I'm all for Ken and Audrey being friends, but feel as uncomfortable about them getting together as I did when Roy first took up with Cathy. Life in soap has to move on faster than in real life otherwise we wouldn't have the drama and the pace that soap demands. But I do feel it's too early for Audrey and Ken to start getting fruity. I wonder what Deirdre would say?

What do you say, Corrie fans? Ken and Audrey - yay or nay?
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They've known each other for years, and often had drinks together in the Rovers. So why was Audrey practically salivating sitting opposite Ken?
I think they'd be great together, but the writers really need to realise that less is more, and take it s l o w l y.
Definitely a 'yay' - it will be great to have Audrey interacting with a different group of characters, away from her disaster-prone family. But please, take it slowly (as John said above) - rushing it would feel tacky and disrespectful, and could turn viewers off...
Yay - but as a friend.
Nobody can be on their own for two minutes in Corrie. Even within the Corrie timescale, Ken and Audrey are moving too quickly. It would have been good to see Ken going to pensioner clubs because he was lonely and be bored to tears. He could have volunteered in the community centre and gone through many stages of building a new life. I don't think this budding relationship is true to Ken's character. He would have thrown himself into some cause beyond his family and friends. In time, he and Audrey might have become close. My objection to this storyline isn't that it doesn't happen in real life, but that it wouldn't happen to Ken.
If Ken is going to move on, I'd rather it be with Audrey - whom we know and love - than with a newcomer, especially is the newcomer is the sister of another character brought in to help a recent widower move on.
Much as I like Kathy so far, the idea of her being with Roy and her sister with Ken would make me think of them as a "Hayley and Deirdre replacement package".
While it would be believable for him to court Rita (they have history), Ken and Audrey are closer in age. But they are poles apart regarding interests, much like Ken and Deirdre, so maybe they could work.
Regarding it being too soon, I've heard of many men and women who have re-married or courted very very soon after their wives/husbands have passed away, purely on the basis of wanting companionship and someone to care for them/them to care for someone.
It's an interesting story, and very much like Ken was after Val's death.
Ken never wanted his women to be his intellectual equal.
Ken after Val's death...looking for a mother for his children.
I got the feeling last night that Ken was reaching out because he was lonely and Audrey actually seemed to feel a bit uncomfortable and awkward with him, as if she recognized that's what he was doing. It's true that some people do connect with a new partner very soon after a death. In my experience, men seem to do it more than women but perhaps it's because they are used to having a woman look after them even if, as Ken would be, they are able enough to look after themselves.
You can't help falling for people, it doesn't matter how long or how short the timespan from your other half passing away. If its meant to be it will happen whether it's in a soap or real life.
No thanks..love them both but to me it would just seem like a ratings ploy.
Not for me thank you - as friends yes - more absolutely not, and please don't put Ken with Cathy's sister - that would be absolutely horrible - it is hard enough seeing Roy with Cathy and adding her sister into the mix with Ken would be downright silly. A few comments have been left about Marion, Callum's mother, and how she could be kept in the show - she is a retired teacher so wouldn't she be more of a fit for Ken, also a retired teacher???
The only way I find a romance believable is that Ken and Dierdre spent their last 18+ months basically apart. Even so, this is the man who gave up perfect match Martha for Dierdre. Maybe some men but not Ken. Not this soon.
I'd like it if they'd develop a special deeper friendship and he abstained from romance altogether. For a while at least. Think about it. Would Audrey giving up her nice house to live at #1 with Tracy? Would Ken ever live off the street? Special, Roy and Carla-type friends, yes. Lovers, I think not.
I like the pairing - Audrey and Ken seem like an obvious match, but it also seems too soon, just as people were saying it was too soon for Roy, and Hayley's been gone much longer than Deirdre.
It's true, you can't control how you feel and everyone is different. In real life, you'd have to consider each situation on its own merits. But in a soap, I think fans are really going to find it disrespectful to Deirdre's memory.
Nay from me. Their characters don't gel well together in romantic terms. Friends yes, lovers no. Just seems like lumping together two older characters for the sake of it... :/
I also think it's too early for Ken either with Audrey and definitely not Nessa.It wasn't so long ago that he raged at Tracy and her affair with Tony for being the reason Deirdre stayed away from him the last months of her life and now he's going to 'replace' her with someone else after only a few months?
With some of the recent departures of characters,I wonder what is the point of Nessa?To justify Cathy staying on the Street?
No! They should just be good supportive friends, like Roy and Carla. Ken should get involved in other activities, join clubs, take classes, to fill his days, and meet some new people, not just look down the street for a new wife!
Ken is the type of man who can't stand to be alone, and who would remarry or at least find a girlfriend very quickly.
Roy and Cathy seem odd because Roy is not the type of man who can't be alone and was never a womanizer.
I think Deirdre would tell you to change the record already and let Ken have some fun for a change.
One, Ken is a womanizer who likes and needs the company of women, so it seems totally in character that he would find someone else quickly. Two women drooling after him even better (Just like Peter the- apple- doesn't-fall-far-from-the-tree Barlow). Not sure why so many people are saying Ken would mourn Deirdre forever--sentiments like that seem to reflect OUR (viewers') attitude toward the lost Deirdre, not Ken's! Together, they were more of an engrained bad habit (like Deirdre's fags and Ken's kimono) than anything else.
Two, the writers and producer seem to have been pushing Ken and Audrey together even before Deidre's death (the Anna Karenina farce). Suddenly they were together all the time when before, despite living on the same street for years, they almost never seemed to interact. I would guess that they were planning an affair or love triangle before Anne Kirkbride's sudden death. They put it on hold and now it's back on the front burner.
Agreed Jeanie. Wrote the same thing (look above at 1:20) :-)
Ken was barely faithful when Deirdre was alive. As you say, he likes the company of women and has a wandering eye. No shock he can't be alone.
Roy is the opposite: faithful and doesn't adapt well to any kind of change. I find it less believable that Roy would enter a new relationship so quickly, or even if ever.
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