It's twelve hours later and Gail and Nick have turned up to the siege, Gail making friends amongst the police by bringing them bacon barms. Shona finds out from her son that his prison beatings were exaggerated, that Clayton's been dealing drugs inside, and Dane died when smuggling in drugs in his, er, cavity. The mother and son argue, but share a tender moment when talking about their childhood cat, and the two hug. Shona kicks away the knife, knees her son in the groin and runs out, but she sees the wall of armed police, and runs back inside, where Clayton grabs her and threatens to kill her when he finds out there's no money or car and then makes her ring David to say goodbye. After an unseen altercation, she runs out covered in blood and collapses into David's arms. Will history repeat itself? Well, no, because we know Julia Goulding isn't leaving. It turns out that it's Clayton's blood and Shona stabbed her only son. Unfortunately, he's not dead and he and Shona are taken to A&E. The police say Shona won't face charges, and she says that she never wants to see Clayton again and David says that he wants to ask Shona to marry him. Phew!
The upshot of all this drama is that David hasn't had the time to display the weasel in the barbers yet.
Sarah's been left in charge of all the children, one of whom disappears when her back has turned. Seb helps Sarah find Max (who is in the tram station) and talks him out of going off to find Shona. Sarah is grateful and says she will ask Gary to give Seb his job back. Gary is not keen on this idea and Seb is not keen on Gary and Sarah having a cuddle in front of him. In the end, not only does Sarah make Gary re-employ Seb but on the same wage as before. He looks at her, all wistful-like. Sarah-Lou: from gymslip mum to cougar in a few short years.
Dr Ali is back back back! And also Ryan. The two "brothers" and Craig all take a shine to Lolly, who's come into the Bistro with her second hand wedding planning scrapbook. Presumably Michelle, has forgotten all about her side career, given all the disasters that her wedding planning has entailed. I'm kind of liking Lolly. I'm sure I would hate her if I met her in real life - she would wind me up something cruel when she screeched: "It's wine o'clock!" and "I'm proper mad, me!" but as a character and a potential disruptive force, she's rather good. Already, Rana is annoyed that her fiancée has gone boozing and making plans without her.
Oh, and after Ryan makes him clean up some sick in the toilet, Dr Ali decides he's going to be a doctor once more
Summer, who obviously has excellent gaydar, tries to set up Billy and Paul over a meeting about the bail hostel. Sally finds out that the hostel is going to be next door to Red Bank, the new development that Claudia is buying into, so of course Claud says she's going to fight it, and duly sets up a petition. I can't see this going down well with Guardianista Ken.
Talking of romance, B-Pac and Cathy turn up to Speed Daal to book a table for date night, telling Geoff and Yasmeen that they always share a "coffee" after their dates. Ew! Anyway, this leads Brian to give Geoff some unwanted advice about "coffee". After ensuring that Brian isn't talking about "joint coffee", he takes Bri's romantic suggestions to heart and invites himself over to Yasmeen's with his pyjamas. Bit forward!
Rachel Stevenson - on twitter

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As much as it was supposed to be dramatic I found the whole siege thing rather tedious. Clayton says/ does nasty thing to Shona, Shona says but I love you, you're my son. Repeat ad nauseam.
I hated the whole thing...who cares about Clayton? Or Shona for that matter. It would've been better if they'd both killed one another, kill two birds with one stone so to speak.
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