Thursday, 9 December 2010
Coronation Street live episode - what did you think?
So, what did we all make of tonight's 50th anniversary, 1 hour live Coronation Street episode? Did it live up to its hype? Was it a let down? Did you spot any mistakes? Does anyone deserve a special mention? Come on, don't hold back, let rip here on the blog and share your thoughts with other Corrie fans!
live episode
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Made me cry lots of Great Drama but please Dont let Rita die
Made me cry Lots Great drama but please Dont let Rita Die
Blew EastEnders out of the water
actors performed very well, you couldn't tell it was live!
Wept buckets. Brilliant.
Technically perfect, with superb performances.
SO proud of Corrie!!!
Wept buckets. Brilliant.
Technically perfect, with superb performances.
SO proud of Corrie!!!
Who died?
Also wept buckets! Didn't see any mistake or anything wobble!
Well done, would never have known it was Live! How can John Stape be so stupid!!! Should have made sure that bitch was dead.
Extremely slick - and no fluffs as far as I could make out. The cast and crew must be breathing a huge sigh of relief right now!
Well done to them all.
Brilliant episode! Everything went smoothly - no mistakes I think. The ones who stood out:- Sally, Molly, Leanne, Peter, Claire, Steve, Becky, Fiz and John. But no Deirdre, Gail or Emily? And Rita didn't speak. But she'll be in the limelight tomorrow night.
Agree with a lot of the comments, acted superbly, but have to say (like the comment above) 50 years and no Betty, Deirdre, Gail, Liz, Emily?! Let itself down badly there, leanne and gary windass deserve awards.
SENSATIONAL, from this side of the screen I saw NO mistakes.
WELL DONE ITV , the actors and the dedicated CREW.
No idea how a whole hour of such powerful performance was sustained live! What a top tribute to 50 years of Corrie. Gobsmacking shocks and incredibly moving death scenes - no other soap comes close.
absolutely fantastic.... hope everyone is now enjoying a strong drink, also well done to all the 'extras'
The girl in the wheel chair stood up in the pub. Was that a mistake? Did anyone else see it?
There was one slight camera wobble when Audrey had the mobile phone with Claire in The Rovers... Aside from that, it was perfect...
Izzy - the girl in the wheelchair - has hypermobility syndrome. She isn't paralysed, but uses a wheelchair as walking is hard for her. I thought it was very fitting that she stood up to tell everyone about baby Hope.
Yes, I was confused to se Issi standing at the bar!! All very good though, I liked Peter, don't know why he has to leave?
Thought the episode was absolutely brilliant. Well done everyone.
See here about Izzy
Shock can do be amazing, izzy can stand up! After spending years in a wheelchair and after the trauma of a tram crashing in the street, she stood up in the pub to announce the birth of baby stape !
The only mistake was the fireman said he'd get Sally a hard hat but she didn't have one on when she was with Molly
Now THAT is how it's done! Didn't feel live, what a slick operation they've got going at Corrie. Well bleeping done to all. I noticed the teeny tiniest of mistakes but nothing in comparison to the fluff-fest that was EE live. Happy bloomin' Birthday Corrie, chuck!
My transcript of that exchange between the two fire fighters in tonight's live ep about "the guy we found trapped in the car".
Would be surprised if this death was someone random not known to viewers. IE An unlucky stranger driving nearby at the time of the gas blast. Suppose it's possible but..?
Lots of wheelchair users can stand, and transfer from one place to another, they just can't walk.
I think Sally had a hard hat on when she first got to Molly, but pushed it off when she crouched down. I was surprised the rescue crew allowed her to keep it off though.
It was a very complicated action packed episode and I think they all did a sterling job. Congratulations to everyone involved!
P.S. They will resussitate Peter won't they? :-/
The live episode was Corrie at its best. Obviously a lot of work and rehearsal had gone into it and it really showed. On the whole, brilliant acting, directing and scripts. I really wish they would cut the number of episodes per week, so it would regularly be like this.
It is a pity a couple of characters seem to have emerged unscathed. When Dev said he wished he had been in the shop, I'm sure the nation agreed and furthermore, that the tram landed a direct hit. And Ben Price.... He wears the same faintly irritated expression, whether he's emerging from rubble, talking to Leanne or reflecting on events. Is it too much to hope that he has some fatal undetected injury?
For me Sally Dynevor stole the show. Totally believeable the whole way through and brilliantly subtle at the end. She should get a BAFTA.
Flawless performances from the whole cast really. Well done to them all!
I felt everyone shone, but if I had to pick a stand-out from tonight's live ep, it would be Jane Danson.
I have never used a blog before but feel I must pass on congratulations to the cast and crew - An excellent show - hard to believe it was live
why was john stape wearing the cheshire constabulary police id badge, when him and fizz went to see the baby and fizz never asked him no questions?
Great performance, only fault for me was claire's inablility to cry at ashley's death.
Peter, Leanne and Sally stood out for me.
corrie was absolutely brilliant tonight - on a number of occasions i forgot it was live because the episode was flawless and such a lot of drama too, molly dying, peter on deathbed, john moving charlottes body and much more WELL DONE CORRIE !!
Perfect performance!
Absolutely brilliant great fault free acting, tears Leanne Sally Claire and laughter mad mary !! in cafe with norris shes great.and Gary Windass fab acting sorry it didnt go on for another hour.By the way Issy stood up like that in an episode earlier in the year.
Brilliant, I too kept forgetting that it was live!
People have mentioned Claire not shedding a tear...shock does strange things to people!
Tears aren't always the first emotion shown when you receive such shocking news in real life!
I thought everyone did a fab job and I only noticed the 'hard hat fluff'.
Jane Danson definitely stood out for me :-)
absolutely loved it! Worth every penny we pay to be able to watch it here in the US.
The acting was marvelous, I was in tears half the time.
I do hope they find Rita tomorrow night.
I loved it tonight its was brillant the cast done a really good job. I hope peter doesnt die he is a brillant actor. cant wait to see it tomorrow night. :)
Was a great performance, the only mistake that I noticed that hasn't already been mentioned is, when Izzy got up to make the announcement about the baby, she said it was a baby boy!
Did anyone notice that Hayley called Audrey Rita when referring to Audreys relationship with Fred and being Ashleys step mother? Other than that very well done!!
John in Cincinnatti, how do you watch it here in the US? I am about to watch it via a way but wish I could watch it more often. This weeks episodes have been great so far
Please tell us John in Cincinnatti! I have to find it anyway I can . I'd be willing to pay anything to watch Corrie regularly here in the US!
Nichole, Aimee
I'm not John but I am a US viewer. I watch low res RM versions from $12/mo via paypal and she gets the episodes up within an hour or so of UK airtime. Not sure if it's entirely legal, but unless you get the CBC, I'm not sure if there is a legal way to watch Corrie since Amazon VOD dropped it in June.
Congratulations from Ireland!!! I kept forgetting that it was live as it was flawless. Excellent acting, excellent camera work, excellent stories. Far better than I ever imagined it could be!! Eastenders could learn alot from Corrie!! Well done to all, the hard work and efforts certainly paid off!!! Ten out of Ten, 100%, pure excellence!!!!!!!
Just posted this on another thread, but I'll repeat it here:
Worst acting last night - Fiz, without a doubt.
Carla was getting right up my nose too, why was she even there? I know she's a "friend" of Leanne's but still .....
I really hope Peter doesn't die and I hope they find Rita PDQ!
I thought it was fantastic considering it was live!! brilliant acting, leanne was my favourite...
I think i spotted a small blunder.. when kevin was telling the doctor he was the biological father , he said but jack must never know.. i think he was meant to say tyrone? ... but who cares it was all fantastic!!
Just fabulous!
Mind you, i hear line flubs in the prerecorded stuff on occasion too.
I"m sticking to my guns. Peter is going to survive!!! He has to!!!
I'm going to have to listen to that bit about the father of three again. Why would they say he was just driving by ... sounds an odd wording if it was the other accident that delayed them from getting to "ours"
Well Fred did propose to Rita at one point so she could've been his step-mother. Hayley didn't make a mistake.
I'm with you Tvor - Peter's GOT to survive. Brilliant episode, loved it!
Anonymous - that has been mentioned on another soaps thread and found (on a rerun) to be actually 'Tyrone must never know.' Didn't notice it myself though!
Thought the whole thing was amazing. The cast were amazing. The crew were amazing. If the only thing people can find wrong is Sally's-hard-hatgate, then wow! How amazing is that with all the action, special effects, trauma, drama, nail-biting, tear-jerking, tissue-dabbing, heart-breaking, gut-wrenchingness that was Corrie - the LIVE show!
Awesome, team. Just awesome. it is expensive, but legal and allows access to all channels.
Also, one can get a UK portal through licensed ISPs.
Last night's Corrie says it's worth any amount.
Thank you Anonymous and John in Cincinnati!
Loved every moment of it. I think we only picked up the mistakes because we knew it was live and on hyper alert for any screw-ups.
My only question is: how the heck did crazy Mary and her massive motor-home get into Weatherfield so quickly when the full rescue crew can't even get in because of the back up on the motorway?
Not sure if this is a mistake or whether i just misheard, but when Carla went to see Leanne at the hospital, she said that Ashley died and Nick was ok, but then said 'I thought he'd [Nick] be here see how Ashley was,' Was she supposed to say Peter?
I've only just recently finished watching last nights live Corrie (sorry, was busy and couldn't watch it with everyone else at the same time!)
I still have wet cheeks and I am as much an emotional wreck as some of the characters in the street. Charlotte has a pulse! So long Molly & Ashley.. someone PLEASE discover R'Rita and lets hope Peter pulls through... please...*grabs tissue*
I don't think in all the time I've watched Corrie (lifelong viewer thanks to parents/grandparents)I have ever been taken on such a dramatic roller-coaster and I do hope the ride doesn't end as abruptly as it began!
It's really been phenomenal end to end and I guess the continuity means that the omnibus edition would make more sense.
I do very much hope that this weeks drama and action earn Corrie every single award there is as it's been more than well worth it all.
Absolutely fantastic from start to finish! I was on the edge of my seat, and cried buckets for Molly, Ashley and Leanne! The whole cast were superb, with oscar awards going to Leanne, Becky, Carla, Molly and Sally!!! Way to go ladies!! Loved every minute! Made Eastenders attempt at a live episode look very lame!!!
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