Week of Monday 22 to Friday 26 December
Note: schedule changes this week.
Tracy beds Tony, Roy’s Rolls opens festive soup kitchen, Kylie succumbs to Callum and cocaine, Lloyd flies to Spain, Gail flies to Milan.
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Why oh why can't they just let any couples BE HAPPY!!!
Sick to death of Kylie & the wooden Callum. As if! Just, as if!
Why would Roy be in jail for defending his property from a low life thief?I don't get it.
I hope this is the end of Gary on the street. What's left for him? Stealing from his neighbor, no matter what the reason is the lowest of lows. We need to see the back of him. I am so sick of his temper and foolishness.
I see this is the writer's new schtick now. Bad boy who screws over people and family gets hurt to gain sympathy. Sound familiar, Todd?
Ugh...change the record.
Zagg,I agree with your comments and I don't think I want to watch low life thief Gary feel sorry for himself whlle Roy is in jail.Perhaps Owen turns him in and he's dumped by Anna for doing so?
I thought Beth and Kirk were supposed to get married over Christmas? There is no mention of that just misery storylines.No wonder ratings are bad!
I hope Gary has permanent brain damage and is institutionalized for the rest of his life. Then Izzy can die in the bus crash scheduled for the new year, Anna and Owen can split up because of their heartbreak over their kids, and Faye can be sent to live with Tim after she gets pregnant and Anna is found to be an unfit parent. End of Windstrongs. End.
Always thoroughly enjoy seeing David Platt getting his scrawny, pathetic wimp ass kicked!
It's the week before Christmas,David's marriage is n the rocks thanks to Kylie,so Gail thinks now is the time to visit Sarah in Milan?!Why?I bet if it was Nick who was having problems,Gail wouldn't think of abandoning him as she's doing to David,
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