So loveys, Stella. What is her flamin’ problem? She rang me the other day from’t cab office.
‘Eeh by gum, hello. Is that Fat Glenda?’
‘It is lovey,’ I replied. ‘Is that Bella?’
That flamin’ woman! She swans round Weatherfield like everyone’s mam, picking up waifs and strays like that Madonna. Telling Lloyd that her and Karl are his family now! She barely knows him! Lloyd sacked Karl last week and now she’s acting like his guardian flamin’ angel! I mean, Leanne I can understand, she did at least come from her womb, but she’s like a lass possessed! First Carla (understandable) and now Lloyd (not understandable). She's Weatherfield's own pint pulling Samaritan!
‘I know what yer going through.’
Honestly lovey, you don’t!
It gets on me wick! She’ll be taking confession in the Rovers next.
‘Stella, I’ve sinned. I’ve looked at Carla (and a bottle of whisky) in a lustful way!’
‘I know what yer going through, Peter… say three hail Stella’s and may gin be with you.’
Talking of confessions, that Sophie confessed her undying love to me the other day. I lent her twenty pence two weeks ago and it must have meant to her than it did me cos she’s been following me round and telling me how Sian feels like ‘ome but she can’t stop thinking about me an’ all!
‘Sophie love,’ I said, ‘yer a lovely lass – a bit weird what with yer church meetings with that eyeliner vicar fella and that - but I’m straight. I mean, I did like that KD Lang song about ciggies – ‘Constant Craving’ – but that’s where it ends.'
I think she got the message, bless her.
I’ve called the police and filed Amber as a missing person cos the lass that’s working in Dev’s shop IS NOT her! I mean, she looks like her and she sounds like her but it’s as though everything she was has been erased. She’s either one of them clones like that manky sheep or she’s been brainwashed by someone at university! Is it me memory or was she actually quite a nice lass once?
Little Nicky Tilsley’s a bit of a lothario in’t he? Taking Eva back to his mam’s so they can share his single MFI bed. His Bon Jovi posters can be a bit off putting by all accounts but I’m sure it’s every lasses dream to spend a night at Gail’s house! Becky was the last bum print on that mattress and I reckon Eva can fill the space well.
Nicky told me he’d never felt this way about a woman… for at least a couple of weeks. I’ll give it a month before Gail is sticking pins in an Eva doll and getting Deirdre to look through her medical records to use as evidence against her!
If I’m out of a job this week it’s cos of the state we’ve let Streetcars get into. Oh loveys, all them crisps and Dunhill I bought from petty cash and never repaid have come back to haunt me! I went in last night and tried to sort through the invoices and I must say, it’s not happening! How do you declare buying Max to the taxman? I tried to file it under expenses but I’m not sure about the legalities of kiddie buying. I’ll ask that Madonna, she’s bought a few in her time (allegedly).
Max auditioned for the school play and it was nice to see our Sunita had brought her kids out of hibernation for the day. Simon did a belting Cilla Black song that brought a lorra lorra pleasure to a lorra lorra folk!
Right, I’m off to help organise the memorial service for the tram crash. I’m in charge of music. I’ve decided on ‘Fire’ by that Arthur Brown and ‘Disco Inferno’ by The TRAMmps! Belting!
Tweeter me if you want or leave suggestions for the memorial music below!
Beltin' Bren! I feel the same about Stella too. Saint Stella of the Rovers - does she HAVE to be in every scene and every storyline? Yup, looks like it for now.
FABULOUS FAT B! Oh how I agree about Saint Stella, what nerve butting into everyone's personal business and declaring long lost family ties.....RUN Lloyd!!
Haha great Brenda! I also agree about Stella, I didn't mind her in the episodes with Carla however, telling Lloyd that her and Karl are his family now is just rediculous! She known him about 5 minutes?
I think that David's little family life is shaping up in to a good storyline. It's nice to see a different side to him rather than David the Devil
Don't get me wrong loveys, I like her, she can pull a belting pint so I'm told (I'm more of a gin fan) but I can't be doing with do-gooders - except our Emily!
I object to the way Stella has been 'fast-tracked' into being a trusted regular; takes years, or a different personality, to achieve this. Butting in to every conversation and foisting yourself on customers just doesn't work.
Someone needs to realise that Stella is a bar manager not some sort of mobile counselling service. She was AWOL from the Rovers again, whilst poking her nose into Lloyd's business. Where's Eileen? She's supposed to be Lloyd's friend and did Owen's books.
Yet another amusing and tremendous round-up Brenda! I love your music choices for the memorial service. What about Fire by Kasabian and Crash by The Primitives? :D
Gail has become this weird hobbit-creature...popping around corners and sneaking downstairs with a maniacal grin on her face - making odd clucking noises! I was gagging watching her eat those chocolates or whatever it was she was sucking on. "Mmmmbumbble...choc..mmllmmummble"..what the hell was she talking about?
Yep Adam yet again, Stella has disappeared from the pub where she is employed to manage with "a bar full of punters" just like she left the bar to rush around to interfere with Carla, another person who she doesnt really know. Steve should get rid, the CindyStella character is awful, does not gel and is frankly boring despite her attempts to ingratiate herself the whole time.
Yep Adam yet again, Stella has disappeared from the pub where she is employed to manage with "a bar full of punters" just like she left the bar to rush around to interfere with Carla, another person who she doesnt really know. Steve should get rid, the CindyStella character is awful, does not gel and is frankly boring despite her attempts to ingratiate herself the whole time.
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