Improvements are on the way in Jason and Tony's relationship. Tony is a great addition to our favourite street, full of character, charm and a bit of wheeler dealing. Jason knows, and Tony knows that Jason knows that Tony had something (everything) to do with the van break-in and the stolen tools, thereby rendering the builder unable to carry on work at the gym, opening the door for Jason.
How do viewers feel about Sophie and Maddie's friendship, which will, it seems, develop into a relationship? For me, they present a real disappointment - the problem is that whenever they are on screen together, I am aware that they are acting, so the suspension of disbelief is broken. The friendship though does afford Sally the opportunity to display her snobbery and sometimes startling lack of compassion and exaggeration. Some may think that Sally is right not to 'have vagrants living here.' In fairness though, Sally does allow Maddie to stay. For tea, they have spaghetti and Maddie wants to know if they are to do the twirly fork thing. When Sally asks Tim to pass the salt she cannot understand why Sophie and Maddie start to laugh and have to leave the table. We do though and are thankful that Maddie didn't carry out her threat. The vulnerable victim and the volunteer - whatever the reason, Sophie doesn't want to kiss Maddie.
An insightful snippet into Eva and Jason's relationship was provided for us as we saw Eva making Jason's pack-up and a flask. Todd acts as social commentator seeing his brother having his sandwiches made for him, even referencing Germaine Greer's The Female Eunuch. Jason understands none of this but Todd tells him that it is sexual politics that are under discussion. Germaine Greer, the writer of the famous exploration into sexual politics, has had her proudest moment tonight - mentioned on Coronation Street.
Seeing Steph hanging bat-like upside down on her chair to cure a hangover appears to be one of the least convincing methods ever. Tina tells Steph that 'her friend' told the married man she is having an affair with that she loves him, and Steph asks if he said it back. He didn't, to which Steph delivers the verdict 'rough.' In The Rovers later, Peter is clearly anxious that Tina is telling Steph about their affair.
It was very interesting to hear Owen talk about the time his wife left and how he just had to roll his sleeves up and get on with it. There was no time for moaning, groaning and griping. It just had to be done. Owen had to get up three times a night to attend to a crying baby and also to tell an eight year old. child that everything would be alright, knowing full well that it probably wouldn't. And now it is Gary's turn. Gary has to get on with the job and control his temper for Izzy and Jake's sake.
It's not easy though to ignore Phelan's taunts, telling Owen that he should throw Gary a marrow bone or a chew stick. Fully aware how Gary might react, Owen wisely reminds Gary to think of Jake. 'Walkies,' shouts Phelan.'You want to get him a muzzle,' Phelan contiues. Obviously enjoying the power that he can wield, he reports that he wants the job finished two weeks earlier. To everyone's dismay, Phelan and the fragrant Val (going on a cruise) turn up to the Rovers. Owen stays admirably cool and civil, whereas, Katy sees fit to get involved. She tells Phelan he's, 'a pathetic, spineless bully' and who could argue with that? Was she right to say that? Was she wise or was she stupid? It's hard to imagine Phelan thinking to himself that he must change his ways because Katy has insulted him.
Back home Anna shows wisdom when she says, 'There's no way through this than through it.' Owen gives her a few pounds and Anna decides to spend it on a new bag for Faye. Selfless though that is, it's also a shame, as this signals the end of the labrabag.
How many more times are we going to have Tina and Peter lurking in the darkness? This time though, Tina tells him that 'loved and lonely' is better than just lonely, after he tells her he loves her. Does he though? Does he love Carla? Does he love either of them? Did he not tell Tina he loved her to prevent her from finishing the relationship? Peter, who do you love? Did Peter just say he loved Tina because she said that she didn't know for how much longer she could keep quiet about their affair?
Luke appears briefly and again makes an impression. In Roy's Rolls with Steph and Luke, Tina is very quiet and when he says of her that he wishes she'd shut up Tina says it's just that she's tired. Luke slices straight through that and asks for the real reason.
Fleeting glimpses of Roy in the cafe show him to be preoccupied. 'The lesser spotted Cropper, sometimes native to these parts' seemed to be irritating Anna by not pulling his weight, but his parcels take precedence. He does though make us consider the success or otherwise of giving to charity by saying, 'Charity isn't without its own conundrums.'
Is Carla pregnant? Another conundrum. She doesn't want the baby but nor does she want to get rid of it. But she's drinking coffee. How many pregnant women do you know who can drink coffee? Anyway, that aside, it would certainly intensify matters if she was.
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For me instead, Sophie and Maddie are really believable. I do experience the suspension of disbelief totally andmuch more than in occasion of Sophie's
relationships. Furthermore, I really appreciate Amy Kelly's acting: Maddie trying to kiss Sophie, this time has been terribly sensual, in my personal opinion.
In answer to who Peter loves = Peter of course!
How much longer are we going to have to put up with the ever annoying and rude Madder? Has there ever been anyone that displays lack of kindness and gratefulness. What on earth are the writers/ producers thinking that as viewers, we would enjoy watching scenes with such an unlikable and obnoxious character? Then paired with Sophie Webster, another unlikable and rude character it's ten times worse.
How Sophie treats and speaks to her mother is awful. Surely if she thinks so little of her mother and sniggers at everything she says and does, why doesn't she move out and find her own place - oh yes, I forgot, probably because doing next to nothing in Dev's shop wouldn't get her a bed in a bedsit.
Infuriating - who renews contracts needs their head's testing at times!
So the Windbags are paid a paltry £65 - well minus a few pence - so where do they go - the supermarket to get food or off to pay the gas/electric - no you have guessed it, its straight to the Rovers where Phelan and his missus of course turn up and they go to sit with them???? Rubbish. And whats all this kissing with Tina and Steph, they hardly know each other with Steph moving in to a hostile Tina only last week?? Cue Peter to behave so guilitly that he may as well have a I am Tina's Married Lover sticker on his head!!!!
Maddie + Sophie = boring.
Been there before, done it before.
Sophie fawning around the ungrateful and rude MADDEH was awful viewing last night. She has lovely teeth for a down and out though! And the Websters drinking wine on a Monday night with their meal, they must be raking it in as a sweatshop seamstress and a window cleaner.
I have more fun reading these comments about the show than actually watching the show!
Really what is the point of Julie these days? Dead wood.
Hey keep her around for Kev....he needs a mom for his son and the match could make intriguing storylines. I would love to see Kev fussed over for a change...instead of being treated like a fixer upper as Sal did.
Some pregnant women can drink coffee.
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