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Wednesday 25 March 2015

Pics: Coronation Street filming with Faye's baby girl

Pic tweeted by @ColsonSmith (Craig) today
Digital Spy have paparazzi pictures of Coronation Street filming today which show scenes of new mum Faye Windass being humiliated when her baby daughter Miley is brought to school by Anna.

Anna takes Faye's baby to Weatherfield High School. Colson Smith, who plays Craig, tweeted the picture above today saying 'Guess where we're filming today'.  Good to see Weatherfield High School is a specialist music and science college. What a great combination!

Ellie Leach and Debbie Rush, who play Faye and Anna, were spotted filming the scenes on location in Manchester today (March 25).

Faye is shocked when Anna arrives at the school with the baby, but the surprises continue when Anna storms off and leaves the youngster with her as her shocked classmates watch on.

Faye will give birth in scenes due to air on Good Friday, next week

Have a look at the pictures here. 

Glenda Young 
Flaming Nora Blog / Twitter 

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Anonymous said...

Are social services going to be involved and take the baby to be fostered because Faye is underage and Anna isn't in a stable relationship?
Can social services get the adoption of Faye set aside since Anna has proven to be an unfit mother?

Anonymous said...

Anna should not have brought the child to the school and should of not have left it there. I really don't think Anna should be a parent even of older children. Faye should have taken some time off and Anna, Tim and Faye should have decided whether to adopt the baby out or keep it and make arrangements for it around every ones work schedule. That would have been the mature thing to do. At this point, I think Faye is more mature than Anna.

Zagg said...

Please tell me I read that wrong. Anna dumps the baby on Faye at school? As if I needed one more thing to dislike that character.
But really...that does not fit with the Anna character. As annoying as she can be at times, she would never do something so callous to one of her children. Ugh...these writers have NO concept of character continuity.

Anonymous said...

Unbelievable! Why on earth would she do something as daft as that? I would think Faye would have had a hard enough at school as it is knowing how much kids are bullied these days. Time children's services stepped in and put the baby with responsible adults! I am in Canada and am so not looking forward to this storyline.

Frosty the Snowman said...

In yesterday's scenes Mr Magoo could see that FayE was pregnant. What is wrong with these people on this Street, so wrapped in their self aborbed selves that they dont see a very young girl in trouble! BAH!

Beth said...

Is Faye legally of age to look after a child? What on earth comes over Anna humiliating Faye further by dumping her child on her in school of all places. How more humiliated can the child get. Anna really needs to get over herself, her idea of 'love' is 'come here and give us a hug' - that's it! She was hopeless with Gary's PTSD too. Rubbish mother. Then had the cheek to treat Roy like dirt when Gary messed up. Awful woman.

Anonymous said...

WHAT!!! The Anna I know would never do that.

I Agree with Zagg.

Why do the writers change character's personalities so drastically on this soap? Round pegs in square holes.

Anonymous said...

Is it just my computer, or is anyone else having trouble viewing the photos?

Anonymous said...

It wasn't so long ago that Owen was the 'monster'especially by Anna for not telling his daughters the truth about their mother and now Anna pulls this stunt on poor Faye?!Perhaps this is what breaks Owen and Anna up as he's disgusted with her behaviour.
I also wonder how much lower can the writers go with nasty storylines?

Tvor said...

I suppose she's trying to force Faye to bond with the baby but doing that to a child that's already been bullied is only making things worse.

Even if Anna or her family haven't noticed a bump shaped belly under that baggy jumper, surely one of her teachers would notice?


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