I know I'm jumping the gun a bit here - after all, Jack's still with us. But nobody needs a crystal ball to know that it's not going to be for long. I'm guessing of course but it seems likely that there will be distressing revelations about Jack's health this week.
I'm in mourning already. When I first heard that Jack Duckworth was leaving the cobbles I thought - oh well! not that bothered. He isn't around much anyway, these days.
But now that the reality of his fairly imminent departure is kicking in - I'm in a bit of a bad emotional state to be honest.
When Vera passed on, I was sad but not devastated (a Corrie-obsessed friend of mine was in absolute BITS). But when Jack "goes" - well, I've got a real soft spot for him and I'm stocking up on hankies already. I'm glad that he's not getting wiped out in the tram crash - that would be most unfitting. Bill Tarmey's been in Coronation Street for over thirty years - probably most of his adult life if my sums are correct - I sincerely hope that the writers treat him with the respect he deserves and that he milks his final scenes for all they're worth. Best of luck to you Bill.
I saw about 4 seconds of an advance clip where Jack dies and I tell you, I was choked. Better stock up on the hankies before this one airs methinks!
There's something of the romantic "broken-hearted, can't go on without you" about Jack dying so soon after Vera's death.
I know. I'm in bits already.
Today in Canada we heard the last from Blanche Hunt. "Hallelujah!" was her last line in the show. And I tell you, I was ferklempt. And now thinking about Jack, even though it's just the character that's dying,well it doesn't bear thinking about. Hail and farewell Bill Tarmey! You will be missed. Enjoy a well-deserved retirement.
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