From July onwards, Corrie became must-watch TV again, so much was happening on the show and the community feel returned to the show after a few years without it. There was a real bunch of stand out episodes - Lewis' exit, Fishwick's death (complete with drunk Rita), Roy and Hayley's fantastic wedding, and Natasha Blakeman's stunning exit! So for this reason I will do the rest of the year two months at a time!
July : Carla returned and claimed Nick's Knicks as her own, and got new builder Owen Armstrong to rebuild Underworld. This coincided with Colin Fishwick dropping dead on John Stape, leaving him and Crazy Charlotte with a dead body, John decided to hide Colin in the factory until morning, he put the body in a 'sump' that had been found beneath Underworld. The next morning he discovered Colin was now beneath six feet of dried concrete! In real life, this was the month we found out a tram would hit the cobble in six months time!
August : Fiz finally cracked after Charlotte had been hanging around the street, outstaying her welcome, not that there was much of one to begin with! Fiz let off a Fizbomb in Charlotte's house and totally trashed it, then left John, John became a drunkard barfly while she was gone, then Fiz arrived back to announce to John she was preggers!

Over in the Bookies, Lewis conned money out of Peter after his relationship with Audrey began to get too serious - she wanted to move abroad to open a hotel! So Lewis did a runner, but not before kissing Deirdre on CCTV!
Peter discovered this and crashed Audrey's leaving do! Gail and Deirdre swapped a few harsh words. Let's just say Deirdre ended up with cake on her face.. .or is that Manchester Tart? Nick dumped Natasha, and Tasha discovered she was pregnant, Nick was shocked when he learned of the news and pushed Natasha away, Natasha then had a termination, only for Nick to turn up the day after wanting to be a dad...uh-oh!
Roy and Hayley's wedding was also in August and was one of the most magical and happiest weddings ever seen on the street, set mostly away from the cobbles, the street had a sing-a-long on the coach to the train station, then also on the train!
Though it wasn't all smiles and sunshine, as 'The Lovely Claire' discovered Sophie and Sian's secret, and promised not to say a word, well at least not until after the adverts! Claire revealed their secret to all on the train, thanks to Sally winding her up. This didn't stop Roy and Hayley from having a wedding day, they got married and their surrogate children - Becky and Fiz were their bridesmaids!
See also:
January to June 2010 on Coronation Street
Chewy, these are great!
Thanks, I was planning on doing only three (Jan-June, Jun-Nov then a final December one) but when I began writing this post I realised a lot more had happened in the second half of the year than the first xD I love writing them too, the last few months have reminded me of what drew me to Corrie initially :D
These are great! I agree! Wonderful wrap up to the year
Does the increase in quality correlate with Phil Collinson's arrival as producer? If so, it's pretty amazing what an impact that had!
It does, the first week he arrived was the week when the Stape story stepped up a gear (and when plots began moving slightly quicker)
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