I used to like Gary Windass. The old Gary Windass, the one who was insecure, fragile, after his stint in the army. So fragile that he had a breakdown in the flat with Izzy , remember that? So complex a character that he had his own mini online series Gary's Army Diaries.
And now he's turning into Pat Phelan, a man that Gary hated more than life itself.
Let's see, the clues are all there...
The intimidation of a younger person who works for you. Gary is making Seb's life hell just as Phelan made Gary's a misery too.
The hard stares and the anger ...
It's going to be interesting to see if Gary is given the mantle of the new Corrie villain. As I HUGE Gary fan - always have been, hope I always will be - I really hope that he won't turn out as nasty as Phelan, or that he'll be redeemed. Because if Gary is the next villain then there's nowhere for him to go - except stage left and leave. Villains never have a good ending. It's a soap rule that they have to face up to their evil and be punished - preferably by a long, slow, drawn-out demise. Or being chucked off a pier by Eileen.
But Gary as the new Phelan, a new type of Corrie villain? Oh, please no, not my Gazza.
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Gary the new Phelan? Nah, he's way too weedy.
Late in the day, when the writers realised what a prize the actor was, they gave Phelan a religious mania or he was psychotic, something that 'explained' his power complex. Gary is just skint. He's nice enough but he doesn't have Phelan's charisma and ability to charm people. If any character was to take on that mantle, it could only be Peter as Chris Gascoyne can be extraordinary given the right script.
The new ‘villain’ isn’t going to be in the context of a killer, like Pat Phelan. The ‘villain’ is supposed to be more like a Mike Baldwin style, as in rogue-ish and doesn’t care who he hurts to make money, etc.
Based on Aussie Pete's comment, that seems to fit Nick right about now.
When he first arrived on the street he was a nasty piece of work, then became much more likeable over the years. I'm not keen on what he's being turned into now.
My money is on Robert or Seb. I'm hoping Robert now because he would play the villain well. And he's threatened Carla twice in the past, and will threaten her again this week. Promo trailer will be released after the first episode tonight.
Nick would also make a very good long term villain, but I just feel that considering he was around when Carla was being unfairly blamed for the Victoria Flats fire, I can't see him being so vicious towards her now, knowing it literally almost killed her.
Seb is too young. I do not find Gary attractive at all.
If Gary does become the next villain,then Sarah should think twice about marrying him.She was already almost killed by her ex boyfriend Callum and her stepfather Richard Hillman.
The third time may not be the charm if Gary is the one responible for the roof collapse.
No disrespect but Mikey North is not a good enough actor to step into Connor MacIntyre's workboots!
Even though Pat Phelan was a nasty of work, he was very intelligent and could really turn on the charm. Sadly the character of Gary has none of those things. I personally can't stand the character of Gary and would not miss him at all if he left.
Taffy - I wouldn’t disregard a characters potential villainous streak based on the fact that they’re young. David Platt was quite the villain in his teens...
As someone's mentioned above, the new villain of the street is supposed to be like Mike Baldwin - bit of a nasty piece of work, definitely selfish and ruthless but not particularly "evil". To me it just doesn't make sense for it to be Gary to fit that mould. When Gary first arrived he was something straight out of Jeremy Kyle - always getting into fights, probably always stealing and drinking. His stint in the army reformed him, and gradually, through his fatherhood and relationship with Sarah, he's become a gentler character and a "good guy". To me it would seem strange to make him a "bad" guy again. It just renders all his years of redemption totally pointless.
He was in the army for five minutes. He is a needy loser and cannot keep a job or his temper. Also the builders is not his, he was running it for Jason at Eileen's request. So he ran that business into the ground?
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