After getting his hopes built up and his imagination picturing him and Becky and a handful of rug-rats, Steve has been bitterly disappointed now that he knows Becky doesn't want any kids. She skives off work which annoys Liz no end. She tears a strip off Claire for telling Steve. She tries to talk to Steve but they make no headway. She can't really explain why other than talking about her rotten genes and her inability to handle it all. She runs to Roy and Hayley for a comforting ear and tells them that if she had a kid, she couldn't just come and go as she pleased. The Croppers urge her to talk to Steve but when they try to discuss it again, it ends up with Steve wondering if they got married too quickly and didn't really know each other properly after all. They are disillusioned and disappointed and Becky sleeps on the sofa that night.
Michelle spent the night in the hotel with Jake after all. She tries to talk to Ryan about responsible sex and offers to buy him protection or let him have some of hers, as she has loads, ... er... well she has enough... well, let's just leave that aside for the moment. Nice. I guess she's trying to be cool with all that and even allows Sian to stay overnight as long as it's ok with her dad. She says it is but I just wonder because she admits to Ryan that she will lie to her father and say she's staying at Sophie's. Sophie's upset with Sian and won't talk to her.
Rosie's got a broken roller skate due to Graeme trying them out on the cobbles at 3 am. Sounds like Rosie got a taste of her own medicine, cherry vodka flavoured! Graeme later takes her to the precinct on his window-washing wagon so she could get it fixed at a shoemaker there. She is aware that he fancies her rotten. Could this be the beginning of another odd couple, similar to Ashley and Maxine were? Bimbo and butcher?

Dev visits the kids and things seem to go well. He even shakes Matt's hand and scolds the kids to listen to Matt when he asks them to get their coats on. Sunita offers him a visit with the kids on Monday which he gratefully accepts before leaving. One little moment of kindness and his imagination has taken off. He later admits to Molly that he wants his whole family back and thinks Sunita's smile in a photo of her and the kids is just for him! Oh dear.
Bits and bobs: Steve takes Amy for a visit to see Tracy. Rosie and Sophie both end up spending quality time with their hungover mother and watch a girly film with her in bed. Tyrone misses a lunch at home with Jack and Connie because Kevin asked him to go out on a breakdown. The woman was impressed and was talking about job offers. Molly decided that sounded like a very good idea and tried to talk Tyrone into calling the woman but he's quite happy where he is. I don't think she's about to drop the subject. Pam tried to find out what was on Bill's mind but he kept quiet. Gail remarks to Kevin that Sally has looked tired lately but he covers, pointing out that Sally was in top form the night before at the party. Betty seems to have Geographical Tongue. Very sore. Everyone seems to be interested in watching the film Escape to Victory (a WWII film about POWs playing footie against a German team in Paris, made in 1981).
Our Yoork should be back with her Corrie episode reviews next week!
Thanks so much for doing the episode reviews Diane!
Audrey was a hoot last night; the more she drank, but more fun she got, esp. with the giggling with Gail on the couch. Would love to see a Pretty Woman, er, Man(?) story for her.
Have the Barlows forgotten that they have another grandchild besides Simon? Not a peep about their Amy at Christmas, Boxing Day, or on any visit to the pub, where she is just up the stairs. It's nice that she gets to play with Josh, but shouldn't she also spend some time with her cousin, esp. since there's a battle brewing between the Rovers and Peter's wine bar.
How come everyone was open on New Year's day? Audrey's salon, the cobblers? Great to see Nigel Havers, hope he has a long stint. Poor old Gail, she may as well have "Disaster" iced on her wedding cake but she is the only one that can't see it! And we also noticed that Amy is Diedre's natural grandchild but not a mention of her was made over Christmas, just angst about Simon not being there!
Corrie writers have a habit of 'forgetting' key pieces of information such as Deidre being Amy's Nana. I am sooooooooooo hoping they might treat the dreadful Molvin story line the same way, after all My-2nd-Son (Michelle), Dr Matt Returns (Ashley & Cluur), Wicki's friend falling down the stairs at Underworld, and the Loony KC story lines all seem to have disappeared into the slops tray at the Rovers. Please please please let Molvin go the same way!
Never mind the Barlows forgetting their other grandchild - Ken's put his other son back in the plot cupboard, after supposedly "bonding" with him and Denise again last year!
The difference with Amy and the missing sons of Ken, Michelle and Hayley is that she lives on the street, and her grandmothers are good friends. If she lived away, or there were a problem between Liz and Dierdre, that would be different, but in the current situation, it's a careless omission.
I know that Corrie can't have amazing cliffhangers every episode, but ending the episode with Becky asleep on the sofa was a very boring choice. What will it be next time, Becky brushing her teeth? Looks like her character is going to be overused once again.
Thanks so much TVOR for covering me! You kept this blog afloat these holidays!
I will be back this Monday!
Thx again!
Good to see you back Yoork! Hope you had a brill holiday!
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