It looks like very sad news for fans of Eddie Windass. Actor Steve Huison, who plays Eddie, has just commented on twitter today the following messages:
Seen as the News Of The World will be publishing it on Sunday, thought I'd let you know first that I'll be looking for work come March time.
Just for the record, I'm not being sacked, there's no scandal and no bitterness. It's a very dull story not worthy of the NOTW. Tea anyone?
Do you know what I'm really looking forward to more than anything else? A right bloody good haircut! Thanks for all the concern. Can't really say much more. I'm sure the NOTW will explain.
I'm gutted. I love Eddie Windass. I love his messy hair, his grubby dressing gown, his baking. Gutted.
Saturday, 4 December 2010
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Very sad to hear he's leaving, I hope Gary and Anna stay on
I've got nothing to blog about now :(( Terrible, terrible news.
Why is he leaving? I hope they have not got rid of him and keep the ridiculous Dev? If the truth be told I am getting right fed up with Corrie lately.
thank the Lord!
Gutted here too!
I never thought I'd say it but I'm gutted too.
Sorry for Steve, but can't say I will miss Eddie. I do like Anna and Gary though, so I hope they can find a realistic way to keep them in the Street.
Words cannot express the pain I feel loveys... I love that man - there I've said it!
Gutted :(
Wasn't too keen on the Windass family when they joined but I've grown to adore them all.
I will miss Eddie (not his dressing gown, though!), but wish Steve Huison all the best in the future :)
Oh this sucks!!! I luv Eddie's baking! And I've grown to realllly like the Windass family. Figures. There are some characters on Corrie I wouldn't miss at all and I'll bet they survive the tram crash. Crap crap crap!!!
I'm probably in the minority, but I've never properly warmed to Eddie, so his departure will make no odds to me. He always seemed too knee deep in that Les Battersby tradition. Having said that, Gary deserves to stay, as he's a brilliant character with loads of storyline AND character-driven potential - and Anna should stay too, but only if she loses the baby-ish intonation... (I'm gonna get whipped for that aren't I?!?!)
The Windass family without Eddie? Not possible! I wish Steve Huison the best of luck in the future! I can see him doing great characters in just about any drama or comedy. Will miss the cakes though. :-(
Woops, that last comment was from me, forgot to add m'name. And furthermore - I hope this doesn't mean they're cleaning up the Street to make way for Hollywood-ized perfectly groomed characters.
What a shame; Eddie although his character is rather despicable, he is weirdly likeable. Anyway to all the Coronation St fans out there, I say Happy Birthday Corrie
Eddie to leave and yet Michelle's still there. There's no justice.
its alright having tram crashes, however if they get rid of believable characters (and we keep on constantly get told the show is "character" driven) then it just makes a mockery,Eddie reminds me of Stan Ogden, he did very little, but was a brilliant foil for Hilda, and the partnership worked fablously, as it does with Anna. A stupid and sad decision in light of the 50th anniversary
Just realised he was in the Full Monty!!
As usual the chiefs get rid of good actors (with so much potential for future story lines) and leave in those who think they can act by pouting & frowning in front of the camera. Bring back Eddie!
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