CHESNEY’S 18TH PARTY ENDS IN DISASTER. When Fiz invites Tyrone to Chesney’s birthday party, Tyrone's edgy and is forced to admit that Kirsty’s got it into her head they fancy each other. As Fiz and Tyrone part company, Kirsty watches incensed. Meanwhile Anna, Gary, Katy and Owen prepare for Chesney’s 18th. Over at the factory Rob discovers Kirk’s messed up an order and tells the girls they’ll have to work late to make up for it. Gary’s furious to learn that Rob’s making Izzy work overtime. He marches into the factory and confronts Rob. Izzy tries to intervene but she suddenly doubles over in pain.
STEVE WORRIES WHEN DEV GOES AWOL. Dev wakes up to find Lloyd has spent the night on the sofa watching over him. Dev thanks him for coming to his rescue. Meanwhile Sunita, Karl and the kids have breakfast together. In an attempt at some normality Sunita suggests they go to the cinema but Aadi and Asha make it clear they’d rather see their Dad. Karl begs Lloyd for his job back at Street Cars but Lloyd refuses and tells Karl that because of him, Dev almost took his own life. Shocked Karl tells Sunita about Dev’s suicide attempt. How will Sunita react?
RYAN GETS KYLIE TO COVER FOR HIM. Ryan cons a £30 sub out of Steve to buy some drugs. He then asks Kylie if she’d like to earn a bit of money and do him a favour at the same time. Will Kylie get involved in Ryan's dodgy dealings?
Elsewhere Marcus tentatively asks Sean if he’s okay about his relationship with Aiden. Hurting, how will Sean respond? Jason invites Maria for a drink and tells her to bring Marcus along too. Steve's chuffed when Michelle agrees to meet him for a drink.

TEMPERS AND EMOTIONS RUN HIGH AS IZZY LOSES THE BABY. Izzy’s beside herself, worried she might have lost the baby. Gary tries to calm her down as Sean brings Chesney’s party to an abrupt halt when he calls round and breaks the news about Izzy. In the hospital Gary, Anna, Owen and Katy nervously wait for news of Izzy. She's devastated as she tells Gary she’s had a miscarriage. Trying to be strong Gary assures Izzy that as soon as she’s well enough they’ll try for another baby. But is that want Izzy wants to hear?
MICHELLE AND STEVE GET CLOSER. Lloyd's horrified to discover Ryan’s left Kylie in charge of the switch and when Ryan returns Lloyd fires him. But Steve, desperate to impress Michelle, overrules Lloyd and tells Ryan he can have one more chance. Michelle’s grateful whilst Lloyd’s speechless.
SUNITA TALKS DEV AWAY FROM THE BRINK. Sunita tells Dev to forget his suicidal thoughts and concentrate on his two children who need him. As Dev spends the evening with Asha and Aadi will he realise just how important they are to him?
Elsewhere Barely able to contain her fury, Kirsty confronts Tyrone about his secret rendezvous with Fiz. Tyrone promises it was innocent but will he be able to calm Kirsty down? Sean apologises to Marcus and tells him he’s quite within his rights to go out with whoever he likes.
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