It was only a matter of time before lovely Emma found out the truth about her liar liar pants on fire fiancé. She's not the sharpest sandwich in the picnic and, as she said last week, she always sees the good in people. Me, I'd have wanted to see an ECG report before I believed anything about incurable heart conditions from handsome young men, even if they did have nice cheekbones and ruffleable hair. Anyhoo, Em finds Curtis's pill box, which he will need whilst he's in the peak district, i.e. Levenshulme. Whilst she is trying to get hold of him, she watches a medical soap in which a doctor says the exact same thing that Curtis did re: Harvey on the night of the sunny storm. And whilst she's pondering that, Ruby takes one of the "heart pills" and Emma takes her to A&E. The doctor tells Emma that the pills are vitamins!
Mrs Crawshaw does a home visit with Daniel, and tells him they need good teachers like him and he needs to have some meetings with his mentor. Surely his mentor should've been a bit more active in the first place, e.g. telling him not to give lifts to female pupils, even if they live on the same street. He and Summer aren't allowed to talk to each other, to Summer's distress. Meanwhile the school has an excellent new topic of gossip and "Mr Osborne hearts Summer" has been magic markered on the classroom whiteboard.
Sally and Maria don their lovely hot pink hi-viz vests to butt heads over the Xmas market, but Sally offers to give the crimper some tips for the upcoming "buffing up her brand" press conference. Their rivalry is comedy gold, especially in the hands of Damon Alexis-Rochefort.
Meanwhile, the insurance company is going to pay up for Speed Daal's post-conflagration renovations but Alya still feels guilty about everything they've done. Maybe she can speak to her boyfriend about getting away with murder? Meanwhile, Zee's ex-wife Marrium rocks up to tell him that her brothers have been arrested re: the fire. I have to say that Zeedan does attract some attractive young women, despite his terrible hair.
Adam tells the factory "girls" that he used to be known as Flora because he used to spread it around so much, much to Sarah's disgruntlement. She wants to know how many women Adam has enjoyed the favours of, but Adam has lost count. This is pillow talk, Sarah, not shouting over a table in the Bistro talk.
And that's about it, rather surprisingly. See you next week!
Rachel Stevenson - on twitter

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Considering that she got pregnant at 13,dated the Grimshaw brothers[was even married to Jason] ,dher ex fiancee Gary is her landlord and her children have two different fathers.I don't think Sarah is in any position to judge Adam.
Besides,surely Sarah was aware of Adam's dating past long before this?
Poor Emma indeed!
As well as great drama, Corrie has got its brilliant sense of humour well & truely back.
We have literally been laughing out loud at so many episodes recently in our household.
Not a coincidence perhaps that there are loads of great female characters back at Corrie's core - Jenny, Debbie, Abbie, Daisy, Sally, Alya, Kelly, Asha, Abbie, Amy, Tracey, Mary, Emma, Beth, even Maria has been great at the comedy lately when she has the right characters to bounce off.
Yes I laughed out loud at "mechanical Baby Jesuses" and the Sally/ Maria/ Mary/ Gary chats. Classic Corrie comedy gold.
Ruby is too old to mistake pills for sweeties. But there had to be a way for Emma to discover Curtis' deception. I just hope they stress his mental health, and don't make him a golddigger.
I also don't remember Adam killing anyone and hiding a body (Sarah!), although he did use Tracey's flower shop to secure a loan for his law office (did everyone forget about that?) Truth to be told...Sarah also slept with her sister in law's ex..making her son Harry a brother and a cousin (by marriage) to Max.
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