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Monday 27 December 2021

The Week In Classic Corrie

MONDAY - Episodes originally broadcast 5th and 7th and 8th November 1999

Buckle up folks; ITV have managed to muck up the broadcast of Classic Corrie again.  They missed out the episode for the 7th November entirely so I'm bundling the recap in here with the episodes they did show, using info from Corriepedia.  It was Freshco's fireworks night, opened by local dignitary Councillor Audrey Roberts and staffed by first aiders Roy and Hayley.  Unfortunately a rocket fell on the first aid tent and put all the volunteers in hospital, which rather undermined Roy's efforts to provide a safe environment.  Sarah-Lou refused to hang out with her mum and dad and Martin indulged her, winding up Gail.  He then made her even more angry by referring to her childhood as "a long time ago" (Gail's age here - a clearly decrepit 41, a whole ten years older than Martin).  Rita absolutely refused to give Ian the time of day and smarted whenever Sharon mentioned her marriage.  Rita told her she'd hold her tongue when it came to him, but she'd never approve.  Meanwhile Ian showed her a lovely house in Bolton which she thought was out of their price range.  He said they could easily afford it - if Sharon sold the Kabin.  And Liz wrote to Jim to say that she was marrying again.  He cried on Natalie's shoulder and, in typical Jim McDonald style, mistook her sympathy for a come on.  He made a pass and she had to ask him to leave, embarrassing them both.

TUESDAY - Episodes originally broadcast 10th and 12th November 1999

An impossibly cool dude in a soft-top car answered his mobile phone.  Who is this stud?  It's Devendra Alahan, making his first appearance, and answering a call from his cousin Nita.  She was chasing after Vik, who'd said he was visiting Dev but was actually having a load of hi-jinks with Steve McDonald in spin off Coronation Street After Hours.  Dev arrived in Manchester and offered to help Nita out in the shop while Ravi was away.  And twenty two years later he's still there!  Rita tried to make things up with Sharon over a home-cooked meal, but Ian blabbed about their plan to sell the Kabin.  Sharon was embarrassed but when Rita was unpleasant to the estate agent measuring up, she turned on her, and said she'd be glad to get rid.  Rita sadly cried in her flat over a 1980s publicity photo of Tracie Bennett.  A vet scanned Monica and discovered she was microchipped so Tyrone sadly took her back home.  It turned out the owner had run off and left his wife and she'd turned the dog out; she happily handed her over to Tyrone and gave him the papers.  She also confirmed that Monica was a racing dog and Tyrone suggested they race her.  Les was called into the DSS and he thought Spider was winding him up again.  This was a genuine interview though, and Rosa Klebb-lookalike Miss Finch produced the evidence that Les was working while signing on.  He was going to be prosecuted, and he launched himself at Spider in the pub, accusing him of grassing him up.

WEDNESDAY - Episodes originally broadcast 14th and 15th November 1999

Janice was disgusted to learn that Les had been signing on the whole time he'd been claiming he was skint.  However, she didn't want him to go to prison, and so she begged Spider to help get him off the hook.  Mike got an unexpected visitor - his son Mark, now played by Paul Fox and surprised to learn that Alma was out and Linda was in.  He thought she was a trollop - though she'll go up in his estimation before long.  Linda, meanwhile, was shocked to learn he had a son in the first place.  Rita felt humiliated that everyone was right to tell her not to hand over the Kabin to Sharon but Fred was kind and told her she shouldn't blame herself.  He stuck up for Rita with Sharon but she said it was none of his business.  And Vik returned from his spin-off having lost all the shop's takings.  Nita told him he'd have to repay it.

THURSDAY - Episodes originally broadcast 19th November 1999

Gary admitted that he needed help coping with the twins on his own.  He asked Emily to babysit, and she happily accepted, and he took the collection from the Rovers he'd previously turned down out of misplaced pride.  At the DSS, Spider managed to rob Les's file.  However, Miss Finch caught him feeding it into the shredder.  He got away with an official warning. Some of the blokes from the Rovers formed a syndicate to race Monica.  Tyrone practiced getting her out of a trap with a fake one made out of a packing crate.  It was hard work and Vinny offered to help, but Tyrone wanted to do it all himself.  Rita offered the asking price for the Kabin - £45,000.  Ian suggested pretending there was a counter offer to get her to bump up her offer, but Sharon had a rare moment of decency and refused.  She told Rita she could have the shop.  Gail tried to organise a happy family meal, but she forgot that the Platts are awful people.  Sarah-Lou wanted to go out and sulked because she couldn't while Martin thought she was being pushy, wanting to have a nice night with her husband and children.  What a monster, eh?

FRIDAY - Episodes originally broadcast 21st and 22nd November 1999

Sarah-Lou wanted a new pair of shoes but Gail refused to spoil her.  She went and got a job as a paper girl but Martin handed over the cash for the shoes anyway.  Unsurprisingly, Gail was livid at being undermined, and asked him when he was going to get round to having that vasectomy?  When he was less than keen she told him there'd be no sex until he got the chop.  The syndicate took Monica to the Red Rec to train her, using Vera's novelty slipper as a hare.  However, someone saw the dog shaking a bunny-shaped object to death and called the RSPCA.  They turned up on the doorstep of the B&B and Jack had to shamefacedly admit he'd been using Vera's footwear for nefarious purposes.  Spider gave Gary some forms to encourage him to claim the benefits he was entitled to.  He wasn't sure, and when he got life insurance money from Judy's death and used it to pay the mortgage, he felt guilty for profiting from her corpse.  Audrey went round trying to get people to buy £25 tickets for a Millennium celebration.  Remember that, when every pub and club in Britain charged eye-wateringly gouging prices for New Year's and the nation collectively told them to get stuffed and stayed at home instead?  Roy seemed to agree, and suggested that the Street organise its own Millennium party instead.

This is one of the few times I've mentioned Vinny because he's quite possibly the most boring character on the entire Street at the moment, and this is a Street that includes Ken Barlow.  Vinny fans can send me hate mail via Twitter @merseytart.

Classic Corrie is back on ITV3 from Wednesday, assuming they don't muck up the broadcast order again.

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