Sun has a Coronation Street spoiler in it today that says Claire and Ashley Peacock will leave the Street after they're accused of child abuse. Claire will be arrested when she babysits for Dev and Sunita and they accuse her of physically abusing their son Aadi.
Claire flees Weatherfield, but returns to clear her name - and it emerges that little Aadi got the injuries in a fight with Simon Barlow. However she tells Ashley that they must leave for good.
Beyond caring about these two. Can Graeme buy the butcher's?
Yes, interesting -wonder who'll take over the butchers or if it'll close down and reopen as something else. Can't see Graeme taking it over as he's got no money but Roy's Rolls could extend into it.
I dont like the sound of this, couldnt they just have had them move away?
I wonder what will happen to the butchers too
I was never all that interested in this couple; but it seems most of their problems involved their kids, and now this.
I suppose it had to be something really big to make them wish to leave "the street" for good.
So many changes for such a small street, when one character 'goes' it affects many others.
I like the Peacocks, and this sounds like a poor storyline for them to go out on. Dev and Sunita have known the Peacocks for a long time, they know that they're good parents, so it seems a bit extreme for them to accuse Ashley and Claire of child abuse. The rest of the street also know that they're a decent family. Many other characters are 'allowed' to stay on the Street even with criminal records...John Stape kidnapped Rosie and is now accepted on the Street. So we're supposed to believe that the Peacocks feel forced out even though they have done nothing wrong?
No this is a horrible idea. Ashley and Dev are good friends, don't ruin that :O
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