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To add insult to injury, Audrey sacks Natasha from the salon and Gail just loves it that Nick’s going to come running back home to his mum. Well, he doesn’t, not yet, not when he finds out that he’s got a Barbicide of his own on his hands when Natasha tries to do away with herself with a little help from vodka and pills. Now, oh now, Audrey feels a twinge of guilt. “I sacked her,” she muses. “We all sacked her,” replies David, glaring at Gail. “But one of us enjoyed it.” Nick rushes to th’ospital where Natasha comes round and he gives her a kiss and cuddle but Natasha’s head is a mess and a muddle that’s going to need anti-depressants and counselling to help. With nowhere to go, Audrey offers Natasha a place to stay and when Nick finds out, he pops round with some roses and a half-hearted invitation for Natasha to move back in. At first Natasha’s excited with the news, but Audrey warns her not to get her hopes up but she piles on the make-up, flicks-up her hair and cabs it back to the cobbles where she gives everyone what for and what great scenes these were.
First, it’s David in the salon who she knocks down to size with a couple of bite-size biting bitchy remarks. Then it’s to Leanne in the bookies before hitting Underworld where she humiliates Nick in front of everyone by revealing the nicknames he uses at home for his workforce. Sean is incensed to know that Nick calls him “limp wrists”, Janice is “the grunting garden gnome”, Julie’s “Jackie O”. “But she was a style icon!” Julie points out before Natasha remembers, “I mean Jackie No” Nick’s nickname for Carla’s ”Mount Everest” – frosty and too big to mount. With that, Natasha heads to the medical centre where she gives Gail grief in front of the medical centre’s patients and Betty who sits open-mouthed, taking it all in. Doctor Matt comes out of his office to find out what the commotion’s all about and when he discovers Gail’s breached patient confidentiality he sacks her on the spot. “You can’t do that!” yells Gail. Oh but he can, and he does, and if he so wanted, he could prosecute her through the courts. With everyone told what she really thinks, Natasha turns on her heel, jumps into a cab and takes her leave of Nick and the Street. I’m so pleased they didn’t kill her off and hope she’ll be back, she was great.
Elsewhere, Eileen Grimshaw has never been a dogsbody, never, so why she’s degrading herself working for Owen Armstrong who treats her like dirt, is beyond me. I don’t understand it. Eileen would’ve and should’ve told Owen where to stick his petty cash box by now. But no, she’s gritting her teeth and as Owen turns nasty, Eileen gets her revenge, one cheque at a time when she’s left in charge of Owen’s accounts. The first thing she does is write a cheque out to Jason for wages owed by Owen. When Owen finds out there’s going to be trouble with a capital Oh ‘Eck.
Over at the Websters, Sally and Kevin breathe a sigh of relief when Sophie returns. Sophie rings Rosie who collars Jason Grimshaw to drive Kevin’s car to pick up Sophie and Sian. There’s hugs and kisses all round and Sally wants to know what’s going on between Rosie and builder-boy Jase. Rosie rolls her eyes to suggest nothing’s going on. “He’s so thick!” she opines, rolling her eyes again once she’s sensed the possibilities of their IQ love match. Mind you, while Sophie’s folks are happy to see their daughter again, Sian’s dad is less pleased that his daughter’s in love with a girl: “You grubby cows!” and spits out and storms back to Southport sans Sian. When he returns he’s got Sian’s mum in tow but it makes no difference, poor Sian’s parents are dreadful and walk out after shouting at Sally and Kev. There were some brilliant lines from writer Jonathan Harvey in these scenes with Sally offering Sian’s parents a seat on the sofa: “I’ve made some coffee. Would you like to sit soft?” Then there was Sally pointing out to Sian’s mum that Rosie went to a private school. “Which one?” she asked, peering behind the cleavage and legs. “Saint Trinians?” And Sally pointing out that there’s no law against lesbianism, “I know because I’ve Googled it.”
Over in the Kabin, Rita has a few tears when she finds out that her credit card’s been cloned and used by someone she doesn’t know. “They’ve bought a telly and a barbeque and… “ she pauses “…something from an adult shop!” Norris finds out his bank account’s been hacked too and puts the blame on Tina and Graeme, forgetting his laptop has been out of action and in for repair.
In other news this week, Ryan started college at WIPA (Weatherfield Institute for Performing Arts) and Ciaran contemplates a job offer elsewhere.
And finally this week, Jack moves back in with Tyrone, Molly and the new baby. He tells Tyrone over a pint in the Rovers that that’s nowt wrong between him and Connie, he’s just missing Tyrone and new baby Jack, but there was something in the way he told Tyrone that he wanted to spend as much time as possible with them all, that suggests there’s more to Jack’s move than he’s letting on. He puts a brave face on and asks Tyrone for a gossip catch up (he should really read this blog!). Tyrone leans in conspiratorially and whispers: “You know that Sophie Webster? She’s Lebanese!”
And that's just about that for this week.
Coronation Street writers this week were Chris Fewtrell, Simon Crowther, Carmel Morgan and Jonathan Harvey.
Glenda Young
Blogging away merrily at
Natasha's exit was really good - so glad she confronted Gail. And great to see Betty and Jack around as well.
Brilliant line from Tyrone! ROTFL!
Oh, so many good lines! Natasha's honesty rampage leads me to wonder if maybe she should have been more honest before, in a nice way. Ya know, assertive? But what would be the fun in that?
I bet Rita & Norris's credit card fraud happened when the computer was being repaired after the bath water damage. Didn't Norris say he found an IT guy in a flyer?
Thought it a bit random that Jack would just turn up with his suitcase and a but cheeky actually, as they have a new baby and he doenst live there any more and wont talk about the "problem". Bill Tarmy does not look well at all.
I was in the UK visiting friends, so could watch 2 of this week's episodes in "real time"... and what a pleasure they were. From Natasha sticking it to David and Gail (so richly deserved).. to Sally's lines with Sian's parents (the line about googling it had me rolling). What a great set of episodes.
Rebecca in TO
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