Coronation Street, Sunday 2nd September 2012 Hour long episode.
DESPERATE RYAN RESORTS TO EXTREME MEASURES. Ryan tells Michelle he thinks he should leave as she’d be happier without him. As she points out though, he has no money to go anywhere else. Later Michelle shares her concerns with Steve about Ryan doing a flit Tracy turns up. She’s got a job interview so Steve will have to look after Amy. Impressed by Tracy’s efforts he agrees. Alone in the flat Ryan comes to a decision. He stuffs a few things in a bag and grabs Michelle’s factory keys. When Michelle discovers Ryan’s gone she and Steve head off to find him leaving a furious Tracy in the lurch. Ryan however is hiding and watching them leave. When the coast is clear he heads to the factory. Searching the place for petty cash he’s in for more than he bargained for when Rob arrives and mistaking him for a burglar goes on the attack. Michelle arrives at the factory to find Ryan semi- conscious. Rob’s all for calling the police but Steve urges him not to. Relenting, Rob helps Steve get Ryan to A&E. After being checked over Ryan claims he wasn’t breaking in he was only looking for Michelle. Rob asserts Ryan’s lying but Ryan, unrepentant tells the doctor to call the police: he wants to report an assault. Rob’s gutted. He’s still on probation so if he’s found guilty of GBH he’ll go straight back behind bars. He pleads with Michelle to open her eyes. Ryan is lying. Later after he’s discharged Ryan finally breaks down. He was planning to rob the factory to find cash for a fix and he hates what’s happening to him. As Michelle holds him, he promises to tell the police the truth to save Rob. Deciding that he can’t let Michelle cope with Ryan on her own Steve decides to move in with her. How will Tracy, still seething at missing her job interview, react to this?
TINA AND TOMMY ARE ON THE UP AGAIN. Rita tells Tina that Owen’s advertising for someone to do the books. It might be for a job she can do in addition to working at the pub. She asks Owen and though he’s reluctant at first he finally backs down and gives her a chance. Later Tina proves that she’s an asset to Owen who gives her the job full time. Back at home Tommy has good news for Tina too, he’s got a night job at a warehouse is Salford. They work their shifts out, realise they won’t be seeing much of each other over the next few weeks but maybe at last their run of bad luck is at an end.
EILEEN ARRANGES A DINNER PARTY WHILE PAUL’S AWAY. Paul gives pride of place to a hideous vase that once belonged to Lesley. Not wanting to hurt his feelings Eileen can do little but accept this. Later Eileen is cooking dinner for Jason and Maria and invites Sean. To save face in front of a passing Marcus Sean declines inventing a hot date. Eileen then invites Marcus and Aiden instead. Later Sean arrives home slightly worse for wear and keeps up the pretence that he’s been on a date until an irritated Aiden calls his bluff. Sean’s emotions proceed to get the better of him and in a drunken stumble he heads towards Lesley’s vase before Eileen can stop him.
Elsewhere Sunita is horrified when it turns out Karl’s smoke alarms are all faulty. She has no other option but to face the music and confess to Dev that she’s cleared out their bank account.
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Sunday, 2 September 2012
Sneak preview of tonight's hour-long Corrie - Sunday 2 September
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Tina a bookeeper. The same one who dumped the dishy Dr. because he suggested she take few courses or to to Uni to better herself, but she wanted to remain a 'barmaid?' That she was never good with books etc etc and now she's going to 'help' Owen. Who's doing the books now? Why not Gail..oh, I forgot...Gail is back in Neverland in Nick's loo with that ridiculous Cheshire cat grin all over her fact 24-7. Maybe Ryunnn gave her some of the good stuff.
Yes, it does seem odd that even someone like Gary or Izzy wouldn't be as or more qualified than Tina to do Owen's books. Odd indeed.
Tiresome that Karl's smoke alarms are all faulty and now Sunita has to confess that she's emptied the joint account. Petty, predictable, directionless. Who buys smoke alarms out of the back of a car (or the lining of a jacket) anyway?
Since when is Tracy at a shortage of people to dump Amy on? Particularly if she was going to a job interview?
Does anyone know who the actor is who played Sid, the Underworld contact meeting with Rob & Michelle in the bistro? Looks very familiar.
To Maggie Muggins, it's Michael J Jackson, he was in Emmerdale and played Jacksons dad :)
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