Cosy crimes and gritty sagas by Corrie Blog editor Glenda, published by Headline. Click pic below!

Sunday 4 December 2011

Corrie weekly awards: Nov. 28 - Dec. 2

Get Smart award: Agents 86 and 99 in the warehouse recovering their wine!

Opportunity knocks award: Cash Star: Lloyd has no money and a wish to start anew. Becky has no money and wants to start anew. Coincidence?

All grown up award: My hasn't David matured?
Oh Grow Up award: Owen kept the football and started up a feud with David! Nick needs his own place!

Keystone Cops award: Brass Star: When the guard dog starts to bark its head off, you don't just hush him and lead him out.

Magic Remote Control award: In a house that has had no children in months, Max picked up the remote, turned on the telly by hitting one button only, and it's on a cartoon channel?

She's just not that into you award: Sophie is crushing on Amber, gets rejected so decides to elope with Sian.

Stroppy Mare award: That Faye is really getting on my wick. So is Tina.

Frankly obsessed award: Gold Star: Sally is right in her element and Frank's put her there.

Style fail: What does Rosie look like with them black eyebrows!?

Lines of the Week:
Owen "I brought up two daughters" (bullied them up, more like)
Sunita "Whoever said a family that plays together stays together never met Dev"
Nick "We're liberating, not stealing." Eva "Tell it to the judge!" Nick "I wish that was funny!"
Sally about Frank "He's pushed me into the limelight and wants me to shine. I'll tell you something else, Shine I Will!"
Eva about Tina "She's a bit highly strung wasn't she?" (Pot? Kettle?)
Tommy "Don't worry, Ty, people laugh at you all the time"

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Anonymous said...

I was wondering that as well, and how did he manage to even get in to the Rovers?

Frosty the Snowman said...

No control of the trouser zip award: Why is it on soaps that the mere glance at a woman’s breasts renders a man totally out of control of his senses? One look at Eva’s knockers and the security guard forgot to lock the gates of the wine warehouse twice, went off leaving ground floor windows wide open in winter, ignored the purpose of his guard dog which is to pick up anything not right, and was so blinded by the sight of Eva’s charms that he didn’t see the van parked outside with THE BISTRO plastered across it. Farcical and pretty sexist actually.

Selfish Selfish Selfish Award: How inconsiderate of Sian to want to do college work to learn and better herself when she could be canoodling in front of the telly and eating marshmallows with that dumb loser Sophie. The spoilt brat Sophie wants it all her way yet never stands on her two feet, with her stupid pocket money job, always after her parents to stump up, screeching for her own way the whole time. Now we are going to have to go around this boring merry go around all over again with awful Amber after the fiasco that is a “wedding” goes pear shaped as we all know it will. I just wish they had stayed on the flaming coach.

Lamb to the Slaughter Award: Oh dear you can see the scene being set for poor Sally becoming Sleazy Frank’s next target.

Drivers Award: Carla turned up in her big posh car – when she was supposed to be almost bankrupt a few weeks ago – with Michelle – when did she suddenly get her licence back?

At Last Something he can’t do well award: Simon and his singing – treading on a cat’s tail comes to mind.

More than about time you moved out mummy’s boy award: Why is 30 (!) year old Nick still living with Gail, especially now Kylie and Max have moved in?. Is gurning Gail tip toeing down to fill her hot water bottle whilst he and Eva are getting it on in the sitting room supposed to be comedy? Its not. Get a room or rather a flat; you are a Big Businessman and its not right to keep bringing different women back for a leg over at your ma’s,.

Silly Award: Why has Gail suddenly become so childish and silly? Giggling and grinning away like a Cheshire cat that lost the plot. She is a mature lady, a grandmother and matriarch – act like it, its becoming embarrassing.

Get a grip and man up award: Lloyds wallowing in self pity with the violin playing ‘Poor Old Me’ at every turn is now getting more than tiresome. Your girlfriend dumped you, get over it mate, nobody died or got sent to Afghanistan.

Blackie Bird said...

I noticed Rosie's eyebrows as well and it also looked like she was wearing a wig.

Humpty Dumpty said...

Writer with only one bag of expressions award?: Eva thought Tina was 'highly strung' and Maria said the same of Michelle. Haven't heard that expression for years. Better to use 'stressed' for Michelle and 'stroppy' or my personal favourite 'mardy' for Tina.

Good neighbour award: David threatening to go to the council about Owen's pond. Cue set-up for a long, tedious feud.

Built-in radar award: Eva gets in the warehouse and, hey presto, she finds their wine order immediately.

Tvor said...

Michelle mentioned to Carla and asked how it felt driving again after a year. It was last December she got her license pulled for a year so that's about right. I imagine she had her posh car parked in the car park at the flat. The business is broke, personally she probably isn't.

Why can't Gail giggle and be all smiley and even flirty? She's not dead. I know i can certainly be silly at times and i'm no spring chick. It's a lot better than sad sack Gail.

I certainly don't mind Lloyd's extended heartbreak. Unlike most men that keep their upper lip stiff and their emotions deeply buried, Lloyd is openly experiencing every painful emotion. More like women do, actually but i think it's more realistic. I'm sure men don't get over a really painful breakup as easily as they let on.

The Owen and David feud is going to be dull. It would have been better if it had been tiny Gail standing toe to toe with him!

Kate said...

This is the first week that I have warmed to Eva in the slightest. Before I found her utterly unlikable but it might just be a good pairing with her and Nick. We'll see. Of course, I agree that it's completely ridiculous that Nick (and David!) still live at home -- esp. Nick. If he is supposed to be a reputable businessman, why on earth is he living there? He could easily get a flat nearby.

Not warming up to Sally and Frank's budding 'relationship' (professional or otherwise!).

I am enjoying however seeing another side of David -- don't like all the Maxay business between Kylie and Becky -- but I've enjoyed watching him. Not particularly looking forward to the 'feud' though -- love Anna, but can't stand Owen, and Faye's becoming so annoying to watch!!

Anonymous said...

I thought that David wanted to move out but the social worker said it would ruin their chances of getting Max back?

Anonymous said...

Frank is going to end up meeting his maker and there will be a long line of suspects but I don't think they'll ever tell us who the killer is.


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