The paper quotes "A Coronation Street insider" who said: “Show bosses see Michelle as the new Bet Lynch and think she’s got a huge future ahead of her. She is young, gorgeous, a great actress and hugely popular with viewers. They think she’ll be the sexiest barmaid in the history of the Rovers.”
The article goes on to say that in the tram crash later this year, Tina will be seen rescuing drinkers when the roof of the Rovers caves in after a tram crashes into the Kabin and the Corner Shop. Those inside the Rovers are trapped and Tina will be among a number of heroes who come to the rescue. So, sounds like she'll not be amongst those getting killed off, then?
Yay, because I like Tina and Michelle! :)
Naturally she'll get a job in the bar, nearly every attractive woman does at some point.
As for Tina rescuing folk from the rovers, if the tram is going down at the other end of the row, how is the Rovers going to collapse without the whole side of the street going down? They also said David was being played by Thomas Ormson who hasn't played David in over 10 years.
The bridge over the road between the Medical centre and the Rovers suggests a track runs over there, but presumably the track and trams are all invisible as it'd have to run directly over the ginnel!
Unless they are using the crash as an excuse to rebuild that side of the street (and I think we would have heard about that!), I can't see how the Rovers would be affected at all.
Anyone noticed how the "rumbling" of trams can now be heard quite clearly in scenes now? But who catches these trams, most people either get the bus at the end of the Street or use Street cars, no-body ever mentions catching a tram, but I expect that will change at Christmas!
I quite like Tina. She does need to ease up on the tanning. She looks like a lobster in some scenes. Same goes for "Dave".
"Dave" who's added a Mephistophilean (if almost invisible) beard to his tan, I noticed. How Mechiavellian.
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