Hiya! It's Jordan again with this week's Wednesday review. Apologies for my lateness - I was busy treading the cobbles myself last night with the other bloggers.
Last night, we were treated to an hour of Corrie and it feels great to say that comedy reigned supreme. It also incorporated a bit of shock drama and a hell of a bombshell to finish with. Classic Corrie. Well done, Mr Rochefort.
Sarah books a hair appointment especially for her date with Aidan. David is far from pleased for his sister; he is terrified that she is going to spill the beans about the skeleton in the closet. I mean, the body in the manhole. Sarah is adamant that she won't and later flirtingly saunters into the Rovers, asking Aidan who she has to snog for a drink. She would have been better off asking who she had to snog for several drinks, as that is what silly Sarah ended up having. It always sounds odd to me when someone orders shots in the Rovers. Thankfully, Sarah manages to keep the Callum secret, but she does get very drunk very quickly. When she breaks a glass, Aidan breaks off the date and she storms- I mean, stumbles, out of the pub, with Billy trying to keep her upright. David whisks her away and bids Billy off to sing a few hymns with Emily. He needn't have worried though. All Sarah had slurred to Billy was her hilariously disastrous history with the Grimshaw brothers.
"Do you know Todd? I thought he was the love of my life and he went full Tom Daley on me! No offence. And Jason climbed out of a bog window so he didn't have to marry me" |
"We got your test results back and everything's fine. You're as healthy as a horse. And so is the baby" "Sorry, what did you say?" "I thought you knew. You're about four months pregnant" |
There's a bit of downgrading for Carla in this episode as she happily volunteers to help out at the bistro when Nick is severely understaffed. All insurance issues ignored (much like the Kasia case back in 2006), Carla ties up her hair and grabs a notepad. Having drank in plenty of bars in her time, Carla is sure she'll be dab hand at waitressing. Unfortunately, her eager attitude is put to the test when she has to wait on Sally, Queen of Snobbery, who is thrilled at being able to boss her boss. After being addressed as 'waitress' by her own employee and quizzed on the origin of the pork belly, to which she is totally clueless, Carla looks ready to kill. Of course, her demeanour isn't completely quashed. When Sally's wine fussing gets to much for her, she simply fires a death glare at Kate (at that moment, a customer) and orders her to take the glass of wine over to Sally.
After a few hours in her new (uninsured) job role, Carla's seems to have the hang of customer service. She has mastered all the waitress lingo and realises that she should have worn flat shoes. She's happy, something which she says she isn't used to. Behind the Bistro bar, she candidly asks Nick to marry her. However, before he can get an answer out, Michelle interrupts and Nick has to dash off to visit Sarah in hospital. How inconsiderate, Sarah! Couldn't you have picked another night to be knocked over?!
However, all is well when Nick get back to the Bistro and accepts Carla's proposal. My only hope is that Carla follows in Michelle's footsteps and chooses to keep her name. Carla Tilsey just doesn't sound right.
"The answer's yes by the way" "What was the question?" "I believe the question was 'Will you marry me?', to which the only sensible answer is 'I will'" |
At number 5, Craig is on the phone to Caitlin. Beth eagerly snatches the phone off her son and invites her round for dinner, offering a chippy tea or a kebab. Craig is understandably annoyed at Beth, but invites her nonetheless, on the condition that Beth and Kirk clear off for the night. Later on, he regrets being angry with Beth and invites them to join his date for homemade chicken kievs. They gratefully accept, with Kirk expressing his amazement that chicken kiev can be made from scratch. What follows is a series of one liners from the archetypal embarrassing mother. She's trying her best though. She's even replaced the air-freshener in the bathroom. Understandably though, Craig does not appreciate his mother showing photos of him as a rash-covered infant to his new girlfriend.
"Gosh, you were a big baby, Craig" "Ten pounds. It were like passing a bowling ball" |
"Let's just keep it low-key, okay?" "Oh my middle name is low-key" "Good evening, what can I get you?" "Michael has just been nominated for the Weatherfield Good Samaritan of the Year Award!" |
An absolutely cracking episode. Typical Corrie- a simultaneous sitcom and a drama. Performances of the episode go to pretty much everyone, but I' like to give extra special mentions to Alison King as Carla, Sue Cleaver as Eileen, Lisa George as Beth and Tina O'Brien as Sarah, who puts on a hilariously convincing drunk act.
Thanks for reading!
Jordan, Twitter- @JordanLloyd39
Deirdre: A Life on Coronation Street - official ITV tribute to a soap icon. Available here.
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Thanks Jordan. I agree, a cracker of an episode. It was laugh out loud funny in parts. Sally and Tim's Walking in Memphis scene was also a highlight.
Great write up! I loved the Rubix Cube scenes, and the scenes with Todd and Eileen in the cab office. Lovely stuff. Also enjoyed Sally torturing Carla in the Bistro and Sally's karaoke. Cringed on behalf of poor Craig who's monumentally embarassed by his parent. As most kids are!
Sarah was useless as usual - maybe it's time for a new head!
There were so many joyous moments in this hour. Craig beginning to grow up, squirming with embarrassment then showing an assertive side (even when he loses his temper, he's still sweet!); Sally dining out, in the fullest sense of the expression (and doesn't she have a great singing voice!); Todd being - well, what Todd is best - a fun, witty commentator on the foibles of those around him. They've finally got his character back on track. Even his Rubik's Cube trick had no malice behind it; it wasn't even about conning a free drink as he was buying the next round even as Eileen rumbled him. And he was decent enough to call David, being genuinely worried about Sarah. I hope they can maintain this improvement.
Then there was Nick and Carla - I'm not one for romantic movies and all that schmaltzy sentimentality, but this fair brought a lump to my throat. I absolutely believed these two sincerely loved each other. I admit I originally found them a very unlikely pairing, but Ali and Ben have enormous chemistry together, and that combined with Carla's trademark quirky self-deprecation makes for a compulsively watchable partnership. They're both bruised characters emotionally, and it's nice to see Carla with a decent bloke who clearly worships her. What a pity Ali King's impending sabbatical means inevitable heartbreak ahead.
Sarah's accident: for once a dramatic incident being underplayed. It didn't sensationally dominate the episode (remember Stella being run down?) Drunks wander into oncoming cars every night; it was quickly delt with, with our being assured she was fine as soon as the ad-break was over. Not a length of nasal tubing in sight! Finally, although it was a great line, having lived in Milan for the last few years, would Sarah realistically know who Tom Daley is? (Or at least the cultural impact of his private life?) Or did she have vacuous British celeb magazines sent out to her? Sorry, I'm nitpicking. I did laugh out loud. A superb, vintage Rochford episode!
So I guess Todd the psychotic is completely cured now?
Did anyone notice a design fail with the Rovers Christmas decorations on Sarah and Aiden scenes.
Stage Lights glare on the Bauble garland and back of the stage on the silver clear bauble.
Another vehicle driven by Nick almost killing someone? He needs his license revoked asap. He seems to have recovered quite nicely..guess that brain damage miraculously healed itself!
Anonymous, it wasn't Nick driving his van, it was Tim in the brand new van that Sally bought him for a wedding present.
That aside, I really did enjoy tonight's episode, it was a refreshing change from the usual misery.
I love Nick & Carla together, but agree that she shouldn't change her name to Carla Tilsey (too much of a mouthful) and since I think Leanne kept the Tilsey name wouldn't that be a bit much having 2 Mrs Tilseys on the street? Especially Leanne & Carla - they already shared Peter Barlow and his name.
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