The trouble is I'm just not loving it any more. There is too much I don't like about it. It's on too often. It's populated by too many characters I don't care about. There are too many convoluted storylines that get on my chuffing nerves. That's just too much for me for now.
The other trouble is that I'm still a Corrie addict and proud to be an anorak. I know so much about Corrie, its history and its characters that it would just be too much of a wrench to give it up. The cold, feverish sweats at the thought of filling those extra two and a half hours each week. What a to do.
So what I am going to do is go Corrie cold turkey for two weeks and see how I cope. Can I live a fruitful existence without regular updates of the crazy cesspit of lies festering under Gail's roof? Can I live without knowing what fate befalls Sharif Nazir's chickens? And can I soldier on without having to witness Sean hosting a butler auction at the Rovers?

I'm going to stop watching for a bit in the hope that I'll miss all those familiar soapy shenanigans enough for me to carry on. I hope a break from it will help me start tuning in again out of desire rather than out of routine. Let's see how I get on in the big wide Corrie free world.
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I have actually tuned out and tune in about once a week now.. It's not as hard as you think. But I too need it, and want it to be better and more tune in-able. Hang in there and enjoy the break. It's in your blood and you'll be back.
I hope to be back full time again someday soon when it smartens up.
You and Stuart Blackburn now have something in common.
I have tuned out for some time now, never watch it, I do read some of the updates just in case it starts to improve....gone are the stan and hildas, jack and vera, mavis and derk, lol.....but now all the good characters are leaving and the storylines are not doing it for me...i do have to 50th anniversary collection so play some of those when i want to enjoy the old corrie
I went cold turkey over Christmas and actually missed this blog more than the episodes. It was remarkably easy to catch up and now I watch two or three episodes a week; on the double days, it's always the later one.
Corrie is definitely going through the motions these days. I hope the pregnancy storyline shocks and surprises us without being explosive. I'm putting my neck on the line here but when you read the very complimentary comments about Corrie on this blog, many of them seem to come from overseas. By all accounts, overseas soaps aren't as gritty as Corrie, but then I think it's not as gritty as it used to be. Perhaps, as a long-time British fan, I'm more depressed about the way it's going. No offence intended to any fan.
The cast is far too large now. I hope the leavers aren't instantly replaced with new characters.
I gave it up for almost a year a while ago. To this day I haven't figured out where Les Bastersby went! I was at the point you're at now. I liked a few of the characters, but a lot of them were just irritating to me. I checked in with the updates from time to time and started watching again when I heard that Vera, one of my all time favourites, was going to die. I sort of gradually came back... fast forwarding through the John Stape/Rosie Webster garbage and a few others. I think you might find you'll be fine as long as you can still check in on some of your favourites online.
I've tuned out for more than two years now. However, I still come to this blog almost every day with my morning coffee, and if there is talk about a decent episode(s), I go to catch-up and watch one or two. I watched the lips couch, then watched Brittany live last Friday and don't feel like much has really changed at all! Really, you don't need to watch hardly at all if you've been a fan for 25+ years. It's more about the nostalgia and characters you care about, just like checking in on your old friends every once in a while to see what they're up to! Did the tour last year and really enjoyed it, but it was more about what used to be than what's going on these days.
I've always hated storylines based on deceptions or withholding information (the Kylie/Nick/David triangle, fake Gavin) so watching them twist and turn forever is kind of painful. They always seem to go on just that much longer than necessary. At some point you're just yelling at the screen to rip the bandage off and expose the lie. Some storylines just don't cut it for everybody.
Over the years I have gone through periods of time where I didn't watch, and I'll be honest you come back to watch after a few months and it's as if nothing changed.
Me too..tuned out last year..watch an episode on Youtube and read this great blog. You won't miss it and after awhile you'll get annoyed watching the same storyline go round and round with different characters. I think the writers/producers are in a bit of a mess trying to find ways to keep their viewing audience. Oh well.
Humpy Dumpty, I am a Canadian fan, and I can understand your comments.
For me, coming from a family of UK background - Corrie gives me that little bit of the UK that I love. Things that a Brit resident might take for granted, or is 'normal' to you Brits. You would prob laugh at (things which amuse me with fondness).
So despite failing storylines, there are other reasons why I keep tuning in. And surely, I'm not alone in my comments/position.
I'm with you on this Graeme. The trick is to record it and fastforward any scenes with characters you loathe - or get your fix from watching old episodes (increasingly, I do)!
I stopped watching the show ever since Karen McDonalds (Suranne Jones) left. I frequent visit this blog out of loyalty but cannot stand watching an episode anymore. I'd tune in for live episode to see how it is happening but that's it.
What great comments! I have drifted out of Corrie for periods in the past and, like Rebecca, lost track of some characters (until I found the Corrie updates!). Like Kaos, I fast forward through story lines I don't like (easy to pick up what happened since I found the the blog) and like Anon, I get really irritated with the dragged-out deception story lines (again the blog comes in handy since we're a week behind). But I can't imagine ever giving it up entirely. I have no doubt you'll be back!
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