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Thursday 22 October 2015

Coronation Street Weds 21st October episode review

"Who knows what Sarah's gonna say out there in Milan? She's a liability She could have a drink and end up telling Bethany or a bar load of blokes"
"She's only like that when she's here"
"'Murder on the Dancefloor' comes on and she's like "Hey, y'know, guess what! I am an actual murderer!""
Hiya!  It's time for another Wednesday review and tonight's episode was made extra special because it was written by the ever-fabulous Jonathan Harvey. 

It looks like Sarah is all prepared to up sticks and hop on a plane back to Milan, because obviously moving country at a moment's notice is not at all difficult. As we saw in Monday's episode, David has reverted to his former psycho demeanour after telling Bethany that Callum threatened to come back and murder her in a desperate bid to keep the secret of the sleeping lodger. He also dropped in a casual threat to Sarah that he and Kylie will frame her for murder if she stays.

However, Kylie can see that this is a ridiculous scheme. She gives Sarah a few candid home truths. I'm sure to most of us, it was obvious that moving to Italy permanently would be a rash and ill-thought out decision. Sarah doesn't have a job or even a home to go to. A big concern is also what Sarah may also let slip to anyone once she is there. Kylie persuades her to only go to Italy for a holiday. As well as to visit the also holidaying Gail and take her 'jazzy' dress to her. Goodness only knows what Gail is getting up to in Italy!

Kylie is doing a great job at dishing out the home truths tonight (yet another grand performance by Paula Lane). In an emotional outburst, she asks David the fundamental question "What about me?" She's right. David has been concentrating on keeping Sarah quiet, without giving Kylie, the actual murderer, a second thought. Hopefully Sarah's fortnight in Italy will give this storyline time to progress further and focus on who is arguably the most important person in the Platt clan right now.

"I don't know why you wanna come near me. You know what I'm capable of"
"Don't say that"
"I'll say what I want. I wish I were on that plane with her. I wouldn't care where it were going, just as long as it was as far away from you as possible"

A chilling storyline kicked off this week involving Luke, Jamie and -unknowingly- Steph. Jamie needs money to pay off debts. Luke can get money for him by racing- something which Maria has forbidden him to do. However, she is out of the country visiting her sick mother right now (that's code for 'the actress is pregnant) and Jamie has blackmailed Luke by threatening to post naked pics of his ex Steph online. To save his little sister from the shame, Luke of course says he'll do it. Although I feel this storyline is a little contrived, I am looking forward to seeing it all play out.

"It's time to go now, mate. You're not welcome here anymore."
"What would your mum and dad say when they find out their little girl is all over the Internet wearing nothing but a smile?"

Elsewhere, Audrey and Ken grow closer with the ever-so-thoughtful Ken presenting Audrey with the ever-so-Ken gift of an antique radio after hearing that the one in the salon was broken. Audrey thanks him with a slap-up lunch at the Bistro, where the connect over classical music. I am very much warming to the idea of these two together. I am sure Deirdre is lighting a fag up in the sky for them.  Connornation Street continues with more riveting drama as Jonny makes a prize ass of himself when he tries to sew.

"I can't beat when I get home, and I pour myself a very small G&T and then I put on my Mantovani CD"
"You mean Monteverdi?"
The still guilt-ridden Alya finally decides to plans for her wedding with Gary. The couple decide to have a Christmas wedding. This surely means that Alya is a ticking time-bomb and it is not long until she reveals her guilty secret. However, her wedding-themed night in with Gary's mum and Gary's ex looked pretty fun:

"Four Weddings and a Funeral, Muriel's Wedding, The Wedding Crashers, My Best Friend's Wedding. Judgement at Nuremburg?"
"Yeah, I don't know where that one came from-"
"Oh that one's mine , I loved that. Judy Garland's brilliant in it"

Overall, a fantastically enjoyable episode. Jonathan Harvey's episodes are always so.

As always, thanks for reading.

Jordan, Twitter- @JordanLloyd39

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Unknown said...

Very good performances from Tina O'Brien and Paula Lane once again!!

Anonymous said...

Boy, if I was Kylie I'd be doing the happy dance, having that creep out of her life for good. She's stronger than what she's being portrayed now, so the writers better stop turning her into a pile of mush with David the psycho the only one that seems to be making sense!

C in Canada said...

How the tables have turned when David's turned out to be the sensible one, psycho or not!

As for Ken and it not too soon? Everyone has been saying the same thing about Roy and Cathy being too soon, and Hayley's been gone much longer than Deirdre has.
Although I really like the pairing, it just feels too soon.

Anonymous said...

And right there is why Ken and Audrey would never work. Ken and Dierdre had very few tastes in common either, but they had history, and as much passion as Ken has ever mustered. There's only acquaintanceship history between Audrey and Ken, and that's not really enough.

Anonymous said...

I think Kylie will regret Sarah's return as she's bound to confess the rest to Billy,implicating her sister-in law while getting away scott free!In fact if I were Kylie,I wouldn't trust Sarah visiting her mother and uncle in Milan,who knows what she could be telling them thus setting up David or Kylie for the fall thus ruining David;s life which was her plan from the beginning when she started dating Callum.

Lily Bigfield said...

Agree about the 'too soon' comments, and I am exasperated that the solution to every bereavement in soap is the inevitable romantic pairing with someone else. I was also puzzled by Kylie's reaction to Sarah's departure, it just didn't sound credible, based on their relationship in the past. And it makes more sense to get jittery Sarah out of the picture.

Anonymous said...

Why can't Ken and Audrey work at becoming very good friends? Both could use someone reliable to have a good laugh and serious conversation with. Why does it always have to go the route of dating??


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