KATY’S DAY GOES FROM BAD TO WORSE. Realising she can’t take Joseph away from his Dad, Katy tells Linda she won’t be moving to Portugal after all. Chesney’s relieved to hear Katy’s decided to stay but Katy’s bitter, pointing out she didn’t really have a choice. As an upset Katy waves Linda off, knowing she’s turned down the chance of a lifetime, she realises with horror that she’s missed her first personal trainer exam. Depressed Katy heads to the Rovers and parking herself next to Callum demands he buys her several drinks. As an amused Callum guides a drunken Katy home, she shouts at him to leave her alone. On his way to Sinead’s physio session, Chesney wades in and telling Callum to clear off, helps Katy into her flat. At the hospital Sinead tries to stand, terrified she’ll never walk again, will Chesney be by her side or have his priorities changed?
ANDY STRUGGLES TO FILL A DEAD MAN’S SHOES. Andy fusses round Michael, doing his best to appear the perfect son. Gail quietly seethes, hating Andy for involving her in his web of deceit. Gail tells Andy that as soon as Michael is well enough, he must move away and fade from Michael’s life. Andy’s surprised to realise how much this upsets him. Meanwhile Steph points out that with Gavin now dead, Andy can no longer use his National Insurance number. Gail accesses the bistro computer hoping to change Gavin’s details but she’s startled when Michael walks in. Are they about to be caught in the act?
EMILY PLAYS MATCHMAKER FOR SEAN AND BILLY. Aware she’s caused a rift between Billy and Sean, Emily resolves to try and put things right. Emily dupes Billy and Sean into meeting in the Rovers. Will they sort out their differences?
ELSEWHERE Kal and Zeedan enlist Simon’s help with their egg scam. Simon’s thrilled but is Sharif onto them? Callum winds Gail up by suggesting she could have an arm-wrestle with his Mum and the winner could have custody of Max.
Monday 16th March
CHESNEY MAKES A HEART BREAKING DECISION. As Katy pours her heart out, Chesney realises he’s the only thing standing in the way of her new life in Portugal. Chesney tells her she and Joseph can move to Portugal with his blessing as he knows they’ll have a better life. Katy’s deeply touched. Meanwhile when Chesney visits Sinead, explaining that he missed her physio session as he was making the decision to let Katy take Joseph to Portugal, Sinead’s horrified. Chesney’s adamant that it’s best for Joseph but as he watches Joseph sleep will his emotions get the better of him?
GAIL’S LIES CAUSE NICK TO DOUBT HIMSELF. In a panic Gail lies to Michael, telling him she was checking the payroll as she’s been underpaid. Nick blames himself, admitting he did the pay roll. Gail feels terrible. With Nick no longer trusting himself, Steph seizes the opportunity and offers to look after the payroll. Nick’s grateful. Furious at being forced to lie to her own son, Gail snaps at Andy. Will she still be prepared to cover for him?
WILL SEAN AND BILLY RECONCILE? Billy and Sean try to iron out their differences. Billy explains to Sean that because of his position as vicar, their relationship must remain under wraps. Will Sean accept this or feel forced to give Billy up?
ELSEWHERE Sharif pretends he’s put his back out and asks Kal and Zeedan to read the chickens their bedtime story. Will they realise Sharif is winding them up?
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Gail is the queen of perpetual self-victimization. She's always blaming everyone else for what she's "forced" to do, when it's clearly her own choice. Any sane person would realize that they could gently break this news to Michael without causing him to have a flipping heart-attack and that doing so sooner rather than later would help to diminish the shock. Gail is a control-freak and an idiot.
If silly thick little Katy hadnt insisted on her "right to have a baybay" while still a schoolgirl, then she could go off to Portugal without a backward glance but she did so she is responsible for another human being. Selfish dozy little girl that she is.
Glad to see Sinead is still in hospital - she must be the soap character with the longest (realistic) hospital stay.
How on earth did Emily "cause a rift"? It was Sean who brought it on himself. If conclusion jumping was an Olympic sport, he would have the gold medal.
Why the assumption that moving abroad always leads to a better life? Will Katy be any less dozy in a warmer climate? IMO, sunshine is vastly over-rated.
Forgetting real life for a moment, it's much better that Katy takes Joseph to Portugal. The actress got axed and there's no storyline for Joseph other than to be dumped on various relatives while Chesney and Sinead go to work. Far better to let the young couple lead normal 20 something lives. Chesney, in particular, is written as a fifty year old. The writers can't seem to give young characters anything other than babies - Faye will be next. Sophie and Maddie are young and single and could go to free rock concerts in the park but, apparently, they'd rather sit in the Rovers with the oldies. We don't have to see what the young adults get up to but we could hear them talk about it.
I have always thought it strange that young people on the street don't seem to have any friends. They all still live with their parents moving their girlfriend/boyfriend in with them. They don't appear to have any social lives hanging around in either the pub, Roy or Bistro with their parents. Doesn't seem very realistic to me. I find Chesney to be increasingly boring and dull. Like humpty said he is written like a fifty year old. He is another young person with no ambition or drive. I would really like to see 1 young person on the street get a decent education and go somewhere in life.
For what it's worth,I like Chesney and I don't think he's being portrayed as a fifty year old per see but a mature responsible young adult which is impressive considering his background with a neglectful mother.It's Katy who bugs me with her childish tantrums because she's not getting her way since Chesney won't let her take Joseph to Portugal.Yea she is his mother but Chesney as the father has rights too and yet that was never considered.I bet Katy will also make life difficult for Chesney until he gives in to her.
@Anon 14:39 Completely agree. In fact, for me, Katy would be the mother from hell. Vacuous as the day is long.
Wait, what? A personal trainer? Since when??? I thought her calling was to be a paramedic? Besides, anyone who's studying to be a personal trainer would be at the gym getting in shape... Right? Only thing I EVER see Kaytey lifting are pints and chips.
Diane well said! I was thinking the exact same thing. I used to work at a recreational facility in an administrative position. Believe me the personal trainers were university educated and very fit (men or women). Also very personable and friendly
Looks like some interesting story lines coming up...thanks from the Canadian viewers! Cheers...
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