Good grief but little Simon Barlow is lovely, isn’t he? If I had ovaries they would have spontaneously imploded after Friday’s episodes of cuteness. It’s almost as if a Valentine teddy bear, some penguins, and a crying koala shouting “I WUV YOU” were crushed up, run through a mincer, and made into a small human performance involving a battered sausage.
Cancer is a terrible disease, and it’s worse when you live in the antipodes; as a result Lucy dropped dead and left her son without any visible support. Peter was there to sweep in and rescue Simon however, bringing him back to Weatherfield and ignoring the facts that (a) he’s spent five years in Australia but has a Manchester accent and (b) he is quite clearly mixed race, and no relation of the very blonde Lucy.
Given all this it wasn’t surprising when Peter made a show of himself at the Nativity, rubbing himself up against the statue of the Virgin Mary in an inappropriate fashion and stubbing out his fag on the top of a donkey. Ken reacted to his son’s indiscretions in the usual way - by pulling a pained expression and running a hand through his hair - while Peter descended into a world of £5.99 vodka from Dev’s.
Things really came to a head when Peter accidentally set the flat on fire and left little Simon to fend for himself. Fortunately this was exactly what the youngest Barlow was built for. Perhaps retaining a genetic instinct related to Granny Val burning to death in the maisonettes, SImon was on the phone demanding his address for the fire brigade faster than you could say “plot contrivance”.
Since then little Simon has been a veritable fountain of wisdom, beyond his years and his Gizmo from Gremlins appearance. When he joined up with new best friend Joshua Peacock, a solid axis of cuteness was formed which threatened to overwhelm the Street; only the presence of Ugly Baby Freddie and Amy Barlow’s monobrow (v.6.1) stopped their precociousness from dominating Weatherfield.
It’s not enough that Peter Barlow should descend into an alcoholic fug every now and then so the FACE OF TRUTH Simon Barlow can descend to judge him absolutely. It’s not enough that a tram falls on the Kabin and buries Rita under a quarterweight of bonbons; the true tragedy is that Simon had to spend an hour pressed up against Claire Peacock’s nightie in a wardrobe. In a crisis, Simon gives the best tearful reactions, and the producers love to exploit this. Rumours are that a forthcoming Hepatitis-B outbreak won’t become really significant until Simon shares a milk shake glass in Roy’s with Rosie Webster.
He is utterly cute, and utterly beguiling; one only has to look at Tom from Hollyoaks to see a child actor that you would actually like to see blown up in some kind of terrorist incident. Simon brings a grounding comedy to all his scenes - imagine how awful the Peter/Leanne confrontation would have been if he hadn’t been there demanding ketchup and silence while he ate. I hope that he grows up into another awkward teen who seems a bit out of place, like Sophie and Chesney. If nothing else, I’d just like to see them try and explain his Afro.
Well aside from all that, Lucy did move to OZ but when she died she was in England so could have been living back there for some time.
I actually find little Simon a bit wierd and creepy which the picture above with Amy confirms.
Thanks Frosty! I thought I was the only one! I agree he's cute, but he's also a little weird for a little kid -- a little too "smart" and smooth. Like a little man packed in a small body...
There, I said it!
As usual Merseytart - wonderful stuff! Had me LOLing and I rarely do that these days.
I just don't want him to grow up at all!
They seem to make all TV kids like that now, act like adults!
Surely he has a Lanca-sheer accent?
He's a very good and confident little actor; look at how much screen time he gets compared to the Peacock boys, or Amy.
Why do people think he has an afro????
I hear that a lot and it doesn't make any sense.
It's just curly hair.
probably will come out that Peter isn't really Simon's biological dad and we can go through all that 'who's the dad' anguish again. Kid is brilliant though.
Merseytart; thanks for cracking me up.. fortunately I only sprayed water on the keyboard...
Rebecca in TO
I have to agree with Frosty.
Simon gives me the creeps most of the time. In particular, when he was lost in Blackpool with his red jacket on, he so reminded me of the cretinous dwarf in Don't Look Now.
He's much nicer than that other horrible little brat, who oozes obnoxiousness. You know, the offspring of that mind-boggingly boring ex-stripper lass.
Didn't Blanche once make a comment about his 'Cleo Laine' hair?
I find little Simon a bit freakish and odd looking. He is also overly articulate for a boy his age. Freaks me out a bit. I have to turn over when he appears on screen and starts to talk.
yep that simon is a odd looking critter
i think simons dad is the sickly fat dude on the trivago tv add
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