Week of Monday 3 to Friday 7 November.
Todd gets beaten up, Michael looks for his son, will Tracy forgive Rob?, Michelle tries to understand Steve.
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From this photo it looks like Todd has to get beaten up to be welcome back to the family fold. Maybe a bump on the head will make him forget his nasty persona too if we're lucky. Unlike Maddeh who just woke up one day and was a new woman with a new personality
It's about time that someone biffed Todd on the nose. Having said that, at least he is trying to turn his life around.
Ugh...too little too late. They made Todd the son from hell who has spent all his screen time crapping on people and purposely destroying lives. Now, he gets a thumping and we're supposed to feel sorry for him? Not me. He just needs to leave the street now.
Those beds and tubes in Weatherfield General havent been used for a long time, so I suppose they have to get their money's worth. Have zero sympathy with Todd, he was asking for a good pasting from someone or other.
Right on Zagg!
Have Mercy!! Let the boy redeem himself, he at least used to be good. It made far less sense that he was made evil. Being nice suits him better.
Your link doesn't lead to the Nov.3 - 7 episodes, but to the Oct. 27 - 31 ones.
Sorry about that, it works fine now.
Tony done it..or had someone do it for him.
Another character with a tube up his nose
Katy is way too thick to even consider becoming a paramedic, she should start by perhaps finishing her basic education first!
Todd is getting exactly what he deserves. No sympathy here. When is the truth going to come out about Rob killing Tina. It is dragging out too long.
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