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Tuesday 17 July 2012

Coronation Street spoiler: Ryan Connor cops off with Corrie cougar

Thanks to this week's fab Inside Soap magazine for this wonderful little Corrie snippet and spoiler.

At the launch of the Inside Soap awards earlier this month, they interviewed new Corrie actor Sol Heras, who'll be playing re-Ryan Connor

Sol revealed that his character Ryan Connor is set to hook up with an older woman.

"Ryan's love interest is a cougar!" he told the mag.  "It'll come as quite a shock,  but I can't tell you who it is yet," and he admitted "I'd like it to be Stella".

Ooh, so who do we think is going to get her hooks into young Ryan Connor, then?  Let's examine the options and see who there is - Sally Webster, Leanne Barlow, Deirdre Barlow, Gail Potter-Tilsley-Tilsley-Platt-Hillman-McIntyre, Anna Windass, Sunita Alahan, Emily Bishop, Audrey Roberts, Eva Price, Maria Connor, Tracy Barlow, Eileen Grimshaw and yes of course there is St Ella. Anyone else? 

My money's on Sally or Tracy.

See also: Rewind on Ryan Connor before his Corrie return.

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The Corrie Spoiler said...


Its Maria.

Sorry folks :/

Anonymous said...


Glenda Young said...

Anon, how do you know it's Maria?

Cat said...

You forgot Dame Rita Tanner in your list Nora! :( :(

Anonymous said...

I've always been unsure what the real definition of "cougar" is; sometimes I think that it's any woman over the age of 25 who dares to leave the house? Ryan is meant be around 20.. not sure how old Maria is meant to be, but calling her a cougar is pushing it. Especially compared to other ages difference (Peter and Leanne? Ken and Deirdre?).
I know it's wrong, but I'm hoping that it's Stella.. that'll show Karl ;)
Rebecca in TO

Anna in nz said...

I think it's Sunita. 10

Anonymous said...

No way it's Maria - she's off to have a thing with Jason and there's no way she'd be considerd a cougar. I'm thinking Sunita or Sally. However, it'd be hilarious if it was Gail or Eileen! I can't see it being Anna, as he'd be way too close to the age of her son. Knowing Corrie lately, I wouldn't be surprised if it was Carla!! Yes, his relative - so Greek Tragedy.

Anonymous said...

Ah... but Carla technically isn't his relative because he was switched at birth, right? Hmm... this could be a possibility.

Anonymous said...

Fab news! I can't wait to find out who the cougar is! This fan is on tenterhooks with the suspense. Corrie is so fab.

Defrost Indoors said...

Carla's an inlaw so technically she's no more related to Ryan than *I* am. Still...ick.

Frosty the Snowan said...

It defintely wouldnt be Carla, firstly she has disappeared for 3 months, secondly she has known him from birth so it would be wrong on all levels and thirdly Michelle would knock her head off simples. I too wouldnt class Maria as a cougar, it has to be someone older yet not to old to be sickmaking, I reckon St Ella as she hasnt had a story for at least 5 minutes.

Danny-K said...

Let's see if we can get this Cougar definition defined first -

There has to be 20 to 25 years age difference INMO ie., a 20 year old male and 45 year old female coupling makes her a cougar.

However for her to qualify as a Cougar she has to consistently date a steady stream of young men half her age, showing a distinct unwavering preference for much younger partners than herself.

They might fix Ryan up with Maria, but in no way is Maria a Cougar.
No way.

Tvor said...

I'd go with Tracy though not "cougar" status, she's probably about 34 or 35 so there's a bit of difference there.

Anonymous said...

If we don't like the new Ryan, then let's hope he cops off with Carla - cuz all her men end up dead! :-)

~JB in Canada

Cobblestone said...

Gail has form; there was a considerable age difference between her and Martin. Can't quite see it though - although the fun, flirty, tipsy Gail chasing a 20 yr old could be hilarious! Isn't it Audrey's turn to sermonize her disapproval?

Anonymous said...

This one is easy ~ i'm with you TVOR,
place my bet on Tracy Lurv. Born in 1977 makes her 35 and that qualifies as cougar to our young Ryan. Eva's only 24, so forget about that one. St. Ella... Eewwhhhh, please no. Not fresh after Karl Sunita. We need time to recover before the next totally ridiculous "hookup". Even in soapland my imagination will only allow me to go so far. Tracy would be a fun one.. evilness lurks

Anonymous said...

Tracy and David Platt?????? anyone?

Anonymous said...

What about the horrible Beth (the mum of the boy with the pet rat)? She likes to shock and its the sort of thing she'd find funny. Plus, she's sex-starved at the moment!

Louise said...

Is everyone forgetting, Maria is Ryan's uncle! As she was married to Liam, Liam being Ryan's uncle. Maria's son is Ryan's cousin, so would be abit sick!

Anonymous said...

Ryan was a sweet young man who was a bit easily led , Imagine his confusion with being the wrong baby.
No wonder he has gone off the rails

The only female to match his acquired disruptive nature has got to be Tracy . And she is always up to no good . And surely she has had enough of Steve . Who is so superficial he is after Michelle again?

Then sparks will fly with the two entanglements ...
Steve and Michelle .. And Tracy and Ryan ..

Tracy will probably mastermind it to get back at Steve ..

Unknown said...

It wouldn't surprise if it was Tracy Barlow. A bit of a man eater and with her sleeping Ryan Connor could be a pathetic attempt at winding up Steve McDonald.


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