I'm hating every minute of the surrogacy storyline in Coronation Street. It's a complete farce and I can already tell it's one of those storylines I'm going to have to endure for the next few months instead of enjoy.
First off - how on earth Gary and Izzy were ever going to raise the thousands of pounds needed for the IVF treatment in the first place were never explained. Then Owen pops up saying he'll pay, so that's all sorted. Now we've got Tina who offers to pop out a baby to pay off Tommy's debts and then Tommy tries to leaves her.
Why on earth didn't Tina take Rita's offer of the money? She could have given the money to Tommy to pay off Tyrone and get that nasty Kirsty one off their backs once and for all while paying Rita back at leisure. She's in no rush for the money, is Rita. She's loaded.
Anyway, this fan's opinion is - despite fab acting from my two favourite Corrie actors Mikey North and Cherylee Houston as Gary and Izzy - this surrogacy storyline is the daftest, dullest thing Corrie's done in a while.
What do you reckon?
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You really needed to ask? Corrie writers have come up with some ridiculous storylines in the past but this is OTT. Rita saying she's can't get her head round it..offers Tina the $$ to get out of debt but the brain dead dolt says no to her good friend...she'd rather go through all the pain of childbirth in a few months. PFFFTT.
In case I'm not clear...I find it
Thank you Flaming Nora - this is a good post and you make some fair points. I have also been left asking the same questions over the past couple of weeks. In addition to this, I always wondered why Izzy decided so quickly that she didn't want to try for a another baby. She basically made the decision a day or two after she had her miscarriage. Subsequently, Izzy and Gary's investigation into adoption was also rushed, as many people have already commented on this blog. I am also perplexed at Owen's recent motives, or lack of wisdom. He was never comfortable with Izzy's pregnancy or Katy's surrogacy offer, yet he is prepared to hand over thousands of pounds to Tina for the surrogacy. In my view, this is a far riskier proposition than if Katy was to have carried the baby.
Your final comment is also interesting. Like you, I am also an admirer of Mikey and Cherylee's acting and it has been these two who have kept the storyline afloat, if only just. Considering Izzy's situation and Gary's past, a well-conceived pregnancy storyline for these two characters could have been really interesting and relevant but like you say, it has become daft and dull. Let's hope these two actors are treated to better material at some stage; this latest storyline has not brought out the best in either of their characters.
I haven't really minded it, to tell you the truth, mainly because i really do believe it's going to be a non-started. I don't think Tina will get pregnant in the end and it will fizzle out. Tina will then take Rita up on her offer.
Couldn't agree more with this post, and the comments from Matilda above. It is rushed, ill-thought out, plain stupid and the waste of some fine actors. I'm hoping it will go away soon.
I totally agree with ALL comments!
Wouldn't it be a lot less stressful to be owing the money to your "Mum", which is what Rita has been to Tina for a longgggg time.
I figure Anna must be in her late 30s early 40s maybe? Couldn't she be the surrogate?
OR ... why didn't Gary and Izzy just try again? Doc said it would be fine!
~JB in Canada
The actors have done a brilliant job with a really rubbish story line. OK, it's soapland but none of it makes sense. Owen wouldn't stump up the money just like that and Anna would surely urge all parties to take it slowly. Agree with the post and Susan above.
Add to that, the silliness of Tommy saying 'I'm leaving' - who believed that? - and Rita sobbing her heart out, we are going through some summer madness at the moment.
I am really fed up and depressed by the criticisms of Coronation Street by one or two people. If you don't like the programme, complain to ITV Viewer Services.
Don't read the blog if you don't want opinions.
You had better stop reading it then, because that is exactly what you said, Flaming Nora. I'm surprised that you replied rather than hitting the delete button.
A blog that expresses opinions. How novel!
Gary is not even stable enough to be a father in my opinion. His manic behaviour when things dont go to plan prove that. And all Anna can do is jump up and down like a school girl saying she is going to be a granny! Obvously insanity in the family. Gary and Izzy hardly have a staple relationship either, they have already broken up twice and call me old fashioned but shouldnt there be a wedding or some kind of commitmenet before bringing a poor mite into the world? Absolutely bonkers storyline.
I am glad someone else has commented on Gary, as his behaviour has been incredibly selfish, and more than a tad unrealistic. A woman, especially one who has just miscarried, longing for a baby is understandable, but a man being blind to everyone and everything around him to be a father, is very hard to believe.
Owen was the one being villified, yet he was the only one that spoke any sense. They should all be encouraging Izzy to wait for a year or so before making any decision.
And unfortunately, I can see this storyline running for a year or two more yet. God help us!
It kind of feels like they are trying to destroy another great relationship (Gary and Izzy), as they did with Sally and Kevin way back. On top of that, it appears the producers just want to rush a "sensational" storyline to beat the other shows.
The story is so laughable....Gary and Izzy working at low-paying, unsecure jobs, yet Gary says he will find the money for IVF and is now possessed with the idea they HAVE to have a child immediately. Agree with the idea that insanity runs in the Windass family. Too bad these two top-notch actors have to be involved in this dumb-ass story!
I ahve to agree with much of what has been said. For me though, the most bizarre aspect of last night's 'drama' was Rita and her blubbing. Get over yourself woman! Dispensing contradictory advice and £15K cheques like Kabin sweets. Barbara Knox must have been baffled by the scenes she had to act out last night.
And, honestly, can't the writers come up with something better for teenagers to do than have babies?
Initially the surrogacy storyline bothered me because it was all happening too fast - Izzy deciding she didn't want to try again. Now, I can see the various points of view from Tina and Tommy, and thought that those two actors have done a (some may say a surprising) good job, but cannot for the life of me understand why Tina would rather bear someone else's child than take Rita's money! That doesn't make sense at all and is the real downfall of this particular plotline, in my opinion.
While this storyline may have had an unsual element that might have been interesting, I find it's all happening too fast, sends a terrible message about the value of pregnancy and committment, and defies logic. I question Gary's motives (to have a connection to Izzy forever) as much as I suspect that Owen's involved Tina to try to break Izzy and Gary up. I question Tina's motives, as she seems to be trying to drive Tommy away. Complete nonsense that she'd continue with the pregnancy rather than taking help from Rita. Speaking of control issues, perhaps those who object to negativity posted about Corrie should stop reading this blog rather than trying to manipulate others into not expressing their opinions by claiming depression; a real and serious illness affecting many.
I actually will be a voice of dissent here (what a surprise!) and say I don't mind it. It's not the best story but it's not on a par with the worst of Corrie recently (i'm thinking in particular the whole buying Maxy saga). Although it's been rushed, if it had been drawn out there would have been a chorus of 'Where are they going with this story? What was the point of blah last night?'
As others have said the actors are injecting believeability into it. Nowt wrong with a bit of sensationalism. I don't watch Corrie for gritty realism, Jimmy McGovern does that enough along with looking out my window to the real Salford.
Having said all that, the stories I love, the ones we all talk about at work the next day are the stories where characters are well drawn. These characters seem to be changing to fit a story the writers want to stick in, anywhere will do.
And in support of the anonymous poster above (although names are good) I too find it makes me fed up when you read certain posters commenting on every post with a negative remark. If you never have anything good to say, perhaps you might consider spending your evenings doing something else instead of watching Corrie, you might be happier? I don't mean this antagonisingly, so please don't get the wrong idea. Just wondering why...
Well Mrs Barton, I am becoming convinced that the true value of Corrie these days is having viewers tuning in to wonder how crazy things will get this week. In response, rather than praising the show, viewers now enjoy bashing the craziness. I am also convinced that few people watch soaps to feel happier, given their natural tendency towards disaster. As has already been pointed out by many, including our blog host, these comments are for providing opinions and without contradictions, I doubt people would bother reading them. Ultimately, I believe that comments that appear to be negative are often meant in jest and shouldn't be taken so seriously; this is all about fun. I was going to leave my name but I've decided that since I've discovered I'm much older than you, I'm not going to play by your rules. :)
There is no doubt about the stupidity of this storyline. I agree with all the naysayers and I'm thankful for the remote control.
The thing I don't understand is how Tina and Tommy can't get a loan or a credit card on their joint earnings, or never have been able to. No one on Coronatiion St seems to have access to credit cards or loans.
And yes I agree it's a stupid storyline. Dull too. I feel like Corrie has hit a low point this summer what with the silly Tracy vs Michelle feud and Stella, Karl and Sunita stuff too.
I want to see more of the Barlows and more of Gail, David and Kylie.
And I'm also looking forward to Carla and Peter coming back to hopefully cause more havoc on the street :)
People criticizing one storyline on a blog doesn't mean it's negative or that they hate the show or they're unhappy.
Coronation Street is a great soap but not everyone is going to like every storyline. It's OK to express that.
Wow....what an awesome discussion ! This is why I love this blog. Not many people are going to love every bit of Corrie all the time, yaaaay for the fast forward button and all that, but there's the odd one or two on here that virtually NEVER have good word to say, and that can get a bit boring and pointless after a while, ( ooops I think I just stole their two favourite words ;-). However, discussions like this.....love it!
The surrogacy thing is going from bad to worse, and while I like Gary since he stopped being a bad boy, his absolute obsession with having this baby immediately if not sooner is starting to grate. If he just gave Izzy a bit of time she'd probably change her mind.
As for Tina, I kind of feel for the poor thing. That Tommy is such a tosser, and threatening to leave her when she's only contemplating this to fix his mess. I can't fathom why she wouldn't accept Rita's offer. Silly girl. Maybe she worried about pissing Owen off if she pulls out now, who knows, but the sooner this is over with the sooner I can give the ffwd button a rest......me fingers getting sore!!
Wouldnt it be lovely if Izzy accidently fell pregnant and only found out she was pregnant when she was 14 weeks pregnant - that would be a great story line. She would have a bad bout of flu and just feel like this is why her body is playing up. Perhaps this is whats going to happen and all will be well
That's such a sweet idea Liz! I wish that would happen too! I'd love to see Gary and Izzy have a family but I just hope it's not through this silly surrogacy plan. I've always had a soft spot for Gary but I haven't been happy with how this surrogacy storyline has affected his character.
Yes that would be a good idea, especially if Tina was already pregnant! I wonder what the oddballs would do then! Opens up a whole can of worms.
Just saw this episode on YouTube last night and despite the fact I had read about Rita's blubbing, I wasn't prepared for the blubbing twosome of Tommy and Rita....good God you would have thought Tina had just been mowed down by a taxi or brutally murdered, the way they carried on! Rita, during her chat with Tina, mentioned she didn't throw her life savings at just anybody, so maybe that added another reason Tina said no to the loan or gift. I'm also puzzled by the fact that Tommy and Tina have their knickers in such a twist over the money owing to Tyrone. It's not as if he is part of a loan shark operation and their lives are in danger....pay it off when you can....and tell Kirsty to piss off!
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