Stella Price isn't popular here on the Coronation Street Blog.
In the latest poll here on the blog, we asked: Should Corrie call time on Stella?
295 Corrie fans voted and the results were split almost 50/50, proving that the jury is still out on Stella and her dodgy accent.
The poll was set so that only one vote per ISP address was recognised, meaning that that multiple votes from the same ISP were not counted.
The results came in from 295 Coronation Street fans as follows.
Should Corrie call time on Stella?
YES: 160 votes (55%) NO: 135 (45%)
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Saturday, 31 December 2011
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We have just met Stella here in Canada -- and at the risk of annoying the naysayers, my view is that she is not too bad. Then again, I am in no position to pass judgement on her accent. To my untrained ear, she sounds just fine. But I defer to those over the pond... I do agree that her storyline is a bit OTT.Les must have been amazing in bed. He seems to pull very good looking women. First Greg Kelly's mom, and now Stella have popped up from his swashbuckling past.
Really dislike the character, and think that her and Phil collinson should leave in 2012
I think it's ridiculous people are judging a character based on her accent - I've been listening to people moan since she came on screens in the UK - and she's now here in Canada - give it up people, people sometimes have odd accents - doesn't mean a character should be judged on that - Canada will soon see she turns out to be Leann's mum and I like the storyline that went with that - let her stay and leave her alone once and for all! There's more important things to talk about!
Nothing to do with her accent suemorton, she is a vapid insipid plasticy character, thrust in the forefront when none of us really care much about her. Thats the thing.
I thought she was okay when she first arrived, however after watching her being shoved in to every storyline as SuperStella my opinion of her as a character has nose dived! Her accent does not bother me at all, it is what the writers have done with her.
It's not her accent that's annoying - although it is - it's the way she's been brought in and pushed to the fore without giving us fans a chance to get to know the character. She's been at the forefront of just about every other character's storyline since she started and it's irritating to say the least.
Apart from anything else, she simply doesn't look the part and, in her case, being different doesn't work. If they had made her a snooty piece, who was trying to get her daughters to better themselves and constantly finding fault with Karl, she may have been more palatable.
I think she's just getting warmed up and we'll see her true colours after she buys the more Mrs. nice guy.
Right now she's more of an annoyance than anything and the bit with Lloyd trying it on with her was laughable. She was shoved into the mix too fast IMO.
Can't stand the character, absolutely zero warmth and no strong chatacterisation associated with previous Rover's landladies. Insipid, wooden, one wide eyed expression. Get rid quick.
guess everyone's entitled to their own opinion - considering there are people like Stella in "real life" where they are in everyone's business from the minute they meet them!!
I'm with you suemorton.......I like her too. A lot of people on here like characters that I find totally annoying and would love to see the back of. To each their own, it's what keeps us all watching. -- Kiwi Kim ;-p
I'm also with you, suemorton. Some people seems to be like that. I can think a person or two in my life who are like that and I'm blessed to have them! Accents aren't an issue for me. I think some people here are just picking on her because she's a star from another show. Oh well, let's hope ITV receive more positive feedback about her so we get to see her on our screen for many years to come!
CORRIE star Michelle Collins has raised eyebrows among cast pals by enjoying a break in New York with her teenage daughter and Street boss Phil Collinson.
The actress, 50, went sightseeing and took in a Broadway show with him before daughter Maia posted snaps on Twitter of them in the Big Apple.
Michelle, set to sign a bumper new contract when she returns to work as Rovers boss Stella Price, spent six days in the US.
But the fact she was with her producer sparked gossip among some Corrie crew and cast back home.
One established member of the team said: “It all sounds a bit close to home. No one has ever known someone to go off on holiday with one of the bosses. People will be having a good old tittle-tattle about this.
“No one likes favouritism but it certainly looks like Michelle has confirmed herself as one of Phil’s favourites. He did bring her in as Stella and stuck by her through the tough times when she was getting flak for having a supposedly dodgy northern accent.
“And we know they have been to some charity events together. But to be seen having a pre-Christmas break in New York together really seems a step too far.”
Ex-EastEnders star Michelle was snapped looking relaxed and happy on the Brooklyn Bridge while daughter Maia, 15, proudly posted photos of her and Collinson in the city’s High Line park and on Broadway after they had seen Priscilla Queen Of The Desert.
Corrie star Catherine Tyldesley, who joined the show at the same time as Michelle to play her feisty daughter Eva, was one of the first to see Maia’s Twitter snaps.
She said: “Did you guys have a fab time? I sooo want to go next year….give my love to your mummy.”
Collinson and Michelle went on an unprecedented public relations mission earlier in the year to dismiss claims that
Corrie viewers were turning off because of their dislike for the new Price family.
The 41-year-old producer also denied he hired Michelle because they were old pals.
He added: “Michelle’s casting was completely democratic. It was made by committee and absolutely not my decision alone.”
Speaking about her part in Corrie, Michelle said: “It was a tough role to step into – like going into the Royal Family.”
I don't actually *dislike* Stella, I just can't find anything to like - I just can't warm to the character at all. Her accent is improving - but is her speaking/accent coach from Yorkshire? Whatever Stella's accent is, it ain't Salford/Manc, that's for sure! She's such a damp squib after all the hype and fall-de-da about her arrival on screen.
In comparison, Stephanie Cole has a far greater acting CV, but arrived quietly in comparison, and has taken the street by storm.
TPTB really need to take a long hard look at Stella Price - a 50-50 spilt in a popularity poll really isn;t good enough for such a major character
I find the actress stiff and she doesn't seem to be as relaxed an actor as most. i.e. you can tell she's acting. The character is too saintly and "Mother Stella" like to me, everyone's shoulder to lean on when she hardly knows them. There is no spark to the character, just not all that interesting.
I'm not a Stella fan either.
Didn't buy into the chunnerings by folk before she arrived about her dialect not being genuine, was ready to welcome her in her to the 'street'.
However, for all the reasons stated above by those also not impressed, you can put me down as one of the 50% who don't approve of her.
This especially so as she is set to assume the coveted role of owner of our beloved and iconic Rovers Return.
Stella was let in too fast. No proper introduction, she was leaning over the bar as if she had been there years instead of a few minutes.
The boyfriend is a gambler, which makes for uneasy watching.
The daughter is annoying.
On the whole, there is very little comfortable watching left in the street.
Please change some of the characters attitude and give them some more pleasant storylines.
It's not who you know....
As soon as that police woman walked into the pub Saint Stella jumped in and asked what she wanted, it's slightly off putting to watch
Actaully, alot of people are actually starting to warm to her now. I have to admit she was given a few too many stoylines when she arrived (the Leanne's mum was fine, but they could have had someone else been hit by Carla). I have liked her ever since she joined Corrie. Her accent dosen't bother me at all, I am from Oz and I probably couldn't do a Manchester accent to save my life.
What a meddling old cow she's become. Such a bore to watch too.
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