Hopefully, if you're reading this it means you're a Coronation Street fan and you enjoy looking at the Coronation Street Blog. And instead of looking back over what's happened in the last 12 months, we're looking forward to the New Year. We're asking what YOU would like us to include or improve on here on this fan website.
Please leave comments below and let us know what you'd like more or less of on the blog and we'lld o our best to incorporate as much as possible from the things that fans ask for.
For instance, would you like more spoilers, news, competitions, polls. etc? We've already noted comments from fans asking for the return of Fab Photo Friday in 2012 and no sooner said than done, our blogger Sunny Jim is already on the case for that one.
So please, let us know what you'd like to see more (or less) of here and we'll do out best to cater for your requests as best as we can.
And if you fancy helping out here by writing some blog posts, do please read this to find out how to join us.
Also, we have some exciting news for 2012 about upcoming competitions. We have some brilliant ITV Corrie merchandise to be won in the next few weeks - so stay tuned!
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Friday, 30 December 2011
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Episode reviews after the episode or the day after with highlights and lowlights; weekly quiz on Corrie history and stuff; keep the weekly awards going - they're great!; polls about interesting topics (who's the best battleaxe or sex siren etc in Corrie history);interesting discussions, arguments about aspects that would bring a heated debate amongst commenters - etc when was Corrie's golden age?; countdowns of different things (deaths, weddings, couples, characters, episodes, one-liners or dialogue) Thanks for a wonderful blog and a Happy New Year :)
Maybe Fat Brenda could cut back on her shifts at Streetcars and write more beltin blogs! Thanks for this great blog and HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL!
CSC - that's quite a wish list. Would you like to join us to help blog some of them on a regular basis?
ChiaGwen, - yes I agree about Fat Brenda, more is definely more with that woman but I think Streetcars are keeping her busy at the minute. And she's getting ready for her play at Harrogate Theatre in April too. She's a busy lady indeed and beltin' of course.
tonight 30/12/2011 at 7:30 sophie and sians wedding went wrong they got back together but then because amber went to sophies and sian overheard there conversation sian left with her mum pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeese bring sian back so they will get back together i want them to who agrees
I really want Sian to come back. It's so unfair that she's gone. Corrie bring her back!
I LOVE your site. If you could find a way to make Tracey go back upstairs to listen to her tapes (and take Amy with her), hopefully by the time they made their way back down, we could maybe find some people who can act!
I do love the episode reviews, although I'm sure they are a lot of work!
Thanks for all of the work that you and the other bloggers put into this.. I for one really appreciate it!
Rebecca in TO
My big wishes:
- Fewer spoilers: I like to find out about the actors and all, but don't like details about every story line 2 months out. It, well, spoils the fun. Wish they could be threaded off the main blog somewhere else
- No more anonymous posts: there's been too much sniping this year. If people had to stand by their name, maybe we wouldn't see as much (but that's probably out of your control).
Dream Posts:
- Tracy Goes Back to Jail, They Throw Away the Key
- Gail & Eileen Date Twins, And They're Both Great Guys!
- Mary Wins Big and Leaves
Happy 2012, All!!
I love this blog and think that the awards, reviews, and all the other posts are great. I like seeing spoilers of upcoming episodes, as do many others, so if you don't want to see them don't read them.
Tracy gets killed off-why this character is re-hashed over and over is mind numbing.
Gail...more of her...she is soooo going to be the meddling mother of all time...yay
Mary...time for her to go..she's just annoying.
Kylie...WTF is with her turning into a stepford wife? She has to have a fling with someone on the street...wouldn't that be a kick in the teeth for David if she boinked Nick? Ha...
Great blogs by the way...keep up the good work next year!!!
For me, I think that "Coronation Street Corner" covered all that I would like to see as well.
Failing that, I think this is a really wonderful blog as it is, always interesting and so worth a look-in, thank you for all the effort in keeping it going day after day.
I appreciate all the work you all put into this blog! :) However, I have to disagree with one of the posts above - I'd like more spoilers!! But I agree there could be a way to thread them off the main blog. I am also opposite in not wanting to hear as much about all the publicity stuff the cast get into outside of the Street. I also really enjoy the episode reviews, particularly because I'm not able to watch the show because I'm across the pond. However, it'd be great if there were more photos included.
Great work all! I'd like to see less "gurn of the week" - definitely past it's sell-by date. :) I'd also like to see some way to post fans' ideas for storylines that could be sent en masse to the powers-that-be. Finally, instead of mulitple posts on the same subject by various blog authors, it would be great to see one post on the subject/issue with each blog author's opinion on it, so it can all be commented on at once. Thanks and Happy New Year!
Yep agree about the Steve Maccie D gurn, he is getting way past his sell by date. I agree that spoilers could perhaps be on another thread as not everyone wants to see them. No criticisms really, only one perhaps that we get several blogs about one character at a time which is a bit overkill. Overall its a great blog with differing opinions and takes on stuff and Frosty looks forward to the weekly awards and anything by Fat Brenda!
Thanks for all the comments. I LOVE the Steve McDonald gurn of the week and it gets retweeted loads on twitter so that's staying (editor's perogative, hehehe!!!). I'll take on board as many of the other comments as possible although bear in mind that we're all volunteers who blog in our spare time and it's really hard to do the episode reviews. If anyone reading these comemnts thinks "i could do that" do please email me and we'll get you signed up to join us to give fans more of what they'd like. Thank you to everyone again for your comments, it's really helpful.
If there is not a summary of the episodes on the day or day after, then it would be good to have a blog that just says what did you think of tonight's Corrie, so there is a place to discuss the episodes, without having to wait for something to be posted. People are writing about yesterday's episode in this blog, presumably because there is nowhere else to do it.
I agree with spoilers having less prominence. Maybe the title could be Spoiler then a gap of a few lines to the real title eg Nick Tilsley to Find Fountain of Youth, so that it is easier to avoid seeing them inadvertently. I also agree about trying to prevent more than one blog on the same subject at the same time.
The only suggestion I have would be to have more posts per page. Often times I don't look at it for a day or two and have to go back several pages! Other than that, thanks and keep up the great work.
My suggestion would be to have less critique of characters; they often don't stand up to analysis. I'd like to see more ideas of possible storylines, so that we can perhaps influence plots rather just commenting on what's being served up. I'm not wild about spoilers which include explanations of why characters are acting in such-and-such a way because it's doing the writers' job for them. That's why a lot of characters come over as shallow; their personalities haven't been thought out and expressed through the dialogue. Lastly, I don't know if the results of our polls are sent to TPTB, but it would good if they could be. By the way, great blog and great reading.
FN, I would love to join the team because it would be an honour and a lovely start to the New Year. :D
I like the Corrie blog as it is complete with the anonomous comments, some of which I suspect are from Corrie actors.
Maybe a few more spoilers?
Gosh, I couldn't say cause I love it so much already. I visit every day, or at least catch up if I can't. When I'm rushed I don't read the entire longer updates, but try to get through all the comments and comment when I get a thought bubble.
This is a great Corrie blog, probably the best! It's got a good variety of items - and I say keep the gurns, which give me a giggle. Spoilers don't bother me, but I get that they do others. I like the idea of quizzes & polls, or even photos of yesterday/today about Corrie's history. Love Fat Brenda's irreverent wit & Flamin Nora's wry brilliance. Also like Tvor's occasional contributions and links to her blog on hot storylines. In fact yer all doin' a beltin' job! Happy New Year to all!
Glenda - many thanks, this is a great Blog and my only comment was posted a few weeks ago when I asked for more blog posts per page - et voila! A lovely full page crammed with great postings today!
One suggestion - how about a 'On this day in history' type feature for Corrie?
Happy New Year to you all and your team.
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