Coronation Street storyline. We should be biting our nails, sitting on the edge of our sofas, our hearts should be hammering … and yet they’re not. This is Clayton. He killed Kylie. We really don’t care, well, not in our house any road. Next!

Over at the factory, Gary tells Carla she needs a new roof over Underworld after Peter’s boat fire did serious damage. Problem is, Carla’s skint. She asks Gary to do what he can on a budget. Gary tells her that it won’t be fixed properly, not as it should. Added to Carla’s woes this week is the fact that Roy chucks her out, unable to deal with her lies to the police and to everyone on the street about who caused the boat fire. I’m on Roy’s side on this one, it’s completely in his nature to take the moral high ground – and rightly so.

Daniel however, has no qualms in cheating. He is his father’s son. Too busy with baby Bertie and ill wife Sinead, Daniel’s MA work suffers and he ropes in both Brian and his dad to help. Brian even writes the conclusion of Daniel’s essay and Daniel submits it as his own. Ken isn’t best pleased to hear of Brian helping his son and Ken’s put out that he wasn’t asked first.

Elsewhere this week, unable to take being called a liar for stealing the money she’d raised to throw Sally a party, Gina decides to leave Weatherfield. No-one will believe that she didn’t steal the money. Just as she’s ready to go, Kev returns from his holiday with Jack and tells all and sundry that he was the one who took the money. But Sally is still far from wanting to reconcile with her sister.  Gina decides to stay on the street but has nowhere to live after Beth threw her out and it’s Kevin who takes her in.

Upstairs at Rita’s, she’s got both Gemma and Paul living with her but it’s proving too much. Paul’s far too messy and Rita’s finding it hard cleaning up after him all the time. She has a quiet word with Gemma who tells Paul he’s going to have to move out. He says there might be a bail hostel opening in Weatherfield soon where he can find a place.

The bail hostel divides Weatherfield, however. Some of the residents are in fear of the kind of ex-con who might end up living there while others welcome it. Claudia’s definitely on the side of those who don’t want the bail hostel on their doorstep and after being gazumped on a house in Victoria Street, she buys a flat on the Red Bank development instead. 

Meanwhile, Steve and Tracy put an offer in on a house in Victoria Street as they look to the future with Amy and her baby. Problem is, Amy’s had an abortion although Tracy assumes she’s had a miscarriage and Amy is only too happy to let her mum think this, for a while. It’s Bethany who forces Amy to tell Tracy the truth and she’s devastated, fighting in the street with Tyler’s mum Vicky too. 

And that’s just about that for this week.  

Remember, you can sign up to get these Corrie weekly updates by email at

This week’s writers were Ian Kershaw and Steven Fay (Monday); Mark Burt (Wednesday);  Chris Fewtrell (Friday). Find out all about the Coronation Street writing team at Coronation Street Blog: Exclusive: All Current Corrie writers online

Glenda Young
Blogging away merrily at Flaming Nora

Belle of the Back Streets


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Jane said...

Oh the irony! The line of the week was said by Brian when talking to Ken; "Smut is no substitute for talent". How much smut have the Corrie writers given us lately?

coconno196 said...

I am disappointed that Ken didn't reprimand Daniel for cheating, just indulged in some unfunny rivalry with Brian over who is better qualified to "help" Daniel. I really hope the tutor finds Daniel out.


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