So after exploding and sending a tram flying off the viaduct above, one has to wonder, what does the future hold for the doomed building? I doubt Nick will keep the building for long as he seems to be blaming himself for Ashley's death. So will someone buy it, and turn it into a bar again? Or will it become something else?
Only time will tell...
Sunday, 12 December 2010
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I think Nick will be blamed for the explosion rather than he blaming himself.
He did seem to be taking it all very badly in Friday's episode
Chewy, where did the pic come from?
It's a screenshot from the "Behind the scenes of the live episode" video from :p it shows a tiny smidgeon of Christmas filming on there too
I don;'t think the pic would be regarded as a spoiler, as we knew the viaduct would need to be rebuilt :)
You would think that after this, they would not allow another business under there, especially one that utilises gas or other form of potential explosive. Maybe it's time they opened up the street again to the other side of the viaduct.
Hi Chewy, that's ok, I was just curious as I hadn't seen it as a picture before ;-)
Ah right :p
Maybe they'll just open up through to the other street like it used to be years ago. Or just brick it up altogether.
Can anyone remember what the name of the street is on the other side of the viaduct, that runs as a continuation of Coronation Street? Am away from home at the moment so can't consult my Weatherfield map in the 'Weatherfield Life' book.
Hmm, that just got me thinking - what a damp squib last week would have been if the tram had come off on the other side, taking out half of ... what? Mafaking Terrace, or whatever it's called. Although Ashley'd still be dead though.
There's an old map of Weatherfield here
Seems it's Jubilee Terrace on the other side of the viaduct.
I'd love to open up the viaduct and interact with the neighbours. Even after seeing the Weatherfield intro shots it still seems like they live in their own little world and cant get out.
The thing is that'd mean there would need to be either a greenscreen there permanently or they'd extend the set
They'd likely put up a mural like they have on the studio wall behind the viaduct opening behind the Rovers, i.e. Rosamund Street extended.
Thanks, Tvor. I love these maps, giving a wider context to the Street. Yes, a mural beyond the viaduct would at least creat the illusion of a wider world. Or maybe they might consider extending the set two or three houses into Jubilee Terrace, just as they opened up Victoria St. Personally I would LOVE to meet a character who lives in Maudsley Street which runs back-to-back with Coronation St. Despite all the close friendships on The Street itselt, no-one ever just pops across the ginnel to pop in for a cuppa with any friends from Maudsley St.
Well the set move is being confirmed soon - once they move they could build Mawdsley Street, which I'd love to see
Where is Inkerman (?) Street, where Stan Ogden met a 'friend' while doing his window cleaning round.
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