In the meantime, in no particular order, here are 10 things I love and 10 things I loathe about Corrie right now.
1. Faye's pregnancy storyline especially the involvement of Craig Tinker. Two cracking young actors.
2. Bethany Platt being back - this could be great (despite lack of Italian accent), especially when Sarah returns
3. Sally and Tim
4. Jenny Bradley being back
5. The Nazir women - Yasmeen and Alya
6. Classic characters I'll always enjoy - Roy Cropper, Gail McIntyre
7. The remaining fanciable men - Billy the vicar, Gary Windass
8. Les Dennis as Michael Rodwell
9. Steve and Michelle and their upcoming wedding
10.The remaining women with some gumption about them - Liz, Rita, Eileen, Julie, Tracy, Emily, Izzy, Audrey, Steph, Fat Brenda
1. Sinead being in hospital and the 'will she, won't she' walk again stuff. Of course she flaming will.
2. Fake Gavin/Andy. Just get it over with, please
3. Callum - surely the campest villain that Corrie's ever had, and not in a good way
4. David 'fighting for Max'
5. The Nazir men - Kal, Sharif, Zeedan
6. The chicken storyline. It might have worked as a storyline for Mavis and Derek in the 80s but it doesn't work now
7. Huge, important storylines that have been suddenly forgotten e.g. Nick's brain injury
8. Female characters with no point to them - Maria, Andrea, Sophie
9. Male characters I like but who are being much under-used - Tyrone, Kirk
10. Emily being given trite and dull things to say. She's a treasure, use her properly.
Agree? Disagree? Let's have your thoughts and your own 10 things you love and 10 things you loathe in the comments below.
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I more or less agree except about the Nazirs. This family is an example of a good idea gone wrong. Their introduction was badly planned. They were brought in one-by-one so that we wouldn't get swamped but they started with the wrong character - Kal. It's too late to redeem any of the family now.
I loathe Anna but sadly we're stuck with her as long as Faye's on the Street. The triumph of the Street atm is the pairing of Tim and Sally.
Agree 100%! Especially about David helplessly fighting for Max. Get some legal help and get on with it.
Number 9 on the love list switched with Number 2 on the loathe list.
1. Emily, even though her appearances are increasingly rare, she still steals every scene she is in.
2. Audreh - ditto.
3. Sally & Tim
4. Eva (yes I know she's left for now, but I still love her)
5. Steph - both feisty and likeable.
6. Liz - especially when she is on the warpath.
7. Beth and Craig Tinker.
8. Tracy - yes, she is vile and plays it like a cartoon baddie, but I love to hate her.
9. Andy. Yes I know he did a stupid (or rather an unbelieveable) thing, but he is inherently good.
10. Rita. But not nearly as much as I used to.
1. Dev. Even when he isn't in it, he is occupying the corner shop and preventing someone far better running it. Who? Almost anyone.
2. David. He's always been vile, and it's a pity the writers couldn't have let him mature.
3. Steve. Sorry, I know the blog writers all love him, but IMHO he can't act, and substitutes endless guerning instead.
4. Sinead and Chesney. He was a cute kid, but she is terminally boring and if they both left together I certainly wouldn't miss them.
5. Andrea - permanently chirpy... and continually annoying.
6. Billy - I don't find him remotely convincing as a vicar, gay or otherwise, and that bloody smile of his is blinding.
7. Gail - although I do wish she wouldn't use that silly whispery voice... and that she'd somehow manage to reclaim the house back.
8. Betty's photo on the wall of the Rovers - if it was anyone's it should be Annie Walker's portrait hanging there.
9. Dennis's axing - I know he wasn't used properly, but such a pity that he isn't still in it.
10. The Nazir's - hate all of them, except the girl.
Of the Nazirs, I'm beginning to like Sharif. He's been kind to Roy and I enjoyed the faking of the back pain.
I love your emoticons.
With the exception of Audrey,I loathe the Platts right now as it's tedious seeing them feautured in almost every storyline.It's not Coronation Street anymore,it's the 'Platt Show'!
I'm also bothered that there's been no mention about Deirdre since she left neither by Ken,Tracy,Emily or her supposed best friend Liz. They act as though she never existed and I'm also disappointed that it won't be for another few months before she's remembered.
I do like Sharif's friendship with Roy and his chickens as that storyline I think is a return to the gentle humor that is severely lacking in storylines nowadays.
1. Craig and Faye-cracking
2. Tim and Sally-comedy gold
3. Billy the Vicar-hottest vicar ever
4. Katie Leaving-good riddance
5. Kal Leaving-Kal who?
6. Audrey and Ken
7. Callum's come hither eyes
8. Sinead's sense of decor
9. Mary's motor home
10. Roy and Sharif and the plot
1. Chickens
2. Decor at the Bistro-tacky
3. Andrea's perma-grin
4. Eileen's sour mood
5. Todd's smirk
6. Best Buy's cheap looking decor
7. Michelle's holier than thou attitude
8. Sophie
9. The kebab shop visors
10. Izzy's over acting
I'm sick of the David/Max/Callum story also. I don't know why the writers haven't resurrected Demon David to deal with a little twerp like Callum. DD would have had him off in a flash.
C in Canada.
***I agree with the blogged comments below for the
Love of Corrie:
Craig and Faye-cracking (Craig cracking with anyone, that kid has something special)
Beth and Craig Tinker. (And of course with Kirk too)
Tim and Sally-comedy gold (and chemistry)
Liz - especially when she is on the warpath. (and all her outfits and accessories)
Tracy - yes, she is vile and plays it like a cartoon baddie, but I love to hate her. (though, I'd prefer to find her likeable)
Andy. Yes I know he did a stupid (or rather an unbelieveable) thing, but he is inherently good. (an excellent actor who should be better utilized and not wasted as a vehicle to move a plot.)
***I agree with the comments from bloggers below for the
Loathe of Corrie:
David. He's always been vile, and it's a pity the writers couldn't have let him mature. (I can't watch when he's on).
I loathe the Platts right now as it's tedious seeing them feautured in almost every storyline.It's not Coronation Street anymore,it's the 'Platt Show'! (is there anybody listening to this, enough already!)
Dev. Even when he isn't in it, he is occupying the corner shop and preventing someone far better running it. Who? Almost anyone. (too true, as long as it isn't So-fay)
I loathe Anna but sadly we're stuck with her as long as Faye's on the Street. (she came onto the street as a hag and will likely leave as one, that angel stuff in the middle was nice while it lasted but she's been all over the personality map since living on Coronation street)
Eileen's sour mood (if she's not careful, her face will stick like that!)
&Todd's smirk (ditto)
Michelle's holier than thou attitude (Yeah right, what a two-faced tramp)
Female characters with no point to them - Maria, Andrea, Sophie (Maria's there for the hair, Andrea's there for the goofy laughs, and Sophie's there for )
Male characters I like but who are being much under-used - Tyrone, Kirk (and others that I've already forgotten because they haven't been on the screen for so long as they are not friends or enemies with the Platts or the Nazirs or the Windasses)
Dennis's axing - I know he wasn't used properly, but such a pity that he isn't still in it. (that was disgusting how they treated him)
I'm also bothered that there's been no mention about Deirdre since she left neither by Ken,Tracy,Emily or her supposed best friend Liz. They act as though she never existed and I'm also disappointed that it won't be for another few months before she's remembered. (show some respect for us viewers.. there has to be a way and still respect her private life and family at the same time)
+This I agree with so very much..
"You wish the players were moved about and some of your favourites brought in from the subs bench. You call for the manager to be sacked. But in your heart, you couldn’t ever change allegiance. You just wish – and hope – that things will turn around. They always do, it’s just a matter of waiting…"
well said.
I am sick to death of the David Platt drama.Any good plot they have gets dragged out so long you forget what it really is about.And how long will Faye hide that pregnancy. And Steve is a bumbling idiot . Why is he even is he on the show.I always said this was a real show with real people but it has strayed far from it. PLEASE bring back the old Coronation Street
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