Cosy crimes and gritty sagas by Corrie Blog editor Glenda, published by Headline. Click pic below!

Monday 14 February 2011

Peter Barlow: Heartbreaker

How fantastic was Chris Gascoyne tonight? Truly one of the Corrie greats, along with the fantastic Alison King - also at the forefront tonight. It felt fantastic seeing Peter finally tell everyone how disappointed he was in them all.

Everyone in his life except Simon had some sort of gameplan - sadly it will be him who suffers most from the events of tonights episodes. Seeing Janice back in action was fantastic too, a real rough character, but with a heart of gold.

Oh, and is it me or did Peter have an air of 'Scarface' about him tonight?


Frosty the Snowman said...

Er, not quite sure how you are regarding Bigamist Peter as some kind of hero? He is always so full of self pity. And as for "gameplans" his family and friends were trying to protect him. Dammned if you do dammned if you dont. To shout and carry on like that in a House of God is shameful. Let him get on with it by himself if he is so bitter and twisted with his only friend the bottle.

Dilly Daydream said...

Great episodes last night - although it didn't take a blind man to see that Peter was up to something, what with all the peculiar looks he was giving everyone. And I quite liked Tracey at times last night, it made a nice change to see her thinking about someone other than herself.

Sea Penguin said...

I agree re. Tracey - I don't think Kate Ford does "evil" very well - she's better when she's being a bit more "normal".
Janice was good - liked the knuckle-scraping line from Gail!

Tvor said...

Thoroughly enjoyed last night's episodes! Poor Simon, though, it's going to be rough watching his little heart break

Anonymous said...

I just love Chris Gascoyne. Please don't go....

Beth said...

ohh I know I'm jumping on somebody else's bandwagon here and I do apologise but living overseas we rely on the downloading on u-tube of the street. To those who help us poor folk out you do a fabulous service and we will love you for ever more - but please please please where is it.....?????? I'm on tenter hooks :) Can't read any of the blogs for fear of the plot given away

Kate said...

My favourite part of the episodes, by far, was Janice coming to Gail's - that was a brilliant scene. I despise Nick! Awful character. Let's have him go off to Milan now please.
In general, did not enjoy the episodes at all. Very gloomy, and I always liked Leanne and Peter together so it was sad to see how this turned out.

Anonymous said...

Ugh! THAT was horrible! I really wanted Peter/Leanne/Simon to be the one happy family on the street.

Peter may have wanted to hurt Leanne, but he wasn't really thinking as a loving father to Simon, was he.

Again it's another case of pot calling kettle black. I hate when people come off looking so damn sanctimonious (i.e., Sally).

And Tracey ... will someone PLEASE kill her!!

~JB in Canada

Nurse Florence Ganderpoke said...

Haven't seen it yet, but have always thought that CG has a touch of the Al Pacino's about him! Very good actor, who can emote a lot through his eyes. I hope he stays at Corrie (and stays with Leanne), but I do also feel him and JD are somewhat limited by it.

Anna Hughes said...

:( I really felt for carla last night.

yes she was in the wrong for not telling him.

but if she didnt tell him he would have found out anyway and hated her for not telling him.

yet if she had told him he would hate her because he would think that she was just trying to split him and leanne up.

so either way.... wether she told him or not... he still would have hated her.

like I said... felt really sorry for her last night and loved the scene with her and maria. :)

she really does love peter... the poor girl was heartbroken! :(

Carla deserves better than Peter!

Anonymous said...

Carla loves anyone who belongs to someone else.

Anonymous said...

I did enjoy the episodes last night, however, I lived in hope that maybe just at the last minute after Leanne pleaded, they would reconcile.
After a little while apart, could the writers let them reconcile? after all, neither are guilt-free?
in their past?

Jenna Stevo said...

really random.... but does anyone know where Carla's gorgeous coat/cape was from that she was wearing for the blessing, she looked fab!!
also thought it was a really good two episodes, cant wait for thursdays....
i think the whole cast deserved credit for making it such a good episode!!

maggie muggins said...

Wow, 2 well done episodes. But. Is this something that Peter would really do? It seemed somewhat contrived and way over the top vindictive. Though I have to admit, exposing the affair in public DID give Peter a chance to show how, not only was Leanne unfaithful, but how so many others hid it from him.

Poor Simon. Yay Janet! Boo Nick! Go away Tracey! Give 'er another chance, Peter! And I think Chris Gasgoyne is way better than Pacino, who is now a bit of a caricature of himself.

Chewy said...

Everyone has a go at Peter for doing this, but forget that Peter decided to let Leanne work with Nick at the bar, because he trusted her, the fact that she slept with him breaking that trust makes it ten times worse

Also I can't help but think if it was a woman who did that at the wedding everyone would be going on about how "he deserved it" and talking about how strong the woman was

Carolyn said...

This is the best drama on tv. Peter and Leanne acted brilliantly and it seems there is no way back for them. What a shame.

gab said...

im glad they split up personally-she was all high and mighty over carla fancying him but was cheating on him herself

as for protecting simon why should he stay with someone who has cheated on him for the sake of a child-not fair all round really

Anonymous said...

Peter's character is a bad tempered misery, always blaming everyone else, no thought for the little child. I don't know how Leanne put up with it. She should have stayed with Nick.

Anonymous said...

chris is the image of al pacino.


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