Monday, 6 December 2010
Coronation Street tram crash - what did you think?
Was it worth the wait? Did it live up to its hype? Who's dead? Who's alive? And how much did you enjoy tonight's Coronation Street episodes - or maybe you didn't? Share your news and views about the Coronation Street tram crash with other fans, here on the blog.
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I thought the quick shifts between scenes just before the explosion was excellent.
If Peter and Rita are dead I'm going to cry.
I thought it was great except for the tram rearing over the wall at Molly like a sea monster!
Classic. Absolutely classic.
my favourite bits: Molly telling Tyrone he's not Jack's dad (wasn't expecting that!); Rita appearing to get up only for the back of the tram to come crashing down!
LA LA LA I CAN'T HEAR YOU!!! (at least for another hour or so)
I thought it was excellent - absolutely brilliant - and I loved the News at 10 bit afterwards!!
I thought it was excellent. Loved when a drunken Rita called Norris a "little twerp"!! Would like to know what caused the explosion in the Joinery in the first place though.
Was epic :D
Liked everyone cowering behind Ken at the end in the knowledge that if they stay there they'll be safe as he won't get killed.
Great manipulation of the tram. Head on shot of driver very well done. Agree Rita's predicament also very good. John needs to get that body under few bricks very quickly!! Molly and the baby, well what can you say? That's her a gonner. Who's going to look after Jack? I need a lie down...
Brilliant! Was on the edge of my seat in the second episode! John killing Charlotte and the wreath falling off the door was class! I'd like to know what caused the explosion? Trams must like Rita! :P
1. Wasn't expecting Charlotte to go 'Under the Hammer'
2. Wasn't expecting Molly to 'fess up to having an affair and Jack wasn't Tyrones son.
3. Gas leak eh? cowboy builders, remind me again, who did that place up?
Rita & tram (especially after Alan Bradley)
The doc in the Rovers.
Max going missing.
The face of the tram driver as the corner shop approached after hitting the brakes and realised there wasn't enough time to stop.
Ashley hugging Peter because they were all off to France soon.
Bad points:
Rita buried alive in a sea of sweets.
Not knowing the actual fate of Molly & Jack - although, I'd be pretty sure they were both goners for sure :-(
Feeling Tyrones heart being physically ripped from him by Molly, there was a point you could almost hear it breaking.
What an episode!!
WOAH. That was amazing. I was on the edge of my seat. It really goes to show it's brilliant when you don't know what's going to happen. Stop, hammertime, Molly's reveal and Rita getting back up were all massive shocks to me. Okay, i could tell the CGI was just that but i really didn't care. I was shouting at the telly and as tense as can be. I really hope Peter and Rita are okay! I couldn't bear it if Rita died! I cannae wait for tommorow's live ep. This is history in the making. Well done Corrie.
Mostly excellent acting & filming. Slightly disappointed with head on shot of tram coming over the viaduct, just looked slow motion & fake. Couldnt help but think that Norris was going to be very very annoyed about all the spilt Pick N Mix.
It was brill! Hope Dev is dead as he is SO annoying! I heard that kev and sal bring jack up.
That was incredible! All the times my boyfriend moans about the soaps, yet I think that was one of the best action sequences I've ever seen. And I had to watch it on my own! As someone said earlier, the sequence of scenes before the explosion was fantastic. Was anyone else screaming "STOP!" at the tram?! Just me then... well done Corrie, you'll always be the best of the soaps.
All done very well, fine acting and the sharp montage sequence before the crash was fantastic, built up the tension no end, highlighting the "character driven" aspect of the story. Best point - the very dishy Dr Carter!
It`s sad that ITV stage a disaster for so called ENTERTAINMENT. BADLY done ITV. There are people out there who have been traumatised by real disasters and loss of loved ones.
What a sad way to boost ratings.
Ap loved teh episode, true horror, something I would expect from cinema, not soap. Brilliant camera angles so we could see exactly what Molly would have seen, I will be surprised if I don't have nightmares tonight!! Can't wait for the rest of the week!
Coronation Street has always been a Class Act.
what would you have suggested they do Caroline?
I thought it was superb!!
I was sat open-mouthed watching it. I loved how there were other story lines in too, instead of focusing just on the explosion and crash. I hope John gets caught,
I'll be devastated if Rita's dead!
But disasters do happen and now we'll see the community rally together in true British spirit.
One thought - did Tina say Graeme was 'up town'? If so, could he have been ON the tram?
Is John going to be clever and plant charlottes body in the rubble, or is he too shocked and will just get busted asap?
sorry to ask so stupid but why was ther a explosion in the first place..? happend why..?
was mentioned early on there was a problem with the cooker so they had to make cold food, thats the reason
Fabulous, much much better than I'd expected - the tram coming off the rails was brilliant! and Stape with the hammer and another corpse to dispose of. Couldn't have been better (here's me that didn't want a bloodbath..;)
Does anyone know where I can watch this online? I live in Canada and can't wait 9 more months!!! lol. If someone could upload the full episodes to megavideo or something that would be amazing!
Although I do sympathise greatly with anyone who has been traumatised by a real disaster - the contents of tonights programme were well know before airing, so I think enough was done to deter those who would be offended from watching.
It's not about boosting ratings - it's about celebrating the longest running Soap in our TV history.
A fitting episode I think - well done Corrie!
AMAZING. No, wait: AMAZING. Loved it all - the ramping up of the tension, the way characters were moved in and out of the doomed Joinery to tease us about who would be there and who wouldn't), the way John got more and more desperate (anyone else want him to get away with it?). The wreath was a wonderful touch. Special mention to the brilliant Graham Harper for his direction.
The SFX fell down only in the shot of the tram heading through the gap - apart from that it was brilliant, particularly the roar as the rear carriage came smashing down on the Kabin.
Roll on tomorrow!
Loved the way John Stape was dialling 9..9... just before the crash, very obvious he's going to take the opportunity to hide his latest crime. I will be devastated if Rita is dead though. Can't wait for tomorrow's episode.
Carolinelarman, people are traumatised by illness, deaths of loved ones, affairs, shootings, car crashes, and all sorts of disasters, and all make for good fictional drama. If you take your argument to its logical conclusion we shouldn't have anything bad happen on TV for fear of upsetting someone.
Rebecca, I think Tina said Graeme was having a quiet night in. I assume he'll be ok, already been in hospital once in recent weeks.
A huge round of applause and a standing ovation and chocolate biscuits all round - superb plot lines, direction, acting, subtleties, effects, the whole package was spectacular. The bit where the tram came off the tracks was amazing - I had completely forgotten about that because I was so wrapped up in the blast in the joinery. Need a lie down in a dark room now.
Can't believe it Geoff
Truely excellent. Cannot understand anyone criticising that episode for any reason whatsoever.
The best bit? That unexpected flailing carriage crashing down last!
The tram flying off the viaduct looked very superimposed to me, but good montage beforehand. Nice build up, and ok - I had to hug a pillow throughout!
Just fantastic. Was so emotional watching the tram approach the Street and then plough into it! Have started to feel a lot of sympathy for Molly recently, and then seeing her run with her baby was just heartbreaking.
But excellent stuff and can't wait for the rest!
Great stuff.
Were were Gail and David while everything was happening? It would have been interesting had she turned up in the Rovers with the Doctor there!
As for death, can I throw Nick into the ring?! It would allow Peter and Leanne to get married without any past problems rearing their head.
Martin... - Apart from Carla ;)
Oh well, just give her a drink - unless of course she is in the rubble ;)
Loved the idea of Rita getting toppled by a jar of mint imperials! Not keen on the tram coming over the viaduct as it looked as though it was on a flying carpet. Thoroughly enjoyed the pre-crash build up though. The fight in the bar was pretty good as was Molly's despair. The wreath on the Stape's door - a wonderful touch but the hammer horror sequence wasn't so good!
Wonderfully crafted episode, whatever else you might think about manipulative plot convolutions, absolutely full of dramatic tension.
In effect, the whole thing centred on John Stape's plotline, the catastrophe as it does affording him a god-sent opportunity to cover up his impulsive and desperate bludgeoning to death of the irredeemably bonkers Charlotte. Amazingly, I still feel sympathetic towards Stape, eejit though he has been on multiple occasions (he really was unlucky to have been stuck with Charlotte) . However, now that he has actually murdered someone, soap law says that he will go down for it. Poor old Fiz and her unborn Stapey-child.
The rest of it was just great, and tied in all of the other story lines ingeniously. A lot of questions are going to be asked, and answered - though not all - in the coming weeks. Most importantly - where is Max? I'm hoping (and expecting) that he's snuggling down in Jack Duckworth's pigeon loft.
Come away, 50th anniversary.
ok, I don't normally (ever) watch - but tonights episode was brilliant - very slick - fitting 50th birthday episode - soaps aren't my thing, but I think I'll hang in for the carnage :)
Well done!
Fantastic stuff!
What a night!
Quite simply the best episode of any soap opera I have ever seen. I used to watch the show with my parents/grandparents until around 2007, I decided to jump back in a few months ago knowing that this storyline was coming up. It was even better than I expected. I've already watched the second episode 3 times. Looking forward to the rest of the week. Loved seeing the first episode too. Congratulations to all of the cast & crew.
@anonymous following marcyincny
Nobody flames on this board. Disagree, but be respectful. (Moderators: can we get rid of anonymous postings?)
Even Rita's little visiting Doreen detail was perfect (oooh, do I miss her). John, it was an accident, come clean or be very very clever. Hope Molly was able to protect Jack, that our offscreen friends are okay, and can't wait to see the rest.
Did Claire tell Becky she was looking after 4 kids? Which ones? Josh, Freddie, Russ and Simon? Where were Dev's two meant to be? He was with the stag do, and Sunita was in the shop.
The expression on John's face when he came out of the house and saw the carnage was priceless. Was it my imagination, or could you see the cogs just beginning to turn in his head as he saw a way out? The contra-zoom in on him with the phone in his hand when he was still inside the house, just after the explosion but before the tram, was cool. Was his 99... moment a deliberate reference to Richard Hillman's, do we think?
I loved Rita referring to Norris as "the little twerp"
Another highlight for me was the lovely scene with Ken and Deirdre that ended with them walking away from one another along the street.
I thought Alan Halsall's performance was particularly excellent. "The baby's not mine, Sal." Becky Hindley was also very good as demented Charlotte.
All in all, truly thrilling, brilliant episodes. I'm really looking forward to the rest of this week's.
Oh, the drama! Even though I saw many preview photos, stories and the video - it was still all surprising and beautifully told! I thought the tram falling after The Joinery gas explosion blew up the tracks was perfick. Of course it fell in a jaggedy way because the tracks had an almost zigzag pattern where it broke off. Horrifying, I say, horrifying!
I've hated Stape up till tonight. It seems the theme we got to see was evil characters showing us how they were driven to be that way. Like with Molly still telling Kev he could come with her & babby Jack. Last chances all round - before the clackedy-clack sound of doom sounds for the last time.
Charlotte's attack on John & his convenient murder in self-defense was weirdly filmed, but understandably. Watching it again, it made more sense as she hit the door and the wreath fell.
Worth the long wait and looking forward to seeing it unfold. This is definitely awards material.
The SFX did look slightly dodgy in some places, but for the budget of the show it was very impressive. I found it underwhelming at first, but when I watched it again I realised how powerful and emotional it was. Well worth the wait.
Just watched it here in the US. My husband was willing to turn of his Monday Night NFL and WWE just to watch this with me as he has gotten into the show leading up to this week but was never before. Worried for Rita, I suspect Molly is a goner but not sure about baby Jack. Was surprised how John got rid of Charlotte but husband has seen things like that before (he is police) but stil shocked us both. I am assuming the fire in the Joinery was due to a gas leak that lead to an explosion. Happens sometimes here in the south when it gets cold and people start up their gas fireplaces for the first time in the season like now (we are at below zero celcius temps in Georgia right now) Cant wait to get tomorrows episodes, would like to have someone upload the itv news links as well for torrents in addition to the Gary army diaries.
for those canadians wanting to watch the latest corrie, here you go!
Wow! A brilliant two episodes in every way. And still no-one can touch Coronation Street for it's prefect blend of drama and humour, even when it involves a murder and a catastrophe!
I can't help thinking that there is always someone who says the SFX looked fake (you should see the Doctor Who boards!), but actually it only looks fake because the viewer KNOWS it isn't real, rather than actually looking it. I actually slo-moed the last couple of minutes (mainly just to check if you could see the train driver throughout - and you could!), and I found it hard to tell how much CGI was actually used.
I can't wait for the rest of this week's episodes, although personally, I just wish they weren't doing an hour of it live, as I think it'd have better to record it all.
When the tram came off the track toward the shop, I actually screamed out loud. The scream woke up the three dogs who were asleep on the floor in our living room and caused them to all jump up on me.
I thought it was seriously the best thing I'd ever seen on television. The whole crew and cast should be very proud of what they pulled off with last night's episode. The editing was incredible. We must have rewatched the last 5 minutes 15 times last night. My gut is telling me that Rita will be fine but it's so up in the air for the folks in the Joinery and Molly and Jack. I too loved that the wreath shot off the door when John hit Charlotte. I'll not miss her at all.
I really think that the producers were able to make us, the viewers, feel as shocked by what happened as the group of folks left standing on the cobbles last night.
I hope the next episodes contain some grim northern humour to help dispel the tension. That's what Corrie is famous for after all.
Is to much to ask that Nick is dead? The acting is even worse than the Adam Rickett era and he is FAR TOO OLD!
I normally find CGI to be fake and obvious, even in the movies (for things like this anyway) and i thought this was very well done, quite believable and i wasn't sitting there groaning at the cgi work, so well done crew!
The explosion, i believe, may also have been cgi but the resulting fires i think were real. It was all very good work for a television show. Money well spent!
I too worry about wee Maxie! And Graeme! I am hoping he nipped out for a kebab or over to visit David.
And i also agree the Molly and Tyrone stuff was probably the best of the dramatic stuff, followed by John and Charlotte.
Poor Rita came off worst. Not only did a tram fall on her, but several Double Deckers as well.
I'll get my coat.
martin.... I very much doubt Carla will be in the rubble ;)
Seeing the tram driver's face throughout the crash was truly harrowing. I loved every moment of this episode and do not regret that I ruined a million storylines by watching it. I just couldn't wait the 10 months to see it here in Canada!
Me and my mum kept screaming at the adverts. Half an hour isn't enough! Great episodes and can't wait for the live episode.
I thought Monday night was amazing! All the cast did an amazing job and skipping scenes just before it all unfolded was amazing. It really made you think who was going to be near by when it happened. I felt really heartbroken for poor Tyrone, he doesn't deserve that at all. John has had a lucky escape, I don't think he will every be caught for that. Also, I think that Leanne will marry Nick and not Peter. I'm not sure why but there must be a twist somewhere with that surely? I also have a feeling that Max was responsible for the explosion in some way. Not sure how though! Where were Dev and Sunita's twins through all of this? There has been no mention of where they are.
Floating around the rumour mill I have heard that Sunita and Rita don't die. I'm hoping this is true as even though I don't really like Sunita, there are others I would rather see go. Rita can't die, she's legendary! Where are Norris and Emily through this as well? I expect Norris will be curtain twitching throughout! Can't wait to see the rest of this unfold and remember guys, Coronation Street have promised us AT LEAST 4 funerals and 1 wedding. I for one will definitely be hoping for more! Enjoy it for the rest of the week, I'm sure it will be brilliant!
Yes, they're billing it as Four funerals and a wedding, but come on! we know the entire week's events take place during one night ... so the wedding has to take place at night? Come on, people, think! How could a wedding possibly take place at night? Only in the most EXTREME circumstances ... I really am not going to like where this is heading. It's going to be heartbreaking.
Just going to say one more thing: 'Grandad George' ...
A Cuppa and a Bickie - thank you for this link!!
BC, Canada
Just sorry that monkey face Charlotte still has a pulse, that storyline has been wearing me out for weeks!
I think Carla is behind it all, she was acting very shifty!!
living in Canada Sucks!!! we are only at the part when Sian and Sophie come back!!! and that is happening this week comming up (originally aired sept. 2o, 2010)..... i have been watching this show since i was 7, so for 14 years... i just want to get caught up... the time difference is rediculous!!!
Canadians can see it by logging into the CBC's website. All the episodes are there.triverpr
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