There have been a lot of negative comments about the surrogacy storyline. People already think it's gone on too long and are getting frustrated with it. Not me.
I am enjoying it and enjoying thinking about what's going to happen. I didn't think Katy would be the surrogate because of the finances. But then Owen got involved and Katy got uninvolved and now Tina has decided to do it for the money to bail out Tommy's debts.
On the surface, it seems like the perfect fit, even if it's not strictly legal to be paying money for it but that never stopped Owen before. It seems to be the kiss of death for Tina and Tommy's relationship and Gary has latched on to the new plan with his usual single-mindedness. He's determined to persuade anyone and everyone that needs it in order to become a dad.
But I don't think it's going to succeed. And this time maybe it will definitely come down to the cash. Rita has offered her Favourite money in the past and it may be Tina's turn this time. It would get Tyrone and Kirsty off their backs and it would pay off Tommy's debts. They'd still owe money but at least Rita wouldn't be rubbing their noses in it at every turn. Owen's not made of money and I don't think he'd end up being able to afford the 15K plus 7K every time they have to do the treatment because it doesn't work first time out.
In the end, debts will be paid and there will be no baby. Gary gets to love Izzy and they'll probably get a puppy that will be forgotten and will disappear in about 8 months.
Like it or not, where do you think this is going? Will there be a baby at the end of it?
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I think Tina will have the baby, and end up wanting to keep it. You'd think after what happend with Graham and her Chinese friend, she'd be staying away from stuff like that!
I hate it when people complain that storylines "go on too long". If a storyline is stuck in a repetitive cycle - like Michelle's agonies over not being Ryan's real mum - then yes, fair enough. But the surrogacy storyline has developed from Izzy's pregnancy onwards, moving to a new level each time.
I like the way this storyline brings together two long running plots, and also, some characters who haven't really interacted. It creates an interesting dynamic.
Oh..I get it..Owen can't hire Tommy because he "plain can't afford it" or so he told Tina, but he can find 10K for Tina to pop out a kid for his daughter. How stupid. If Tommy had a job, and with Tina working, the bank would loan them the money they needed to pay off their debts.Brain dead writers.
I don't think it's likely that Rita will be the one to bail Tina out. Rita sold the Kabin to Norris three years ago and spent much of the money on cruises and her wedding. She only has the flat and her pension as I'm not sure if she gets paid for helping Norris out or if she just does it to have something to do!
That's about priorities though. Owen can't afford to take on a new member of staff - that's just a business decision; but he can afford to give his daughter what she really wants - that's a decision based on the heart. Most parents would do the same, getting into debt if they'll make their child happy.
I don't remember the reason that Anna was not able to be a surrogate for Gary and Izzy..she would have been the ultimate choice.
Uh, Anna's a little too old to be a surrogate - not sure how old exactly, but over 40 for sure, and that alone should make her a poor candidate. And the idea of carrying her own son's baby just sounds sooooooo wrong.
I don't think Tina will end up being a surrogate; too many problems there. If they take the legal route, it will take longer. Frankly, that may not be a bad idea. Let them grow and and be frustrated and long for a family and demonstrate they'll be good parents (i.e., care for Faye or Joseph in a crisis). Maybe even Izzy will change her mind. Her caution is the only realistic element of the story. It's all happening way too fast; slow down.
Having always liked Gary and Izzy's pairing, I am also enjoying the surrogacy storyline. Whether we like it or not, I think the issue of Gary and Izzy wanting to start a family was always going to come up sooner or later and because of Izzy's situation, there was always going to be a hurdle or two along the way.
I can't quite predict what will happen yet but because Corrie likes to break new ground, I think there is a strong possibility that the surrogacy will go ahead. This would be a first for Corrie and quite a momentous occasion for Izzy's character. Even if Tina does not go through with it, I suppose Gary and Izzy will still have other, more legal, options. This is assuming that Owen still has some cash left!
By the way, is it just me or is Gary looking particularly fit these late summer days? I've noticed his tight, low cut t-shirts and faded, tight '70s style jeans! Must say I'm quite a fan ;-)
I can quite see that Owen would do all he could to help his daughter but, as others have said, he surely wouldn't want to do business with the local barmaid. In reality, a parent would say 'wait a year and see how you feel then' but this is soapland and everything happens at the double. I can't see this plot going the distance; Corrie would be worried about promoting (because that's how it could be seen) something that's not above board. Maybe problems will show up when Tina has health checks or she just doesn't get pregnant. As far as the debt goes, somehow or other it will be resolved.
I am surprised that Owen is preparing to enter into such a deal with Tina. He hasn't really known her that long and only employed her last week. He'll probably start handing cash to her and Tommy before she has even been tested and deemed fit for the procedures that lie ahead.
Why could Owen, Izzy and Gary not have approached a surrogacy clinic first and then taken it from there? Tina is a real liability and I understand why Izzy has so many doubts - I probably wouldn't be comfortable with Tina carrying my child either. Anna's reaction has also surprised me. She is just as keen on the idea as Gary is and seems to have complete faith in Ownen's risky plan.
I would love to see Gary and Izzy have a child but just not this way. Yes, the puppy is also is a possibility too!
I think Tina and Gary will get together.
Oh, Anna, I hope you are very wrong! Putting Tina with Gary would completely ruin the character Gary! Tina is just bad, bad, bad news for any plot.
I hope you're wrong too! This would be out of character for Gary. Aside from a brief break up last year he and Izzy have been together since he went to Afghanistan in 2010. Gary has declared his undying love for her all along and particularly so over the past few weeks. I think they're meant to be!
I don't think Gary is as emotionally stable as he seems.
I think something will go seriously wrong and they will split up.
Just a feeling anyway. I hope I'm wrong too.
There is no way Tina is going to pop a baby out and just hand it over. A lot can happen in 9 months, Izzy and Gary could have broken up - they always seem more like brother and sister to me anyway - imagine 9 mardy months with Tina, ye gods she is bad tempered enough already, imagine if she is pregnant. Its all been done far too quickly with stupid "urgent meetings" with everyone just walking out of work and Anna who should know better jumping about like a 10 year old. I would have thought Owen would have stayed the voice of reason but he become as stupid irresponsible and short sighted as the rest of them.
Unfortunately, I can see Tina and Gary ending up together as well. Tina is so obsessed, I just don't believe she'd be willing to give up the baby in the end. I agree with the other comment above, that Gary is not as emotionally stable as he seems. This will end in tears and disaster, with Owen shouting the odds about all the money he's lost!
This is Corrie. There will be a baby, have no doubt. Tina will hand over the baby, but fret about doing so. She will worry about whether Izzy is capable of looking after it properly. There will be an incident that indicates she isn't, although it won't be Izzy's fault. Tina will snatch the baby back.
Tommy will be happy to be free of debt, but then Owen will demand his money back. Tommy will argue with Tina. Izzy will argue with Gary. Katy will feel guilty and blame Chesney. Owen will argue with everyone and throw his weight around. Anna will play peacemaker.
There will be a ridiculous custody battle and Tina will win. She will get the baby but have no job and debts. Rita and Dennis will become surrogate Grandparents. Gary and Izzy will have to come to terms with not having children and will split up eventually, because Izzy can't live with the knowledge she can't give Gary a child.
Blimey! I should send my CV off right now!
I like the above comment, i could definitely see things working out that way. Although i could see gary and tina together, tommy gets to a point where he cant handle it and leaves, the gary becomes attracted to tina because she is the one actually carrying his child, he will keep it with tina and izzy will be left heartbroken and owen will spaz out. Lindsay in canada
well all good plans never work out,
How about if Tina did give birth to their baby and would be willing to hand it over to them,when the time comes but meantime Izzy gets pregnant again by nature And there's no way they are able to look after or afford two babies. so...
a twist in the tale!!! Maybe ...
This would be typical of real life though!
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