What would you buy your character for Christmas?
I would probably buy him a trouser press - he loves a suit! As Nick is getting older, he is
getting more and more pernickety about how his suits are. He is back in the Bistro and that
equals more suits for Nick so I would get him a trouser press.
What is your character’s Christmas wish this year?
Nick’s Christmas wish is for Sam to get back to his normal self, that is all he wants now. Nick
has gone from being quite machiavellian and a bit ‘out for himself’ to his whole direction
being towards Sam. He wants Sam to speak again, that would be his wish.
How do you normally spend Christmas?
I spend it with the kids and the family, there are tons of people coming in and out. Last year
was a bit different obviously so it was a smaller Christmas. I usually try to take the dog out
for a walk in the morning and get away from the present opening, I let that all happen! As
the kids are getting older, Christmases are becoming easier and we all chill out together.
What is your favourite Christmas memory?
When my kids were very young, when they were seeing Christmas for the first time or when
they were seeing what Santa was for the first time. I remember putting a mince pie out with
little footprints in the casting sugar and my daughter said, “Santa’s been!” Seeing Christmas
through a child’s eyes is really special, it’s those magical moments.
Do you have a Christmas tradition?
I have none… but my wife has loads, which I always forget! It’s the tree, then you can open
one present the night before, then there’s the stocking, then when you wake up it’s not
presents straight away… it’s a bit of breakfast, then it’s presents… I can’t remember them
all! The kids like that. I am just quite happy to be there, I just roll with it. The dog will
normally come up and lie on the bed as if it’s Christmas for her as well.
What’s your favourite Christmas present you’ve ever received?
As a dad, either someone has forgotten or the present is soft and it’s either socks or
underpants. It’s not really what I get, it’s the way that it has been given. The kids think they
are giving me the best present ever and it will be a pair of socks. When I wear them, they
will be like, “Dad, you’re wearing them!” so it’s not really the gift, it’s me interacting with it
for the kids. I remember one year we bought that game Pie In You Face, where you get pie in
your face and that was one of the best Christmases… because we all got pie in our faces!
reveals her Christmas wishlist
No, I always say to people just get me one present and I’m fine. Slippers are a good one, I’m
good with them. I have definitely been re-gifted things; I have been regifted something once
and it still had the label to the other person on, and I never said anything. It was something
awful like a tea tray, something I would never use. It had, “To Peter” and I’m thinking, I’m
not Peter! It made me laugh.
What is your favourite part of Christmas dinner?
I am not a big turkey fan so I like everything else. I like the little sausages, roast potatoes and
a bit of pudding. I love lighting the Christmas pudding because each year, it is a nightmare; it
either doesn’t go up or it goes up way too much and everyone gets frightened!
What is your favourite Christmas movie?
It’s A Wonderful Life or Die Hard. And yes, Die Hard is a Christmas film. It’s A Wonderful Life
is something that I can watch over and over again, that’s really Christmassy for me.
What is your favourite Christmas song?
Oh, I hate them all! My wife always has them on a Spotify Christmas playlist and I can put
them off until Christmas morning and then it’s all day and all night. Everyone is singing along
to them and the more I don’t like them, the more the kids sing them!
Glenda Young
Twitter: @Flaming_Nora
Facebook: GlendaYoungAuthor
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