What would you buy your character for Christmas?
Phil loves an event or experience so tickets to something like a meal or wine tasting. If not, a
nice watch or designer shirt.
What is your character’s Christmas wish this year?
To have the family Christmas he’s always wanted and craved. Phil will also be hoping for a
kiss under the mistletoe from his favourite redhead...
How do you normally spend Christmas?
With my mother, she does cook a mean Christmas feast!
What is your favourite Christmas memory?
I was lucky enough to have Christmas in an alpine lodge in Switzerland one year. We had a
log fire and went tobogganing on Christmas Day. It was magical.
Do you have a Christmas tradition?
Yes, we always have new pyjamas on Christmas Eve to wake up in on Christmas Day. We also
always hold a big present back to open on Boxing Day.
What’s your favourite Christmas present you’ve ever received?
It has to be my first racing bike when I was 10, it was a beauty. However, being with Fiz and
the girls this year will likely knock that off top spot!
Have you ever re-gifted a present?
Sssshhh but yes. Even though I’ve had a beard for a million years, people still insist on buying
me a shaving gift set…re-gift!
What is your favourite part of Christmas dinner?
As a veggie, it’s all the trimmings. My favourite has to be the good old traditional favourite
brussel sprout, it wouldn’t be the same without them. Although I have had some mean
veggie pigs in blankets lately.
What is your favourite Christmas movie?
ELF! Followed by Santa Claus The Movie
What is your favourite Christmas song?
It’s probably Driving Home
Glenda Young
Twitter: @Flaming_Nora
Facebook: GlendaYoungAuthor
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