Cosy crimes and gritty sagas by Corrie Blog editor Glenda, published by Headline. Click pic below!

Saturday 2 March 2019

Corrie Comicals week ending 1 March 2019

David wants a shelf on which to display Vin Diesel - the weasel - and has enlisted Gail to hold the other end of the tape measure.  Now the secret of a good shelf are that it is completely so that items do not slide in a downward direction.  So not only a tape measure but a spirit level is important - especially if one of the working crew is vertically challenged.  I reckon that Gail could have got a little closer to the wall!

Later Nick and David were bantering in the barber's building site with Nick saying he was surprised that David had let Shona attend the funeral.  David points out that this is not the fifties and that women have minds of their own these days.  And he adds (above) "You should know that.  That's why they keep divorcing you."

Tim and Sally are watching from upstairs as Gina leaves the Street.  Does Sally really want her to go?  Tim however is more bothered that Gina has summoned a black cab and is not using StreetCars.  It always jars with me when there is use of something other than StreetCars too!  Can I express the wish that now that Sally is innocent we can go back to having Tim and Sally indulging their comic timing, or if there is a wedding their unique ability to miss the ceremony please?

Gemma has reluctantly asked Paul to move out of Rita's flat.  She is explaining to Rita that if they had left it any longer he would have been more difficult to remove than a limpet clamped to the keel of Peter's boat (does anyone know if the boat was insured and if Peter is therefore not hugely out of pocket?).

I have to report (separately when I get there) that Friday night was a little dour and grey.  Seb is bemoaning his inability to get work as a labourer and Eileen has helpfully suggested that he might be setting his sights a little low.  His response above names three jobs for which I reckon he is probably not qualified.  Indeed at present in the UK I am not sure there is anyone qualified to be Prime Minister!  However there will be a vacancy for a Bistro pot washer shortly - is he over qualified for that I wonder?

It is always a great throwback when two of the ladies of the Street have a set-to.  Tracy has been winding Vicky up no end over Amy and the abortion and Vicky goes in for the standard hair grab as Tyler tries to hold her back.  In the background Michelle, with arms crossed, is the one making the comment above!  Robert seems reluctant to break up the dispute.  Presumably he knows what fighting Tracy is like!

"Extra" at Work

This week I think we should give this space to the poor Vicar played by Kerry Willison-Parry who had the distinctly difficult task of running Dane's funeral when the only matter on the mind of most of the attendees was how they could engineer Clayton's escape, organised by the poorest stand-in pall bearers in history!

Writers: Ian Kershaw &Steven Fay (Monday); Mark Burt (Wednesday); Chris Fewtrell (Friday)
Directors: Audrey Cooke (Monday); Nickie Lister (Wednesday & Friday)


All original work on Coronation Street Blog is covered by a Creative Commons License


Anonymous said...

My favourite comedy moment of this week was the comment Ken made to Brian about monkeys and typewriters! Very funny scene.

Louby said...

Gail's "tough titty" comment was hilarious. Very popular in school playgrounds in the 70s, that phrase!

The funniest moment for me this week was Clayton running away from the funeral. Someone has kindly shared a gif of this on the Five Things post, if you want to relive this!


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