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Saturday 25 December 2021

Coronation Street Episode Review Friday 24 December 2021

Only a half hour tonight and by rights I should not be here but on holiday in Innsbruck; regrettably and without good cause the Germans changed the rules and made the holiday impossible.  I am not amused.  Having been somewhat down on Corrie in some recent posts I enjoyed this evening, possibly having consumed alcohol helped.  As did the appearance just before half time of the above two little bundles of joy.  The twins (Charlie and Lexi) have returned from Australia for Christmas and will be spending tomorrow with Abi and Kev (even though there is no turkey) thanks to Seb having setup the arrangement and Kev finding a letter and making it all happen.  

Ken recognises that Daniel is not over Daisy and tells Daniel that he should take Daisy to one side and before she moves on completely explain his real feelings.  Daisy however has an "event" with her footballer, Ashley, during which she realises that whilst he may have some positive attributes they do not match up to much between his ears, particularly when he scolds her over consuming a drink and does not laugh at her jokes.  It is off between them.  She makes it to Daniel's flat to tell him how she feels over the intercom - all of which is heard by Ken who sends her to look for Daniel at the Christmas market.  Her emotions have run high and she needs to sort out her makeup (above).

We can tell that Nina is suffering from PTSD,  as we have seen it before.  Carla has made contact with Roy and he might phone Nina tomorrow.  However Nina's stress levels are very high and Carla suggests that Nina joins the Barlow / Platt extravaganza in the Bistro (I am so looking forward to that - after all Nick was once married to Carla who is married to Peter who was once married to Leanne, whilst Carla's co-manager Sarah is married to Adam who once entertained Carla and I assume that Tracy will be attending as part of the Barlow clan with Steve who had a baby with Leanne, plus Emma slept with David - and I am sure there is more to be discussed) if only to keep the peace.  Nina is obviously not coping at present (as explained above).

Fiz is busy packing for the trip with Phill but also finds out that Ty will be on his own tomorrow as he has said he will not be spending it with Kev and the latter tells Fiz.  

And in an odd foreboding George was measuring up Eileen almost as Archie was wont to do (nice throwback) ascertaining her height and what sort of handles she likes.  I wonder what present he has in mind?

Noting Daniel's depression earlier in the day nephew Adam arranged a get together in the Bistro with Sarah, Sarah's new best mate Lydia and Daniel.  And with a striking brunette in front of him Daniel noticeably cheers up particularly when he recognises the book she is currently reading, Shuggie Bain, which is an instant conversation opener.  So he is wandering around the market when Daisy (foreground) finally spots him (above).

Which sets us all up for Christmas Day.

And assuredly in this episode people were not keeping apart.  Kevin comforting Abi, Lydia and Daniel above and Abi cuddling the twins.  No doubt all are being regularly tested - but it all feels rather more normal again.

Written by Jonathan Harvey and directed by David Beauchamp, Brett Fallis and Duncan Foster.


All original work on Coronation Street Blog is covered by a Creative Commons License


Michael said...

Didn't see the twins coming!! BEST Christmas present, EVER!!!

Anonymous said...

After the way she was threatening Kelly,I can't say I was happy for Abi when the twins arrived.
Kelly's homeless again due to Abi threatening Dev and yet she gets a surprise?!
I also have a bad feeling that there will be a kidnapping storyline down the line as Abi will find it hard to let the twins go.


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