Well, there’s a couple of important weddings coming up over here in the UK ... yes, there’s still the royals in a bit but later this week there’s the impending double ceremony between David and Kylie plus Xin and Graham. Or possibly not, it’s all getting a bit complicated (as ever).
Tina is getting more and more perturbed over the fact that people are starting to believe the latter couple are, well, a couple. There’s hardly any opportunities for Tina and Graham to have it ... you know, it ... and when she does, Xin and Rita pop in, barely giving Tina enough time to jump behind the sofa and cover herself with a manky blanket that Xin has washed a new detergent which makes Tina sneeze. Rita wants the engaged pair to be a bit more respectful of Tina’s feelings, Xin just wants to get rid of the sneezing mice.

Speaking of Audrey, she has other things on her mind after Claudia’s fella Marc calls her in a blind panic. He’s at the police station but answering to Marcy. Yes, as we could all tell from the legs, that woman coming out of his house the other night was Marc in a killer dress, heels and blonde wig. He’s been beaten up rather badly as a result and could only reveal his true nature to Audrey who takes him home, gives him some (male) clothing, a bit of TLC and some bandages. Marc is planning on hiding from Claudia till the bruises fade and the swellings go down. On a side note, it was really pleasant to see that picture of Alfie in full mayoral garb in the background.
He’s alright Jim Macdonald, so he is, if you like your men bitter and abusive. Mary certainly seems to, making moon eyes at him over her vodka and cranberry. He’s thrilled beyond belief that he’s managed to make his way back into Liz’s bed but if there’s not something fishy about the money he claims he inherited from a maiden aunt, why is he making dodgy phone calls to raise the cash to buy the pub? Steve and Becky have decided that they’ll accept Jim’s offer so they can start afresh with Amy and Max. Hang on, they have met Tracy Barlow, who would just as soon clock you with a statue than try to sort out a problem. They’ve not got a prayer of escaping the pure vindictiveness that will drive her to hunt them down if they take a minute longer bringing Amy back from school let alone disappear to Spain. It doesn’t stop Steve from managing to get Amy to bring her passport to him, though. I guess they think that if it worked for Claire Peacock and the boys, it will work for them.
In the competition for best dressed car, Eddie’s efforts to impress Fay by picking her up in a taxi decorated with a huge ribbon wrapped around it is completely overshadowed by Kevin’s gift of a brand new motor, all part of his scheme to try to win Sally back. She’s not impressed and is having none of it or him.
New kid on the block Tommy Duckworth seems to be settling in nicely as Tyrone’s new lodger. He’s a Duckworth alright, making a play for each new female he comes across but neither Sian or Tina are interested. If he’s determined to get lucky, Deirdre’s probably his best bet.
That’s it for now from me. Glenda’s back next week after her extended leave so I’ll just leave a couple of packets of Tunnock’s for her over there with the new throw cushions. I tossed out the manky blanket, it was making me sneeze. Welcome back, Glenda!!
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OK, I'll ask the question, but I'm pretty sure no-one will know....
Did she receive any life insurance payouts from Hillman and/or McIntyre? If so, they'd have set her up pretty well.
I would doubt that Layman, insurance companies don't pay out on suicides, do they?
I think it depends on the policy/company - seems some do, some don't.
I'm not so sure about Joe, but I reckon Hillman would have looked after Gail insurance-wise - he loved his family, if nothing else.
Joe's policy probably wouldn't have paid out as he fraudulently forged Gail's signature and Hillman's policy, if it did pay out, probably went to cover his debts. I imagine Gail's getting some sort of benefit but it can't be much.
Did Hillman have debts when he died?
I thought that sick lady died, literally days after he tried to kill Emily (and killed Maxine) which meant he needn't have attempted to murder Emily after all...??
(Long time ago, so I may be wrong)
PS - far be it for me to stick up for the writers at the minute! Just trying to reconcile Gail's bottomless purse in my own mind!
Well Joe's death was an accident while he was trying to fake his own death and he forged Gail's signture so knowing insurance companies and their loopholes they would have negated the policy.
Richard Hillman was in debt himself, remember how he cheated the Duckies out of £25k of their life savings, and he did commit suicide trying to take Gail and family with him, so the insurance compan would definitely not have paid a bean.
What on earth was she doing on Kylie's hen night anyway, sitting in The Bistro with her best Vinigar Gail face on?
Actually I assumed Nick gave her the grand to give to Kylie. He said he would find a way to stop the wedding and Gail asked to see him privately in the office just before giving Kyles the envelope.
Yes Cobblestone, it appears you're right from tonight's episode - Nick just said he's a grand down.
I wish they would make this sort of thing clear at the time.
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