They say that Gail is going to face prison (again? yawn) for Natasha's suicide. The story in the paper goes that Gail reads Natasha's medical records at work and discovers she's had a secret abortion. She tells Nick and he dumps Natasha, who kills herself.
What is it with that family and abortions? Gail almost aborted David, Nicky forced Leanne into having an abortion, Gail paid for Tina to abort David's baby and now this... if it's true, that is.
I can see the first bit, but facing jail? Not likely.
I'm guessing this is possibly a fake story or a hyped up version of events (Carla to go to prison following her shooting Tony)
IF this is true...
ITV execs review the success of the Gail in jail storyline and lacking any sort of imagination decide to do it again in the hope of a repeat perfomance from the ratings.
Maybe I'm just too cynical
What would the charge be to get Gail in court again.
This is a highly unlikely story.
She'd be breaking the Data Protection Act by revealing a patient's private medical records to an unauthorised third party.
Unless of course she ends up back in a cell for a week or two with our Tracie...? Maybe Tracie then gets let out on compassionate grounds :-)
sounds a bit stupid and fake, gail won;t go to jail again, she only recently got out -_-
This kind of sounds like the kind of thing Gail might just do.
Agree. And if Gail does break the Privacy act she does deserve to go back in the slammer where she'll once more reign supreme as the ratings grabber! She's definitely more interesting as a jailbird than whatever she is now!
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